My Name Is Aka

Started by Mojoyin, Tuesday, 21 November 2023, 08:12 PM

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I heard a knock on the door and thought it was my Uncle and Aunty that went out this morning.

"Aka, can't you hear somebody knocking..?" Nunu said while surfing the internet with her phone.
Molly was sitting comfortably on the sofa watching Disney animation on the television.

I was making lunch in the kitchen and had to suspend my cooking, I washed my hand quickly, use the kitchen hand towel to dry it before rushing out.

Nunu was repeatedly calling my name to go and answer the door while still focusing on her phone.

"Why not hurry with those huge legs of yours and go open the door.." Nunu shouted immediately she saw me coming out of the kitchen.

I was tempted to ask why she can't stand up to go check who was knocking but that will be trøuble for me.

She was the closest person to the door yet she found it difficult standing up.

I ignored her usually rudeness and went to the door.
I opened the door and went straight to the inter gate that connects to the living room door
"Good afternoon sir.." I greeted Mr Lambert
He is a very close friend to Nunu's Dad but his presence makes me very uncomfortable.

"Aka, how're you? I guess my friend isn't home yet, I called him on the phone and he asked me to wait.."

He walked in after I opened the gate and stood beside me as I was locking back the gate
His eyes traveled all over my body and settled on my bréâst.

", You're growing into a fine lady, is it not two years ago that my friend's wife brought you to come live with them..,? How old are you now..?

"I'm 15 sir.." I replied. I felt cold and irritated
He hungrily browse around my body with his cold stares

"Look at your breâst, they're big, hope no small boy somewhere is touching them..." He said it more quietly

"Yes sir.." I replied before going to open the main door that connects to the living room.

"Wait Aka, you're a fine girl do you know that? see your buttøcks, they're growing bigger too. It wasn't looking like this when you arrive to live with my friend and his family..."

I stood as he licked his lips while staring at my backside which I try to hide
"...let me touch it to know if is real or did you wore something huge that pushed it all out."
He made attempt to touch me but I stepped away from his reach.

I was shaking inside because he was not only a friend of the family, he was loved by everyone
He is rich and always giving gifts.
People love and respect him greatly

He always make disturbing comments whenever he sees me
I'm the only one that is never happy whenever he comes around.

" Is any boy touching you? You can tell me, I won't tell my friend or his wife. It will be between us.."

"Nobody is touching me sir.."

I said and rushed in, leaving him by the door.

"Who was knocking, is it Uncle Lambert? my Dad said that he will be coming today.." Nunu asked looking up from her phone

Just then the man walked in, Nunu and Molly  rushed excitedly and hugged him.

"Uncle Lambert, we miss you.." 8years old Molly said as Lambert lifted her up and gradually dropped her down while replying that he missed her and everyone

"I'm so happy to see you Uncle Lambert, my Dad said you were coming today, I was so excited.." Nunu said.

"Yes, I spoke with your Dad and he informed me that he went out with your Mom but they're on their way back..."

"Uncle Lambert.." Austin called out excitedly while coming out of his room with his headphone securely over his head.

"Austino, my boy. You're taller than the last time I saw you. I was here last week and was told you went for a piano lesson. Although I only stopped by briefly after my long journey to London to check up on my kids..."
"...What is everyone eating in this house? I was gone for only six months, the change is huge. You're all looking good and yummy.."

He looked towards my direction and smiled mischievously
Everyone chuckled happily as they sat down.

I went back to the kitchen, in no time i returned back with the children's lunch Which I set out on the dining while listening and watching as they squeeze around Lambert.

The children round him up, they began to fill him in on the things he missed out.

"Uncle Lambert I marked my thirteen birthday last month, my Dad said no party untill I'm fifteen but they did party for Austin when he was thirteen and fourteen.."

"Uncle Lambert, I did my own birthday in the school. My Mom bought a very big cake and many goodies for my classmates and I. My Mom said in my next birthday she will take me to see my favorite Disney characters. We're going to Disney world, I can't wait.." Molly sang excitedly as Lambert lifted her to his lap.
He tickles her by the side and she began to giggling childishly.

"Just don't get your hopes too high because Mom and Dad can disappoint at the dying minutes, unexpectedly.." Nunu said to an excited Molly.

Austin chuckled as he looked up from his iPhone to Nunu
"Dad refused marking your birthday because your grades are low. He said until you start taking your book serious and get a better grades there's no party for you.."

