The Other Man

Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 15 April 2023, 02:17 PM

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Episode 1

My name is Teniola Ajayi, I am the last daughter and child of Mr. and Mrs. Ajayi. I have an elder sis who is named Tolani Ajayi. My mom is Tireni while my Dad is Tolulope, you can say we are the T's family.

My sister and I grew up to see Dad and Mom always fighting and after some years, they got divorced. I was ten years then while Tolani was twelve. Dad went away and got married to another woman while Mom got married to her lover who she has been with when she was still married to Dad.

We were left to ourselves. Dad claims we have our mother's evil character in us which would affect his new marriage while Mom said her new husband didn't want us in her new marriage.

We were all alone in the two-bedroom apartment Dad rented. My sister became my mother and father, we had no one to run to as our parents never introduced us to any extended family members.

Life became unbearable when the money that was left for us got finished. My sister called Mom but her new husband was the one who picked and told her never to call again. We called Dad but his line never went through.

We were always going hungry as there was always nothing to eat. Sometimes, our kind neighbor was the one who does come to our aid by giving us food to eat. Things became more complicated when the rent Dad paid expired and the landlord asked us to leave as he knew there was no way we could pay because we had no source of income.

My sister and I had to start living in the street, crying became a daily routine with no one to comfort us. My sister was a really strong one as she took the bold step of going to do menial jobs for us to survive.

As time went on, I decided to join her in the menial job. We were always carrying people's loads from the market to the bus park, fetching water for people, washing clothes, and sweeping people's compounds.

While returning from work one day, we saw an abandoned building then my sister suggests we start living there so that we would have peace of mind at night.

As time went on, my darling sister advises I to go back to school while she works. She claimed it was better for one of us to be educated than none. She told me not to worry about hers that she would learn a trade later.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

When Tolani saw that we had saved enough money, she took me to a public school close to where we live and got me registered. Though it wasn't my joy to go to a public school I had no option because that was what we could afford. More so, I was happy to have the privilege of going to school which my sister didn't have.

I started school and was determined to do well to make my sister proud. I could not imagine failing after knowing the hell she went going through just to get me my basic needs.

With the sound foundation, I got in my previous school, I was able to ace my subjects as I was among the top three in the class. I can't just forget the look of satisfaction that was always plastered on my sister's face whenever I showed her my result. That look of happiness made me want to make her proud by putting more effort into my studies.

An event that made me hate my parent so much occurred when I was fifteen and my sister seventeen. I came back from school that particular day very sick, I had been feeling sick for some days but decided to hide it from my sister because I didn't want to add to her burden.

The sickness became worse in the night and Tolani had to go out to buy me drugs, I tried stopping her from going but she refused.

After a while, she came back with the drugs but with tears on her face. I tried asking what the matter was but she refused to give me an answer.

She helped me with the drug and went to sit in the backyard. Not satisfied with the reply she gave me, I went to meet her in the backyard.

Getting to the backyard, I met Tolani crying and looking at her cloth. Looking at the cloth, I noticed it was stained with blood.

Me: what happened to you, sis?

Tolani: (surprised to see me) Go and rest Teni, you need to sleep so that the drugs can work well

Me: I need an answer right now

Tolani: Teni.......

Me: don't Teni me please, all I want is an answer

Tolani: okay, after buying the drug and was coming back, I was raped by one man

Me: Jesus! I caused this, I allowed this happened to you. Can you please forgive me?

Tolani: it's not your fault baby sis and I hold nothing against you. If we are with our parents, we won't be experiencing this. I don't understand how they can live without caring to know how their children are fairing.

Me: they are wicked and heartless, I hate them with everything in me. I regret coming into this world through them

Tolani: hush! Don't say that, they are still our parent no matter what happens

Me: Yours not mine, they lost the right to call me their child the moment they went to the court to get a divorce. If they had cared about us, they would have tried working things out.

Tolani: it's okay little sis, God will see us through.

We couldn't sleep that night as we cried in each other's arms, we encouraged each other and were determined to succeed in life.

With God by my side, I graduated from secondary school with a wonderful result. My sister encouraged me to take the JAMB form and to gooing to my tertiary institution.

I took the JAMB form, did well in it and UTME but I was denied admission, it was very painful but my sister encouraged me to be strong.

