The Wise Sage

Started by Moses joel Adetokunbo, Saturday, 29 July 2023, 01:23 PM

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In realms of ancient wisdom's grace,
Resides a sage with tranquil face,
A beacon in life's stormy sea,
Guiding souls to serenity.

With starlit eyes and empathetic heart,
The sage imparts his sacred art,
Whispering words like autumn leaves unfold,
Each syllable, a cherished gem to behold.

He ponders life's eternal quest,
Unveiling secrets, manifest.
Through seasons' dance, his wisdom grows,
In harmony with nature's prose.

Beneath the moon's soft silvery gleam,
He weaves timeless dreams, an endless theme.
Connecting past and future days,
In wisdom's ballet, he forever sways.

So let us learn from sage's voice profound
Embrace his teachings all around.
Walk with grace in virtue's light
And let our souls take flight.

For in the sage's ancient art lies
Wisdom's map, guiding hearts so wise.
A journey deep and wide it leads
To truth we seek through word and deeds.

As we tread this path divine each day
Beneath sun and moon that guide our way.
With sage as mentor kind and true
We'll find wisdom embracing me and you.

Let us honor the name of this wise seer
Cherishing every word held dear.
For within his teachings pure yet grand
Lies humanity's essence hand in hand.