", Austin, that's not totally true because my grades are okay. You didn't pass all of yours yet you get whatever you want, that's unfair.."

",I don't get everything I want. Last year my grade was low, I wanted to upgrade my iPhone but Dad refused. Mom wanted to give me money to celebrate with my friends but dad was also against it. I didn't really get anything important for my fifteenth birthday but I'm hoping they will make this sixteen birthday which is coming next month grand. Mom is good but Dad can be very difficult and unpredictable.."

", Everybody relax, I'm back now and I will make sure you get whatever you wish for. I came back with many goodies. Something speacial for Molly, for Nunu and the man of the house, Austin.."

They cheered excitedly

", What of Aka? Molly asked while smiling at him.

"What about her? She's only a maid and not a member of the family.." Nunu said rolling her eyes.

"She's a member of the family Nunu. Stop calling her maid.." Molly said defensively.

"Okay... okay, I will get something too for Aka. she's a hard working pretty girl and deserve a gift. Hope she's not having a boyfriend..? Lambert asked sarcastically

Everyone laugh, Austin said amidst laughter
"Boyfriend? Dad will throw her out into the street where she came from if she dares it in this house.."

"That's a relief then, she will get something smooth and cuddly from me.."
I looked away as he looked towards my direction with his cocked smile

In no time, my madam and her husband came back.

"Aka..Aka! Where are you? Come and carry this bags to the kitchen.
"... what have you been doing since we left? the front door is filled with sand... why? Stop lazing around, go and sort out those things in the grocery bags..."
My Aunty shouted immediately she entered the house

I nodded obediently as she throws several instructions at me.

while her husband was exchanging pleasantries with his friend, I began to carry the groceries to the kitchen.
I was busy doing everything I was instructed while the family gathered around Lambert

Lambert  began singing and hailing his friend's wife, he called her sweet names and started spraying money on her while my Aunty danced around the sitting room excitedly. Shaking her waist vigorously, Lambert was more gingered and brought out hard currency

My uncle laugh and cheer his friend "too much money Lambert.."
while the children were jumping around, picking money from the floor excitedly.

He saw me and pause, he threw money to my side and asked me to pick that's is mine.
I picked it up and saw it was a hundred dollar.
I said thank you and was going away when he said to my uncle and Aunty that he will like me to come do little house cleaning in his place the following day

He has been so busy and haven't been able to get new housekeepers.

They quickly agreed even before Lambert finished talking.

I'm supposed to go over to his place tomorrow, he stays alone.
I was a bit scared, I wish I have the gút to protest.

Why do I have this awfùl feeling about Lambert
Everyone likes him and always in jubilation anytime he comes around except me.
I can't stand his disgusting stare, his dírty little talk or the way he hungrily licks his lips while unclothing me with his eyes.

No one will believe that their favorite has a dark side
Making remarks about my bréâst and backside scares me
I'm only fifteen, he is a rich man and travels around the world, he should pick somebody of his own size and quit bothering me.

Going over to his place tomorrow send chill all over my body even as I try to wave off fear.

Episode 2 and 3

Episode 2.

I was surprised to meet the door widely open.
It was indeed a very big sitting room and it does not seem dirty at all.

It appears it was freshly cleaned because it still has a nice fragrance of ivanda product which is the exact air freshener we have back at home.

I inhaled deeply as the strong fragrance greeted my nose.
He suddenly cleared his throat loudly, startling me

I turned and saw him sitting in a dark corner of the living room, close to an in-built fireplace.
He had a long tobacco cane in his mouth.
He pops and exhale, letting out a thick smóke.

I never knew he was watching me from that end as I walked in.

"Aka..welcome to my home.."

"Good morning sir.." I greeted shakily

"Come over and sit on my lap.." he said wilding his legs and exposing his white undies, underneath the blue robe he was putting on.

"I will rather stand uncle Lambert.." I had to mention his name to remind him that he was a close family friend to my guardian and we all respect him. He was supposed to be an uncle and not a predator.

"I love the way you call me with such a lovely voice.  please say my name again.."

I stared at him, wondering what he meant.

"... Aka, what's my name? Say it continuesly untill I ask you to stop

"Uncle Lambert, uncle Lambert, uncle Lambert, uncle Lamb..."