While I was waiting to take JAMB the following year, I advise my sister to enroll in a fashion school while I work. Though she was reluctant I had to make her understand that once I get into the university, she may not be able to learn again as I would need more money.

She understood and enroll in it. Being a fast learner, she became a professional fashion designer after a year.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

I advised Tolani to use the money we saved in the bank for my school fee to get a good shop and buy the necessary things and some materials to sell. At first, she rejected the offer but finally succumbed when I began to pressurize her. Tolani can be said to be a very soft fellow while I on the other hand can be very stubborn.

The following year, I wasn't given admissions again despite my good score both in JAMB and UTME, it was so painful but Tolani encouraged me not to give up.

By then, her shop was bringing good proceeds so we had no reason to hawk or carry people's load. I simply assisted her to sell sewing materials, she advised I learn how to sew from her but I didn't as I hated fashion designing. I told her I preferred catering.

Few months after she got a shop, we were able to rent a room apartment so we moved out of the abandoned building. Little by little, life was making sense for us. It was very surprising that our parents never cared about how we were surviving.

I was sitting in my sister's shop one day when the members of a particular church were sharing flyers for their upcoming crusade. A young man came into the shop to specially invite us to the program.

My sister and I never had plans to attend but his persistence made us attend. It was an awesome program, I missed going to church because we haven't been attending any after my parent separated.

We decided to start attending the church since we had none and God has been faithful to us despite all we ever went through. The young man who invited us for the program was so happy to hear that we were now members of their church.

He happened to be the youth coordinator and he was called Bro. Victor. Since he lived in our neighborhood, he was always coming to my sister's shop to encourage us and sometimes pray with us.

God answered my prayer the following year and I was given admission into the University of Ibadan to study Economics, I was so happy that I danced and even gave testimony in the church. My sister had to prepare special food to celebrate my admission.

The school reopened and I had to resume, my sister paid my bills and provided me with more than all I ever needed. I never knew she had special savings for my school apart from the one we had in the bank.

The night before my departure, my sister pleaded with me to face my studies and make her proud, she warned me to stay away from bad friends so that I won't bring shame to her. I promised to adhere to instructions and she prayed for me.

The day of my departure was filled with mixed feelings, I was happy that I was going to school but I was sad to leave my sister. Getting to the Park, we embraced each other and wept. I told her to take good care of herself and the shop. The bus finally got filled up and I left for school.

Getting to school, I was determined to face my studies and make my sister proud. I had friends but there were boundaries because I don't want anyone prying into my personal life.

Two months after my stay in school, I received a call from Bro. Victor, I have been receiving several calls from him before but this was different. He called and after a moment of hesitation, he said God said I am his wife.

I was too stunned to speak as I never saw it coming. I was just twenty years and I felt I had a lot to achieve before marriage. He told me to pray about it and give him a reply later. The only thing I could do was to inform my sister who said he told her about it, she was the one that told him to speak to me himself.

I push the matter away from my mind and continued with my studies. We wrote our first-semester examination and went home for a break.

My sister was so happy to see me and so was I. We had a lot to talk about. I noticed she was always using bedroom voice whenever a particular person named James called. I kept asking who James was but she told me not to bother my head.

I double-crossed her one day and told her she won't leave the house for the shop if she refuses to tell me who James was.

Tolani: you are a character Teni

Me: I am happy to be

Tolani: he is my bosses cousin who studied in the US, he visited my boss while I was still learning and took a liking to me but I didn't give him a face

Me: so, what happened?

Tolani: chill na, he is done with studies and is currently working in one of the big companies in Lagos. He got my contact from his aunt who is my boss and traced me here

Me: wow! What does he want? Wait! Are you guys an item?

Tolani: Shut up Teni, let me land, he asked me out and after thinking and praying through, I gave him a yes but recently, he has been asking for marriage

Me: wow! My sister is in love. Marry him now

Tolani: I am just twenty-two, I feel I am still young for that

Me: sis, you may be twenty-two but you are more mature than that. If God wants you to be his wife, please give him a yes but I have to meet him first and warn him not to break my sister's heart

Tolani: as your lordship pleases. So, how far with Bro. Victor?

Me: I don't know

Tolani: didn't you pray about it?

Me: no, is this time for this? Am I not too young for this?

