My Name Is Aka Episode 24

Started by Mojoyin, Tuesday, 05 December 2023, 08:31 AM

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Episode 24

He drove until we were close to my street and parked.

"I will never force you against your will Aka but I still want to know..
"...When are you coming to my place, this coming weekend? should I come over and get you? I want to be with you Aka. you will spend the entire weekend with me"
"... Don't you wanna be with me and learn what it feels like to be loved? We're Young and filled with live, this is the time to have the best fun and live the best of it. I'm 24years and you're 16years, that's a perfect match. I really want to cuddle you up and kíss you and.."

"You're doing it again Tobe.." I said to him, irritated.

"Yes I know. I want to be your only man, I don't want to have anything to do with other girls or even attach myself to all this høokup girls again. I want only you in my life and I promise that you won't regret it. Be my girl and I will always be yours and yours alone.."

"Give me time to think about it at least. I can't jump at your offer yet because I don't feel ready but with proper thinking, I will definitely come up with a positive response.."

He smiled
"That's what I want to hear, you've made me happy. I will even help you get started with your life to-do list once you give me a positive reply. Going to school or getting a job, I will make sure your desires are granted.."

I nodded while forcing a smile, I just want to be gone from him.
The only clear intention I see clearly is his desires to sleep with me. 
His hands are all over me, touching, kïssīng and he brushed hand on my bréâst more than twice deliberately

I'm glad he didn't pretend or hide his intentions. He's vocal and likes me clearly but my body is the trophy for him. 

I thanked him and try to open the door but it's lock

He drew me back again and began kíssing me.

I pulled away from his hold.

",I can't help it, I don't want you to go either. I wish you will follow me home right away. Ever since i met you at the hotel, I haven't been with a woman, my body wants only you. Look at me.." he pointed at a swelling in between his trouser.
That must be his mânhøod swelling up, I had this goosebumps all over

"...touch it, please touch it you will understand how much I yawn to have you.."

"No, I can't touch it.."

", Why, I'm not asking you to use your mouth, I said use your hand and hold it a little for me.. please, should I bring it out for you to see..."

"God forbid bad thing. I will néver do that. Please unlock the door I want to get down. You're scaring me.."

"I'm not Aka, there's nothing wrøng in doing me this little favor. You're nerve, you're not too exposed, I understand that you haven't experienced a lot of things. I'm ready to teach you my love. Touching my thing, is very normal. Høokup girls and some others even use their mouth and sent me to paradise and beyond. You're almost like my girlfriend and I only want a touch that's all.."

"... you know if I wanted to take advantage of you and force you to do what you came to the hotel to do that day, I could have done that. I didn't Aka and I haven't touched another woman, I was waiting and hoping you will be mine and I will stick to only you as my woman. You've this soft body that I really want to devour before another man first me to It. I want you to be mine.."

I will say anything to get out of this car at this minute.
I have seen it all in this my young and lonely life.
Nothing surprises me again.

"Yes, I understand but give me little time and I will be yours..." Do you even féâr any consequences or have the thoughts of God maybe once in a while.."

"Yes, I go to church too..once in a while though. I'm a full bløoded young man Aka, even God will understand my plight. He didn't give me a mânhøod for keep, he didn't input all this emotions just for nothing, I didn't ask my månhøod to rise each time I'm attracted to a lovely lady like you. Do you want to start judging me now..? Are you holier than I am?

"Not at all, I'm only concerned. God didn't make mistake in creating you with your body necessities. You're meant to have control over it because is your body, it's your property, you're in charge of it and it only what you want it to do that it will respond to. If you decide not to touch me, trust me you won't. Your hand will respect your orders and stay put but if you send it to work, it will respond to both negative or positive orders.."

"You must be a preacher's daughter. Your father or mother must be a pastor right? You're intelligent and maybe correct but i still need you and will look forward to having you in my house.."

He counted money and stretched it out towards me

"... take this, is ten thousand but there's more from where it came from. I will give you more when you come visiting. Call me whenever you're done thinking about it and I will drive down to pick you. Remember I'm traveling next week, so hurry up with the thinking so that I will fix you up with something before I leave and when I come back, I will look into more better offer for you..."