"Stop, that's okay. You turn me on when you call my name with such a séxy voice.."
"... I'm all hard for you, come and sit on my sweetest Aka.."

",No sir, please..I just want to clean and go home. Where do you want me to start from, what am I going to clean, tell me so that I can get to work.."

"Start from me, my body needs cleaning. Come over girl, let me make you feel like a woman, you will love it, I promise you.."

He stood, took off his night robe and it dropped carelessly on the tile
He kicked it aside as he matched towards me with a cocked smile.

", Please sir, I want to go home.."
I said moving back towards the exit door

I was calculating my step as he matched  forward, trying to pøunced on me like a prey.
I was terribly scâréd, I targeted the exit door as he draw closer to me.

I quickly turned and dashed towards the door but he caught me before I could get to the door
He carried me to a big room and dumped me on the big bed carelessly like a piece of paper.

I pleaded as I try to find my balance but, he was acting insåne.

"Relax my lady, I promise it won't be painful and you will come to enjoy it..."
"...You're ripe and looking all delicious, I want to be the first to plúck you before others do..."

"Please sir, I want to go home.." I cried out in anguish

"Offcourse, you will definitely go home Aka. I will be done before you even know it and you will be on your way.."

"I don't want to do anything with you, please don't hürt me..I don't want to do anything, I want to go home.."

", You will come to love doing it with me after today because I will make it enjoyable my dear Aka. I won't forgive myself if another first me in eating from your bossom of delicious meal.."

"...Pull your clothes off let me quench my taste from your séxy body. I'm all hungry for you my dear. I may decide to take it by force if you refuse..."

"I will tell my uncle and aunty if you dare touch me. Let me go and I won't tell anyone of what you try to do to me.."

He laughed out sarcastically before moving closer to me.

I try to hûrry away from his grip but he caught me like a mouse.

", You're a good negotiator and I'm loving it the more..."
"... take a look at me my dear Aka, between you and I who looks convincing, who's believable, who do you think they will believe? A common maid or man that commands riches and respect.."

He drew me to his side, press hard on my bréâst before pining me down to the bed.

"..I'm already out of patients Aka, I have to take it by force since you refused to corporate..."

I struggled, throwing punches, screaming loudly and struggling with all my might.

He overpowered me, pressed hard against me while pining me to the hard mattress.
He try pulling off my undies
I pleaded as he landed on me with his full weight
I screamed.
"Please sir, please... I'm pleading, forgive me if I have ever offended you, please don't do it, don't do this please.. uncle Lambert.."

I fought amidst sweat and tears

A hard punch sent me crashing on the ground

".. what type of rubbish sleep is this? Do you know how long I have been shouting your name? Nunu queried angrily

"...Mum is calling you and you better have a better explanation on why you will be sleeping by this time when you should be getting ready to go to uncle Lambert house for the house cleaning.." Nunu said walking out of the room.

I robbed my eyes, looking around the room in terror.
I gasped in relief as I quickly got up.

So I wasn't in Lambert house, he wasn't trying to take advantage of me.

It was all I terrïble dream.

"God! Thank you.." I heaved quietly.

I slept very late thinking about the whole Lambert thing
When I finally slept, I never knew the deadly encounter that felt close to my skin was all a nightmare.

I rushed out to meet my aunty

"Aka, what time is it..? My Aunty asked irritated by my mare appearance.

"Is 8:15am ma. I'm sorry ma, I didn't know that I overslept.."

"8:15 and you're still sleeping huh? In my house Aka? You haven't done anything this morning, sleeping like a pregnant woman. If it was in the village where you came from, you should be in the farm, harvesting cassava or weeding the ground..."

"Is too early for all this honey, Lambert has already called twice. She should get ready and leave.." my uncle said to his wife and immediately went back to his phone.

My aunty turned to me, still angry
"You were told yesterday that you will be going to clean Mr Lambert house today. He wanted you to come early and he has called three times already. I thought you were already gone, it was even Nunu that informed me that you were busy sleeping and snoring in your room like a fat cow. I guess is because you have a room to yourself, you think that you can sleep and wake up as you please. Back in the village where you came from, is it not only a room that is to your entire family name. Both your mother, father and siblings sleeps in just a room, you thin.."

"Honey .." my uncle interrupted her again.