Tolani: you are not, we have gone through a lot in life and I felt God is trying to comfort us with wonderful marriages so, pray about it

Me: hmmm, pray about it for me

Tolani: I have done that but you need your conviction

Me: hmmm

Tolani: he is visiting us tomorrow, I guess he wants to come and see the face of his beautiful woman

Me: stop that sis

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Bro Victor later came around in the evening and after exchanging pleasantries with him, my sister excused us. He asked how I was fairing and why I had refused to pick his call.

The truth was that I had stopped picking his call after the proposal of a thing. I was scared of marriage, what did I even know about it? He is twenty-seven while I was just twenty years old, I felt I still have a long way to go. He pleaded with me to pray about it and further went on to narrate how shocked he was when God told him I am meant to be his wife.

He said he prayed and prayed and got the confirmation three times before coming to approach him. I apologize for not picking his call and promised to get back to him once I get a confirmation from God. After he left, I was just confused like I didn't even know how to go about the prayer.

Yes, I was a Christian, I go to church but I was just a baby in the Lord. That night, I related my fears to my sisters and she led me in some prayers. Some weeks later, I got a confirmation that Bro. Victor was truly meant for me.

When I informed my sister, she said the Holy Spirit had told her that Bro. Victor and I were meant to be. I informed Bro. Victor about it, he was overjoyed and could not stop appreciating me.

He took me to the Pastor who prayed for us and gave us some useful advice. Before the commencement of our relationship, I told Victor about how my sister and I suffered due to my parent's separation and pleaded with him not to break my heart lest he sees my bad side. He promised to be a loving, caring, and understanding partner.

While I was rounding up my year two, my elder sister got married to James. It was a wonderful occasion, it was just so painful that none of my parents were there to rejoice with us. Our pastor and his wife acted as our parents. I was so happy to see my sister looking very beautiful and happy. Deep within me, I asked God to bless her marriage.

The ceremony came to an end my sister and her husband were driven to their new home. I waved and waved at the car carrying the couple till it disappeared.

Victor wanted us to get married too but the pay he was receiving wasn't encouraging. We fasted and prayed for a change of job and God granted him one with fat pay. Victor took over the expense of my education.

After rounding up my year three, I got married to Victor. My sister came around to give me the needed support. Since she was now based in Lagos, that was the first time I would be seeing her in that year.

We laughed, played, and discussed a lot of things. In the course of our discussion, I noticed that she would always zone out, i asked what was wrong but she kept saying she was just feeling tired. I joked about her being pregnant and we laughed over it.

My wedding to Victor was a success, a lot of people came to rejoice with us. I was so happy to see my brother-in-law and his family members. I felt loved.

Marriage to Victor was sweet, he cared for me, assisted me with house chores whenever I was tired, taught me the Word of God. What I enjoyed most was his prayers for me, he would wake up before me, lay his hands on my head and pray for me.

I became pregnant two months after my wedding and the love and care I got from Victor increased. He got me an apartment outside the school and was always coming to visit me every weekend.

Three months after my wedding, I received a disturbing call from my sister. That afternoon, my husband and I were having lunch when her call came into my cell phone.

Me: Good afternoon big sis, how are you

Tolani: (crying) Teni, James left me

Me: (shocked) leave you? How? When? Why?

Tolani: we have been having issues since our wedding night, I didn't tell him about the rape. Please, come over. I need you here

Me: (screamed) Nooooooooo

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

My husband was so surprised to hear me scream like that, he rushed to me and demanded to know what was wrong. With tears in my eyes, I told him what my sister said. I wanted to leave for Lagos at that moment but he calmed me down and advised us to leave the following day. I couldn't sleep that night as I kept asking myself why something like that had to happen to my sister.

My husband was kind enough to go with me to Lagos. Getting to her home, I was told by the gateman that she has been taken to the hospital by the driver. I collected the address of the hospital and went there.

My sister was lost in thought when I got into her ward and by the time she saw me, she started weeping. Oh! My sister had become a shadow of herself. I drew her into an embrace and assured her that all would be well.