"Thank you Tobe but the takeaway food is enough. I can't accept the money.."

 it seems like he was trying to buy me over with money, he probably saw my desperation for a job and maybe upkeep. If I keep accepting cash gift, the more he will continue having hope and thinking I belong to him.

"... please open the door, is already late I have to go now.."

"Take the money, you need it more than I do. Sincerely, I'm only trying to help you in my little way and nothing else. Don't reject my gift Aka.."

I collected the money and thank him again.

"Don't forget to think about my offer, I don't have much time here. Also call and let me know when I should come get you.."

I nodded as he opened the door. I was about opening the door when he said.

"You want to leave like that? No kíss, no hug, nothing from you.."

I heaved silently.

I turned and try to hug him instead but he kíssed me instead, trying to force his tongue into my mouth

He grabbed my bøøbs, while still holding me.
I try to pull away but his grip was tighter than before.
I had to bite him hard right in the mouth.

He released a scream and released me

"Aka, Why will you do that.."

I adjusted my clothes, quickly open the door and walked out.

Everywhere was dark, I checked the time and is already 9pm.

He followed me.

"...I'm sorry Aka, are you mad at me..." He said immediately he caught up with me.

"Yes, but is all good Tobe. I understand that my presence put you in the mood. I'm out now, atleast you're a free man.."

He chuckled, called me a naughty girl before slapping my buttøcks gently.
He reminded of his offer before walking back to his car.

I sigh in relief, quietly walked down the street to my compound.

Uche was in the room, sitting comfortably on the bed.
 I have been trying to avoid him all this while, I don't to have another encounter with him.

I went to Leba but she wasn't around, she's probably gone for her night Job

I went to aunty Julie and begged to stay with them for the night.
I put the food in their small fridge for tomorrow morning breakfast

As I lay on the mat that aunty Julie gave me, I just kept flashing back to Tobe

I don't know how much more I can overcome or why this men see my bødy for their pleasure.

I began to pray that God should help me not to fall as their prey but I will continue to overcome.
I also pray that i secure a proper Job soon so that I can save up and return to school.

I checked the date on my small phone, that man that promise me a maid job supposed to be back by now.

I will call him by morning, I'm hoping for positive reply and also pray he's back to the country.

I ended my prayers with many thanks to God before shutting my eyes to sleep.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH'S HEART STORIES)

Episode 25

"Over there is the pool, as you can see is clean because I pay the pool guy to make sure it remains tidied both when I'm around or away..."

"Yes sir.." I replied again that's has been virtually my whole reply as he took me around.

"You're not allowed close to my private corners, my pool, my gym, my study or my relaxing place, except you're asked to clean or you see the need to tidy it up. Do you understand..?

"Yes sir.."

"Is a good thing I have a chef, I don't need you to cook, your only work is to work wherever you're needed. If you're called to laundry, you've to do it well like your life depends on it. If you're asked to sweep or clean, make sure you put your best to work. I håte idleness and låzïness, stick to your job and I don't want to complain over anything not being done right. Do you understand?

"Yes sir..."

"Is not just repeating yes sir to my orders, I want you to ask questions wherever you do not understand, tell me anything that's confusing, point out something I haven't introduced or mentioned to you, remind me whatever I missed out, stop following me like a slave and chorusing yes sir to everything..."
"... you're not my servant, you're my worker and I'm your boss. This is not a military regime or a directorship. Feel free to ask questions wherever you're confused. I'm available from now to six more months. I will be off and on to my family house within this period but that shouldn't stop you in carrying out your duty effectively..."

"Yes sir.." I said absent minded.

He turned and looked at me with a frown

" sir, i mean I understand everything you said and will definitely ask if the needs arises. Ms Nneka already put me through some of this things" I replied.

"Good. That will be all then. since you don't have anything doing this evening you can go to the kitchen and ask chef Sylvester for your food after which you're free to return to your room.."

"Thank you sir..I appreciate" I replied before turning to leave, be called me back.

"Hey you! Aka... Make sure all the dishes are washed, cleaned and put away before you go to bed. Sylvester will also help out in that area but you're equally his kitchen assistance and remember your work is generally everywhere. If you don't have idea and what a maid does you are free to ask Nneka or read up on it. there's a small TV in the boysquatter sitting room, you are free to watch in your leisure time.."

"Sure sir, thank you..."

