Shots of love liquor 🥃

Started by EniOlaNimi, Monday, 11 December 2023, 08:32 AM

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Shots of Love Liquor

In the dim-lit chamber of echoes and laughter,
I said, "Bartender, I want shots of love liquor."

His eyes, like ancient maps of forgotten journeys,
Navigated the shelves, seeking the elixir that stirs.

He poured me a potion from the bottle labeled 'Desire,'
A crimson concoction that set my soul on fire.

"Here's a sip of passion," he whispered with a grin,
As the amber liquid danced in the glass, a sin.

Each drop, a note in a sultry jazz serenade,
As I sipped, love's melody began to cascade.

The first shot, a symphony of tender caresses,
A soft breeze that undresses and confesses.

The second, a rhythm of whispered dreams,
A moonlit waltz under celestial beams.

With the third, a crescendo, a thunderous beat,
Heartbeats entwined, a lovers' feat.

"More?" he asked, his eyes holding stories untold,
I nodded, for this love liquor was pure gold.

In every gulp, a stanza of a poetic affair,
A vintage wine, time couldn't impair.

And so, I drank in the verses of love untold,
A tale in every drop, a narrative to unfold.

The bartender, a maestro orchestrating the night,
In this symposium of love, our spirits took flight.

So here's to the shots of love liquor, divine,
In this ephemeral dance, forever entwined.

As the last drop lingered, a sweet residue,
I left the bar, intoxicated by love's true hue.

In the echoes of the night, my heart whispered,
"I had shots of love liquor, and love, I've sipped."

EniOlaNimi ✍️