Tolani: Teni, James is gone, he left me

Me: it is okay big sis, all will be well

Tolani: you don't understand, he has relocated to the US and probably has plans to settle down with another woman. For almost two years, l have been unhappy, i only enjoyed my marriage for just a day. Teni, tell me that I am dreaming

Me: (crying) it is okay big sis

Tolani: I know I was at fault, I should have told him about the rape but I was afraid of losing him, I thought he would understand when I eventually tell him

It was a tough time for my sister and I. My husband who stood in a corner couldn't help but shed tears. The nurse had to sedate her so that her rose blood pressure won't send her into unconsciousness. I pitied my sister, I wished I could take her position, I wished she could be happy the way I was. She wasn't supposed to be the one experiencing this.

My husband returned home because of work while I had to stay behind. Tolani was discharged when she became stable, I took her home and nursed her back to health.

After spending some weeks with her, she asked me to come back home because of my studies and my husband. Reluctantly, I traveled home but I was always calling to ask how she was fairing.

My sister started doing well. Gradually, she was getting over the incident. She focused more on her handiwork and her relationship with God. Luckily for her, the house she lives in was her husband's and he willed both the house and car to her.

When I thought things were becoming fine, I received another blow. It was our Thanksgiving service and we were all to appear in new attire. My husband bought me a beautiful gown for this course.

The gown brought out my curves and my baby bump. I looked so beautiful and elegant that day that I walked majestically into the church. As I stepped into the church building, all eyes were on me. I thought they were admiring me.

The service began and my husband had to take the Sunday School in place of the teacher who was down with malaria. As he mounted the pulpit, there was an uproar in the congregation. Suddenly, I heard some say "Before he preaches to us, tell him to go and take care of the mess in his home"

My heart skipped a beat when I heard that statement, I suddenly developed goosebumps where I sat. Before I knew what was happening, the pastor summoned my husband and I into his office and showed us a video that was sent to the church WhatsApp group that morning. Alas! It was a picture of a man sleeping with me.

Being shocked was an understatement, my husband bowed his head after seeing it. I quickly went on my knees telling the pastor that I knew nothing about it. My husband suddenly stood up and ordered me to follow him home, I knew I was done for that day. How would I convince him that I was innocent all along when the evidence was so glaring?

Getting into the bedroom, my husband sat on the bed with his head still bowed to the ground. By the time he lifted his head, his eyeballs were red. I knew he was trying hard to fight back tears, I quickly went on my knees and tried explaining my innocence.

Victor: why have you decided to break my heart and tarnish my reputation? Haven't I been a good husband? And to think that I was planning something big for you on our wedding anniversary

Me: ok mi(my husband) please, I need you to believe me. I am innocent, I don't understand where all this is coming from. You have been a wonderful husband to me and I don't take this for granted.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

My husband stood up and walked away from me. That night, my husband didn't sleep in the room, he slept in the other room. For the first time in my life as a married woman, I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night and saw my husband sitting on his study chair with his head bent on the table. I went closer to him and saw that he was weeping profusely, I went into the toilet and sat on the closest crying and wondering who was behind the video. To the best of my knowledge, it didn't offend anyone so who would want to destroy my home.

For days, my husband didn't talk to me, it was like I never existed. The only thing he kept on doing was dropping money on the dressing table for me. Whenever I tried to talk to him, he will simply ignore or give me a bad glare hence, I had to always keep to myself. I suddenly became afraid of being with him in the same room.

Some weeks later, My husband come home and started throwing my things out with the claim that he is no longer interested in me, and to make things worst, he called our unborn baby a bastard. He asked me to take the child to its father.

I asked if he had forgotten that I came to his bed undefiled and he replied that I wasn't a virgin, I only pretended to be one. I went close to him in anger and bit his right arm till it started bleeding.

He pushed me away in anger and I hit my head on the cushion. I ignored the bleeding and went after him, the awful statement he made unleashed the demon in me. That day was bloody as we gave each other injuries, I didn't even think about the fact that I was pregnant, I just wanted to give him a deep scar which I did by hitting my heel on his forehead.

After much struggle, he overpowered me and threw me out of the house with my things. With tears in my eyes and injuries on my body, I left the house with my things. With the little money with me, I was able to travel down to Lagos to meet my sister.

Getting to my sister's house, she was so surprised to see me looking sad and unkempt. I left my things at the doorstep and went into the living room to sit down, she wheeled my traveler's bag into the living room.

Tolani: what happened to you Teni? Why are there so many bruises on your body?

Me: that Victor is a bastard and he will never make it in life

Tolani: will you shut up there, why are you laying a curse on your husband?