"Sylvester, Nneka the housekeeper and Duke the gate man said you're doing well. I didn't get any negative news about you after I return, no complain at all and that's a relief and I hope you keep it up that way.."

",I will. Thank you sir.."

He shakes his head "must all your replies be yes sir, I will sir, sure sir, you sir, okay sir.. sir...sir..sir huh? 

I kept mute

".. don't get me wrong, I'm very okay with your sir whatever but I also want you to know that sometimes, you can reply me with my general name. Mr law is the name some of my workers call me. Is that clear.."?

"Yes sir. I mean law, Mr law.." I stammered, cónfused on which to use

He chuckled, waved me off to leave, I quickly did.

After I was done with my entire job for that evening, I went to my room

My room is very comfortable, it has an in-built tøilet and a bathroom.
There's a big wardrobe space for me, my bed is a student size bed with two comfortable pillows.

It feel like a home for me, even though I know I'm only a worker here.
I haven't had such a luxury and I'm almost at my third month in this house, I'm enjoying my job.

After I called Mr Law, last two months, he sent address and asked me to resume right away and without wasting time I hurried to the address.

He didn't have time to take me round or introduce anything to me, he told me he was traveling again and will do proper introduction when he returns but Nneka will show me around.

He travelled again after a week and said he wasn't going to stay long
 he stayed for two months before coming back.
While he was away, there wasn't much to do and there was no need for extra expenses because almost everything was provided 

The other workers were very nice and friendly, we all related well and each person has a room in the quarters, which was beside the main building.

Nneka who's in her late thirties and told me that Mr Law is very easy to work with, I shouldn't be scâréd of his behavior or domeneering attitude.

If I can obey his orders and do everything he ask me to, then I won't have any prøblem with him.

She also mentioned that Mr Law is not very familiar with the country because he lives most of his life outside and his family are still outside while some are in Nigeria.

One of his parents, either his Mom or father is living in the country and he always go visiting.

Nneka said she was the first employer after Mr Law bought his house last year but the only issue is that he's hardly around.

I was elated, so free and happy in my new home and job.

I don't even have much to do, I sometimes spend alot of time watching television.

I wasn't expecting any payment but after the first month, I was given twenty thousand.
I couldn't believe it because it felt like twenty million.
I didn't even do much yet I was paid

Nneka said, Mr Law asked her to give me twenty thousand and on his return, my salary will be normalize, which means there maybe more.

I hugged Ms Nneka, thanking her repeatedly.

She was just laughing at my excitement

I decided to follow Nneka to the market one day, I purchased about six different academic book
I bought some novels too because I love reading.
I got few new cloths and foot wear.

I stopped by the barber to trim my hair, to make it very low and neat.

Somebody took my phone charger back at Uche's place before I came to work for Mr Law, I couldn't charge my phone or get pin charger for it, I was still talking about getting a charger when the phone fell off from my pocket while I was climbing the stairs one day, during my first week at work, to go clean Mr Law's balcony

That was how the phone smáshed.

Everything scattered, even the Sim card went missing.
I didn't even fright, I packed it and trashed.

The only number I have in my head is Mama Zaram
I speak with her with Nneka or Sylvester's phone.

I updated her about my God given job and how excited I was.
She was equally happy for me and wish me the best.

After Mr Law returned, which was after two months, he informed me that my salary will be thirty thousand naira and I will have to create a bank account for it.

I almost scréämed, it was too much.

Maybe he just want to help me because the work I do is not even upto ten thousand a month, yet he feed me, takes care of toiletries and I have a very comfortable place to sleep,
A whole room to myself.

He paid me twenty thousand naira for two months and said that since he's back, he will start paying me my real salary.

I didn't expect this kind of miracle, I felt like the luckiest girl alive.

This is my third month, it's still feel like a miracle.
I'm saving and also studying in my free time.
My life is getting back to normal and this kind of opportunity can only come from God.

As I lay, facing the ceiling in my room with my belly filled with food and my heart filled with gratitude.
I have an unfinished novel beside my bed.

I'm not yet in the mood for tonight's reading, I just want to reminiscing over my past life and thank God for his many kindness.

It may seem early to others but I'm counting my blessings as each day comes by and hoping nothing goes wrøng.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH'S HEART STORIES)