See What Comparison Can Do

Started by Mercy Oyekemisola, Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 04:03 PM

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YOU can't be ME and I can't be YOU. Our similarities make us unique👌🏻

Do you know comparison is one of the fastest ways to kill a relationship and to have an unhappy relationship?

Oh yes, comparison kills a relationship and comparison is the thief of Joy in a relationship.

Comparison makes you set unrealistic expectations from your partner.

Hey look, the moment you start comparing your relationship with other people's relationship, then, you are on the verge of having an unhappy relationship and maybe losing your relationship.

Of course, you can admire and also be inspired by other people's relationship. You can work to be a better version of yourself, but not to be like "them"

You are unique and your partner is unique.
Say NO to comparison

© Mercy Oyekemisola

Yes, everyone is unique, and that's our selling point.


Comparison births covetousness and also vice versa.


A quick question o

Assume you see a good attribute that you want your partner you're in a relationship with to emulate, can this be called comparison?

Knowing fully well you saw the attribute in another person and not that you thought of it.

well, to me, I am not seeing that as comparison. It is just a way of communicating what you love seeing. and if your spouse is seeing it also in that light, I guess you both are good to go\

for instance, if you love your girl in trousers, there is a way you communicate it to her even without putting her under pressure and she might change

I understand that we're admonished not to compare one another, but in context, I believe it's all about the motive behind the comparison.

A healthy form of comparison might just be what is needed sometimes.

Quote from: GrandPa on Thursday, 04 May 2023, 06:50 AM
A quick question o

Assume you see a good attribute that you want your partner you're in a relationship with to emulate, can this be called comparison?

Knowing fully well you saw the attribute in another person and not that you thought of it.

Seeing a good attribute that you want your partner to emulate and lovingly communicating it is not comparison. I see it as wanting your partner to be a better version of himself or herself so as to make sure the relationship is productive. But it must be done without pressure and good communication abilities without bringing the person's self esteem down or talking down on the person.

Quote from: GrandPa on Thursday, 04 May 2023, 06:50 AM
A quick question o

Assume you see a good attribute that you want your partner you're in a relationship with to emulate, can this be called comparison?

Knowing fully well you saw the attribute in another person and not that you thought of it.

No, that isn't comparison. In as much, you can communicate it to her in a good way. That's why communication is very essential in a relationship

Communicate it clearly to her and do it in love. Let her know the reasons she should get the attribute or probably change a certain attitude, if that's the case. Don't force her, instead encourage her. It's not easy to change an adult, infact, I think you can't change an adult except that person really wants to be changed by his/her will

Quote from: Ekot on Thursday, 04 May 2023, 04:47 PMI understand that we're admonished not to compare one another, but in context, I believe it's all about the motive behind the comparison.

A healthy form of comparison might just be what is needed sometimes.
Yes, you are very right

You can compare to get inspired and motivated but while doing that, be very careful because we are humans. Be careful so that envy, unnecessary jealousy, seeing your partner as someone not good enough, hatred, and others will not set in.

In the context, that comparison illustrated is the one that would make you think, your partner isn't good enough for you and the likes

Quote from: GrandPa on Thursday, 04 May 2023, 06:50 AM
A quick question o

Assume you see a good attribute that you want your partner you're in a relationship with to emulate, can this be called comparison?

Knowing fully well you saw the attribute in another person and not that you thought of it.

You wanting your partner to emulate certain attributes means that your partner lacks it and this could help such partner become a better version of him/herself. Communicating it lovingly and respectfully without necessarily having to state who possesses such attribute that she/he doesn't is also highly recommended to prevent comparison that would affect your partner rather negatively.

Quote from: Mercy Oyekemisola on Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 04:03 PMimages (1).jpeg

YOU can't be ME and I can't be YOU. Our similarities make us unique👌🏻

Do you know comparison is one of the fastest ways to kill a relationship and to have an unhappy relationship?

Oh yes, comparison kills a relationship and comparison is the thief of Joy in a relationship.

Comparison makes you set unrealistic expectations from your partner.

Hey look, the moment you start comparing your relationship with other people's relationship, then, you are on the verge of having an unhappy relationship and maybe losing your relationship.

Of course, you can admire and also be inspired by other people's relationship. You can work to be a better version of yourself, but not to be like "them"

You are unique and your partner is unique.
Say NO to comparison

© Mercy Oyekemisola
Thank you so much for saying this. I think we must learn to balance between comparison and correction as well. 
May God give us wisdom.