After we Collided

Started by EniOlaNimi, Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 07:36 AM

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After We Collided

In the dance of fate, our paths converged,
After we collided, a love story emerged.
No longer a playboy, lost in fleeting desire,
Her gaze ignited a transformative fire.

Before the collision, I was a wanderer,
Chasing shadows in the realms of fervor.
Then she appeared, the most beautiful vision,
A face that altered my life's whole mission.

Her sight, a captivating masterpiece,
She became the most beautiful, never to cease.
In the tapestry of love, we fell and twirled,
She, the enchantress, the queen of my world.

Her voice, a melody, serene and pure,
A symphony of peace, an allure.
Like the cool rain on a summer's day,
Her words, the solace, my heart's calming bay.

And oh, her fragrance, a lingering bliss,
After the rain, a sweet, gentle kiss.
A scent that lingers in the air,
A reminder of a love beyond compare.

So, here I stand, a poet enraptured,
In the aftermath of love's sweet capture.
After we collided, she became my rhyme,
The sweetest verse in the poetry of time.

This journey "After We Collided," profound,
From a playboy's game to love's sacred ground.
She, the best thing in life's grand scheme,
A love so real, it feels like a dream.

EniOlaNimi ✍️