Me: he is a beast and I repeat that he would never prosper in life except if he isn't the one responsible for my pregnancy.

Tolani: Teni??

Me: please let me be, all I want now is to sleep

I woke up the following day and was served breakfast in bed by my sister. Done with breakfast, she asked me to tell her all that happened between my husband and I which I did without wasting time.

While narrating it to her, I was very sober that I couldn't stop shedding tears.

Tolani: let's give him a week then I will go with you to see him and apologize

Me: I don't want to go, I didn't wrong him

Tolani: you may be right but we need to apologize for your home to be preserved. Do you want people to start saying that the marriage of two sisters got broken almost at the same time?

Me: I don't care about what people say

Tolani: stop acting like a child Teni I am beginning to think we are the ones with the problem because I still can't comprehend why our marriages will break almost at the same time

Me: we have no problem, the truth is that we got entangled with stupid men, I am beginning to feel I made a mistake marrying Victor

Tolani: remember how loving and caring he has been

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

After two weeks, my sister went with me to my husband's house to plead with him to take me back.

Victor: How do you expect me to take back, sister T. She caused me so much pain which I haven't healed from. Imagine a woman I loved with everything in me going to sleep with someone else, do you think that memory will be erased from my head and heart?

Tolani: hmmm but are you sure she is guilty of that accusation?

Victor: if I was told, I won't believe it but the evidence is glaring, the video of her whoredom is everywhere

I bowed my head where I sat fuming silently. I felt pained that the man I call husband couldn't even stand up for me. If he couldn't defend me at this crucial time of my life, what is the essence of the love he professes to have for me?

Me: Let's leave here big sis

Tolani: will you shut up my friend?

Me: Sister, what he is saying is arrant nonsense. What love do you have for me if you can't stand up for me? Do you think I wanted to come here?

Tolani: shut up Teniola, why will you be disrespecting your husband in my presence?

Me: because he does not deserve my respect. See, I have laid a curse on you and it will come to pass. If you are truly the one responsible for my pregnancy, you will not prosper in life

Tolani: Jesus! When did you become like this Teniola?

Me: I became like this the moment he denied the pregnancy in me and sent me out of the house. You can go to hell, I don't need you in my life. Let me sound you a note of warning, don't ever come looking for me or my unborn child.

My sister was so disappointed in me but I cared less, Victor brought out the stubborn side of me. Well, all I said were out of anger because I loved Victor and didn't know how I would survive without him. I think I should say I was being manipulated that day.

Since Victor wasn't ready to take me back and I also wasn't ready to apologize, i had to start living with my sister.

School resumed and I traveled back to school, my sister had to take over the payment of my tuition and other necessary bills.

Trying to go about my academic activities with pregnancy wasn't easy at all. There were times I had a test to write but won't be able to read because of pregnancy stress, there were days I won't be able to attend lectures because of body pains. At a point, I started wishing I never got married in the first place.

To make matters worse, some students on my campus who happened to be my church members brought the news to the devastating school. Gossips were flying around but I was able to scale through.

The performance of my first-semester examination after the scandal was terrible that my HOD had to call me to find out what was wrong with me. Since she was a mother and was very loving, I wasted no time in explaining my ordeal to her.

She was touched after listening to my tale, She asked me not to give up on life and also pray for my marriage. She laid much emphasis on the aspect of prayer but I was too drained to pray.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

Two months after I was thrown out of my husband's house, I had become a shadow of myself. At a point, I was contemplating suicide. I felt ending it all would make me feel better.

I bought a sniper while coming back from school one day and was about to take it when my mother-in-law's call came into my phone. She asked why I didn't come home all through her stay in my husband's house, I guess Victor never told her about our break up. I simply smiled and promised to come to visit someday. She insisted that I come to visit her that weekend and I had no option but to go.

I was kind of happy after the call and had no reason to take the sniper again. That weekend, I traveled down to my in-law's residence. Getting there, they welcomed me well but didn't hide their dissatisfaction as to why I was looking so lean and drained.

After eating lunch with them, I was invited into my inlaws personal sitting room and was asked what went wrong between Victor and I. At first, I refused to talk because I wanted Victor to tell his parent what happened first.

When they saw my refusal to talk, they informed me that Victor narrated what happened to them but they wanted to hear my side of the story before concluding. With tears in my eyes, I narrated how it happened, how I was accused unjustly and had my reputation dented.