"..There's no time for all this, look Lambert is calling again..."
Turning to me, he said
"..Aka, quickly go get ready, take transport from the dining table, I left some money there, hûrry down to Lambert place. You can still remember his house address, we've all visited with you twice.." my uncle said

"Get out from here immediately and disappear to Lambert house..." I don't want him to call and ask of you again..."

I opened my mouth to speak but my Aunty's footwear came flying straight at me.
I dodged it and it flew across my head and landed on the door.

I quickly ran out.
Tidied up few chores, got ready in no time.

The dreams didn't leave my mind even as I left the house in a hurry to Mr Lambert place.

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH'S HEART STORIES)

Episode 3

I saw Eliza, she's in my school, the same class and live with her Mom outside the estate.
She was coming back to buy something when we met.

"Where are you going to this morning Aka..? She asked immediately she saw me while grinning from ear to ear.

"Where are you coming from this morning Eliza.." I returned the question and she began to laugh.

"I went to buy bread from Dano's bakery. You know how sweet a fresh and hot bread taste with tea in the morning, i wouldn't miss it for the world..". She began chuckling again.

I managed to smile even with a heavy heart.
The delicious smell of the bread hit my nose, I became hungry, there was no time to eat breakfast before leaving, I don't even have an appetite for food.
I just want to go over there and return home in no time

"You like food too much, this your bread makes me hungry, I haven't eaten anything yet but don't feel like eating yet until I'm done with my today's heavy task. go and enjoy yourself..." I finally said walking past her

"Are you going to buy something?

"Uhmm! No, I'm going to clean house for somebody.."

"Will the person pay you? Should I come along? There's one fine shoe i asked my Mom to buy for me but she refused, saying she doesn't have money..

"... I don't have any serious thing doing at home. My Mom already washed all our cloths and I cleaned the house before she return from the store yesterday night..."
"...I planned going with her to the store this morning, that's where I will spend my own day. I can't wait for school to resume, this holiday is too boring.."

"I don't know Eliza, he is a friend of the family. I'm even scâréd going alone and that's why I decided to trek down here to get a bus.."

"I'm looking for where to go, even if he's not paying for the cleaning, let me still come along since you're scared. I'm sure my Mom won't mind if I tell her that I'm going out with you.."

"... Will you follow me let's go and tell my Mom. She may not allow me to go if she did not see your face..."

Without thinking much about it
I asked her to hurry up because I'm already late.
I don't want to get into trøuble

We went to Eliza's place, and the Mom agreed for us to go.

Eliza cut a large chunk out of the bread, she gave me some.
Despite I was hungry but I'm still not in the mood to eat anything yet.
I thanked her before letting her know that I don't want to eat bread.

She chewed up the whole bread in no time.
We hurried out and took a bus, Eliza said we should lap each other so that we can save some money.

I told her that I don't have strength to lap her, I have enough money to pay our transport

Eliza insisted, saying she's saving for her new shoe.
I agreed to carry her on my laps while in the bus, we had to pay for just one seat instead of two.
I gave her the bus money so that she can include in her savings.

We arrived at Mr Lambert house around 10:46am
After introducing ourselves at the security we went straight to the door
I was a bit relieved that Eliza was with me.
I knocked and a young boy about twenty opened the door

"I came to clean the house, is Mr Lambert home.." I said to the boy.

",, He's busy upstairs. Which particular area did he mention that you will be cleaning.."

"I don't know, he asked me to come over for house cleaning.."

"Maybe we should start with this place..." Eliza said looking around the big sitting room.
"...Aka you can start cleaning here, the rooms and outside, while I will go to the kitchen to wash dishes and clean it and also the bathroom too. If I finish before you, I will come and help but if you finish before me you join me.."

"Hey, look around you.." the boy said to Eliza
"..did this place looks unclean to you?

We both looked around at the same time.

"... this house is already clean.." the boy finally said

"Oh! What are we supposed to do now.." Eliza asked him while raising a questioning eyebrow.

"Hello, who do we have here.." Lambert voice was heard as he stood on the stairs.

"Good morning sir.." I greeted, Eliza also greeted him, we almost chorused the greeting.

"Aka, my dear. How're you? you came at 11am.."
"...I started calling your uncle around from 7am and as about 8am he told me that you've already left the house.."

"I'm sorry sir, I couldn't get a bus on time.." I lied which was very unlikely because I hate to lie but I don't want him to tell my aunty and uncle that I got to his place very late.

