Standing out of the Multitude

Started by Ayanfe, Saturday, 25 November 2023, 01:14 PM

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The world is occupied with billions of human beings and many people do seem exactly the way you are. The world is quite crowded that if you're not careful, it is very easy to be classified among the crowd.

To stand out and not be classified with the multitude takes quite an effort.

To be different and unique in this crowded world, you have to embrace your uniqueness. Every human created by God was created uniquely with an embodiment of values, worth and virtues. Enough of you trying to look like or be like someone you appreciate. Don't lose your worth in a bid to replicate some other human being. Appreciate the way you walk, talk, think etc. You are not somebody else, you are you.

Another way to stand out and be an impact is to build yourself. Work on you, build your skills to become an expert in your field. Take courses that will help improve your weak areas. Be open to new opportunities and explore different areas. Challenge yourself to new tasks and appreciate yourself for achieving them.

Also, develop the growth mindset. Having a growth mindset will help you see opportunities in troubles. Don't get discouraged by your failures and mistakes, rather, see them as a means of learning and getting experienced. Your mistakes don't make you, they are just avenues for you to grow.
Thank you..

Oluwatomiigba Ayanfe