I was so surprised when my mother-in-law came to sit by my side and drew me into her arms telling me it will be well. She admonished me to face the devil and fight for my marriage because the battle isn't a physical one.

I was asked to spend the weekend with them. They sent for Victor and he came the following day being Sunday. Immediately he saw me, he became angry. He warned his parent not to tell him anything about me because he was done with me.

Before we could even say anything, he walked out of the house ignoring his parent's call. My mother-in-law consoled me and made me see reasons why I had to fight the devil through prayers and not fighting anyone.

They prayed for me, advised me, and gave me some money then I left for school. I decided to start praying for my marriage but the more I pray the more it looks like it was not going to work again.

As my delivery day keep drawing near, I became very scared as the doctor said I had to undergo a caesarian section because I won't be able to deliver by myself.

I sent a message to Victor to inform him about the latest development but he ignored my message, I sent him another one asking him to forgive me for all I ever did, I reaffirmed my love for him and promise to always pray for our marriage.

When I saw that he didn't reply to all my messages, I decided to give him a call only to receive the shock of my life. A woman picked the call and asked me to stay away from Victor.

She said my tenure has expired so I should mind my business. To make matter worse, she took a picture of herself and Victor then sent it to me, both of them were lying on my matrimonial bed and the lower part of their body covered with the duvet.

Being heartbroken was an understatement, I never believed that my husband will be engaged in extramarital affairs. I cried so much that day, deleted Victor's contact and pictures from my phone then decided to move on with life with my unborn child.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 9

I tried putting all my challenges behind me and focus on my studies and have my unborn child. The scan revealed that I was carrying a baby girl and my supposed delivery date was given to me.

The timetable for my final examination came out and surprisingly, my last paper clashed with my EDD. At a point, I was confused as to how to go about it but my sister prayed and assured me that I will write the examination before going into labor.

Fortunately, I wrote my examination before going into labor. While the examination was on, I started feeling uneasy. I rounded up my work earlier than usual, explained to the invigilators then submitted my script, and left the school premises.

On getting to my apartment, I packed every of my luggage and traveled down to Lagos to meet my sister. Immediately I stepped into her house, my water broke.

I didn't take it seriously until I started experiencing severe contractions. My sister helped me to her car and drove me to her family doctor. James is a very rich man so his marriage to Tolani elevates her financial status, they would have been a lovely couple if he hadn't left her.

By the time we got to the hospital, I was already in serious pain, I never knew childbirth could be this painful. I kept screaming at no one in particular.

The doctor ordered that I was wheeled into the labor room since I was fully dilated. I was given some injections and was asked to push, I pushed and pushed but nothing came forth. When the doctor saw that I couldn't deliver by myself, he advised my sister that I go through a cesarean section.

My sister agreed to it and I was wheeled into the theater where I was operated upon and had my baby girl brought to the world.

Immediately I set my eyes on her, I fell in love with her but one annoying thing was that she had Victor's facial expression. She was his carbon copy which annoyed me but that didn't make me hate my daughter

She looked so small and adorable like her father, I didn't believe that I spent time comparing her physical identity with that of Victor's.

After my daughter was born, Tolani called Victor to inform him that I had delivered a baby girl which was a replica of him. Sadly enough, he told my sister to ask me who the father of the child was as he wasn't the father.

His words brought tears to my face but I wiped it and promised not to shed tears because of Victor again. I decided to focus on loving my daughter and giving her the best she deserves.

My daughter and I were discharged after spending five days in the hospital, I fell so much in love with her that I forgot there was someone called Victor.

My mother-in-law traveled down to Lagos to care for her grandchild, she tried convincing Victor to come and see my baby but he remained obstinate.

Tolani's pastor was invited to come to give my baby a name. I name her Jemima, a name Victor and I planned to give our first daughter.

At the end of the naming ceremony, the pastor called Tolani aside and was discussing somethings with her, I wanted to know what their topic of discussion was but I had to care for my baby.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 10

All of a sudden, I noticed that my sister became more prayerful and was always reading her Bible, I attributed it to the fact that she was intentional about her spiritual growth.

Some weeks later, she called to telll me what the Pastor discussed with her.