"Is all good my dear, I want you to come and clean my room carefully, Lukas has already tidied up everywhere except my room..."

He looked towards Eliza
"...I can see you came with your pretty friend, Who's your friend?

"My name is Eliza sir.." she replied even before I could say something

"Hmm! Eliza.." he said tasting the feel of the name.

"... okay. Aka, are you scâréd of coming alone? I wanted you to come alone so that you won't be distracted on the job I have for you.."

"No sir, Eliza just decided to come along..".

"No, she said she was scared and asked me to come with her.." Eliza quickly replied defensively.

I looked at her and she said "..but is true. You said you were scared, that's why I decided to come along with you.."

"Is alright my dear. There's nothing to be scâréd off in this house.."
".. before you start, have you eaten?

"Yes sir, thanks.." I quickly replied.

",No, we haven't...
"...Aka, but you told me that you did not eat before leaving the house.." Eliza said.

What is wrong with this girl? I wondered silently to myself.

"Lukas will take you to the kitchen, my cook is yet to resume, Lukas will help you out.." he had a  phone call and began speaking over the phone.

Eliza turned to the boy who was still standing close to us
",Do you people have chicken lap and fried plantain, with egg sauce and orange juice or fanta? That's what I want to eat.."

"... where's your kitchen, your boss said you should take us to the kitchen so that we can prepare anything we want to eat. Why are you still standing, didn't you hear your boss command..?

At this point I was begining to regret bringing Eliza along.
She was supposed to be helping me and not worsening my situation.

"..Aka, I have said what I want to eat, what do you want to eat.. you better say it fast so that Lukas can bring everything out.."

"I'm not hungry Eliza, I'm here to work and not to eat.."

"Yes na, I think the man said you're to clean his room which is the only place left. Is it not after eating you will have strength to start work? If you don't want to eat, me I'm going to enjoy myself.."

She followed Lukas as they went towards the kitchen side.

"You're not going with your friend to get something to eat..? He said turning to me after the call.

"I'm not hungry sir. Please show me where to start cleaning.."

"I was just on phone with my friend. His wife wants to know what took you so long to get here when you left the house since morning..."
"...since you're my favorite girl at the moment, I had to say something nice about you, so that you won't get into trouble and get beaten when you gey home.."

"Thank you sir.."

"That's nothing. come on let's go my dear, my room is a bit untidy and it will take alot of time to get it done.."

I swallowed hard and followed him to his room.

He locked the door behind immediately I got in.
My dream flashed right before me as he approached.

"I will start right away sir, I said shakily. Even though the room looks clean enough to me.

he came close and brushed his hand on my bréâst

"Aka, you know you're a pretty girl. I can help you escape from my friend and his wife, I understand that they're not treating you so well but you're hard-working and deserve better than been treated like a garbage.."
" you want me to help you and give you a better life than what you have.."

"No, thank you sir, I'm fine. Please don't touch me or I will shout.."

"Is time to open the package, is long overdue, I must say. my dear, although I can be a little bit covetous but don't be so alarmed, I'm not going to hurt you.."
"... beside nobody can hear you up here. My room is sound proof and we're the only one in the third floor, your friend and Lukas are downstairs and is not like they can help you if you decide to scream, maybe is a good thing you came with Eliza, your friend. She's seems wiser more fun filled and won't be difficult like you.."

"... I want to help you, you are pretty and deserve to be treated like a princess.."

He brushed his hand towards my bréâst again and licked his lips

My fear turned into rage, i became angry when he pinched my buttøcks hard, I released a quiet scream as his nails dug into me
"..They're real, I was in doubt until now. You're well endowed at a young age my dear Aka..."
He slapped my backside hard, I released another scream of terrór.
He try brushing his hand again on my chest.

I angrily pushed him hard with all my might.

He lost his balance, I watched as he struggled to grab hold of something but there was nothing at his reach.
He slipped right down, hitting his head on his reading glass table close to the beside.
The table shattered to pieces
He became still on the ground, I saw bløød

He wasn't moving at all as I touched him, tapping him continuesly
"I'm sorry sir, hello sir.. uncle Lambert.."

I shake him repeatedly, apologising for pushing him but no reply came.

"Jesus Christ, I have kílled him" I said terrified

I quickly unlocked the door and ran out in a hurry

(Do NOT take credit or plagiarize AMAH'S HEART STORIES)