Started by Jolaoye Ibukun, Wednesday, 16 August 2023, 04:18 PM

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                           IMG_20230816_160828.jpg                              God is greater than man He is a supreme being, He has a unique personality He is a mystery to the sons of men He has made Himself available to be study. You can never know who God is with your reasons faculty. You can only see the works of his hands- all that He had created but you can't see Him with your physical eyes because He is a spirit.

You can only get connected to Yahweh through your inner man (Your spirit) He reveal Himself has you begin to fellowship with Him. In the place of prayer and studying of His Word.

He is not the God that religion has described Him to be. He is not angry with you nor His He waiting for you make a mistake and then strike you to death. He has never been what religion has painted Him to be.

He is a love being
He is Holy
He is righteous
He longs to have intimacy with you
He cares for you even to the smallest details of your life
He smiles at you
He is rejoicing and singing over you.
He is beckoning on you and desire to have intimacy with you

Your growth and knowledge of God is a process it is a step at a time, it is a journey to eternity. Meaning after this world comes to an end we will still continue in our fellowship and growing in the knowledge of Him.
John 17:3 "And this is the eternal life that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."

#Jolaoye Ibukun
#Abba's daughter