Tolani: my Pastor said while he was conducting the naming ceremony, he saw an embargo on Jemima's head and when he asked the Holy Spirit what it meant, the answer he got was that the battle that fought the mother has moved to the daughter and will fight her when the time comes

Me: God forbid, nothing will fight my daughter in Jesus name. Big sis, I won't take this from anyone, how will someone be proclaiming evil on my innocent daughter

Tolani: you better shut up there. Teni, it's high time you realized that there is a battle fighting us and we need to fight it if we don't want it to transfer to our children

Me: hmm battle?

Tolani: yes

Me: what is now the way out?

Tolani: my pastor invited us to a three day prayer and fasting program at the church

Me: prayer and fasting? If it is prayer, no wahala, I cannot fast o

Tolani: whether you like it or not, we are going for the program this month end, so be informed

Me: me, I cannot fast ooooh

Tolani: by the time I reset your brain with a slap, no one will tell you to fast

Months came and went, our plan to always attend the program at my sister's church didn't come to realization as one thing or the other will surely hinder us not until my sister vowed that no matter what, we would attend the program before Jemima's first birthday.

By this time, I was already working as a bursar in a big secondary school and was making money. My daughter was growing into a beautiful little girl which was a source of joy to me. I still think of Victor but I had learned to move on though, my sister always pray that we come back together so that Jemima would experience both the love of a father and mother.

When Jemima was ten months old, my sister ensured I took permission from school and come for the three days program in her church. Reluctantly, I went for the program but didn't cooperate with them on the first day. I refused to fast and won't pray any prayer I feel was
too tough.

During the course of the first prayer session, the pastor spoke about spirit spouse and after much preaching, he said that is one of the main cause of marital problem. He further explained that anyone who sees his/herself having sex in the dream is under the bondage of spirit spouse.

He said if serious prayer of deliverance isn't made for such fellow, the person finances, marriage and other aspect of life would be destroyed.

After the preaching, we were led in serious prayers. During the prayer, my sister fell down and started struggling with an invisible personality. Seeing all that was happening, no one advised me to be serious.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 11

The pastors rally round my sister and started casting out the personality. All of a sudden, the personality started speaking through her. He said he is her husband and would never allow any mortal man take his position, it wasn't funny as I started crying where I stood.

The pastor rained fire on the personality and it left with every of his deposit in her. Seeing that my sister was delivered, I started praying and crying to God. Hearing the personality speak made me realize that truly there was a power fighting our marriage.

God being merciful delivered me too, I went into a trance and saw a man who looked like Victor started screaming as fire was burning him and said a good bye to me, he collected his ring which was on my finger and said my body was too hot for him.

After the prayers, the pastor interviewed my sister and I about our experience with the men we were delivered from. I then recalled how a man who looks like Victor do come to me in the dream to sleep with me, this began the moment I said yes to Victor.

I never thought it was a serious matter as I thought it was a sign that I love Victor. The pastor encourage us to keep praying and surround ourselves with fire. He urge us to live a holy life so that the spirit won't come back, he finally told us that very soon, our husbands will come back to us.

Few days after Jemima's one year birthday party, my mother-in-law called to informed me that Victor's youngest sister was getting married and she would need me to be with her two days before the occasion.

I traveled to my inlaws residence two days before the occasion to assist with the preparation. On getting there, my inlaws kept on apologizing for the way Victor treated me, His sister who was getting married told me not give up on my marriage as she was praying for Victor and I.

My father-in-law fell in love with Jemima being his first granddaughter as she was mostly with him. Victor arrived a day to the wedding, I tried my best not to get seen by him but that plan of mine didn't last.

I remember going into the store to get something for my mother-in-law. While searching for it, Victor entered thinking his mom was there. He was shocked to see me, I greeted him casually and was about to leave when he held me back.

Victor: hello

Me: hi, any problem

Victor: no, I mean eerm, I was just surprised you came

Me: ohh! Can I go now?

Victor: Can we talk?

Me: about what??

Victor: she is beautiful and she's got my looks

Me: so what is there to talk about?

Victor: she is mine

Me: (chuckle) yours?? Keep on dreaming

With that, I left the room because I was beginning to get tensed. I ran to the room I lodged in to cry, after all I went through, he had the gut to say she was his, I was actually expecting him to say he was sorry.

I wiped my tears and went to join the women cooking, I saw him again and this time, I realized that he wasn't the Victor I knew. He looks emaciated and unkempt, I noticed a sad feeling all around him. Though the love I have for him was awaken the moment I set my eyes on him, I promise not to make his coming back to me easy.

After the wedding, I told my mother-in-law that I wanted to leave but she didn't let me. I knew she wanted Victor and I to make up during my stay in their house but I wasn't ready for that. If he was really sorry, he would come to my sister's house and ask for forgiveness.

Victor tried his best to talk to me but I didn't give him audience. At a point, I was always strapping Jemima to my back because I didn't want him to carry her but he would always find a way to collect her from his dad.

I finally left and traveled to Lagos to meet my sister only to meet a shocking scene. I met James kneeling before a weeping Tolani. Immediately I stepped my foot into the living room, she ran into her room in tears. I ignored James and was making my way into my room when James stopped me.

James: Teni dear, can you help convince my wife to forgive me?

Me: your wife? Is it the one you left and traveled out to enjoy and waste away your life? Is it the one you made to shed tears because of an incident that was beyond her? Listen and listen clear, my sister was raped while trying to get me drugs when i was sick so she wasn't supposed to be treated the way you treated her. She deserves a man who would love and adore her and I don't think that man is you

James: please forgive me, I was disappointed that she hide such thing away from me but I never had plan to treat her the way I did. In fact, I didn't know what came over me. Please, help me get my wife back

Me: hmmm

While James and I were still conversing, Tolani came into the living and Jumped on James saying she has forgiven him. They kept on kissing each other so I had to give them privacy.

I was happy for my sister and wished Victor will come to his sense and apologize instead of acting like a macho man.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 12

Things began to fall in place for my sister, the love she and James both shared begin to wax stronger. At a point, I began to envy them. I later heard that on getting to the States, James dated a white lady.

At first, everything was going on well between them but all of a sudden, she started treating him like trash. He was fed up with her maltreatment one day and beat her to a pulp. He was arrested by the cops and deported to Nigeria.

Thank God he was deported if not, he won't have returned back to Nigeria to come and meet my sister. He did everything possible to please her and make her forgive him totally.

Speaking of Victor, he has been calling me but I refused to pick his calls. When the calls became unbearable, I blocked his number, all I just need him do is to come to my sister's house and seek for forgiveness.

I didn't hear from Victor for almost four months only for me to get home one evening and meet him talking to my sister and her husband in the living room. I greeted the trio before proceeding into my room.

My sister kept on calling me to come to the sitting room but I refused to pick. When she saw that I won't pick, she gave Victor the opportunity to come to my room. I was dressing Jemima up when he came into the room catching me unaware.

Me: what are you doing here?

Victor: I am sorry to barge in unannounced, your sister actually told me to come meet you here

Me: so, how can I help you?

Victor: sweetheart, I am sorry for all I ever did. You didn't deserve that but I didn't know what came upon me

Me: thank you for being sorry, you need to leave now because I need to rest

Victor: Teni mi, give me another chance to right my wrong

Me: will you please leave my room now?

Victor: I guess you need time to think it through, I will be back during weekend to hear from you

True to his words, he came back at weekend and this time, I was the only one at home as Tolani and her husband went to visit James parent.

I went into the bathroom to freshen up and by the time I got into the room, I saw Victor in the room with Jemima asleep in his arms. By the time he saw me in towel, there was this desire in his eyes which I ignored.

He laid Jemima in her cot and came very close to me. Immediately his hands touched my bare skin, I lost it and in a twinkle of an eye, we were under the duvet moaning pleasurably.

I came to my senses after the love making and all of a sudden, Victor started shedding tears saying he was sorry. Though I wasn't happy that we made out but I felt I should be crying one and not him.

Me: excuse me Mr. man, what exactly are you crying for?

Victor: Sweetheart, please forgive me, I never meant to touch you, I was just carried away. Can you please forgive me?

Me: mtcheew

Victor: I am sorry for not telling you this before going to bed with you

Me: (scared) and what is that?

Victor: H....I....V positive

Me: Jesus! HIV what? Haaa, what have I done to myself?

Victor: please forgive me

Teni: (gave him a deafening slap) you purposely came to infect me with that awful virus in you so that I won't have any option but to forgive you abi? You are deceiving yourself, get out of my room and my life never to return.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 13

I became withdrawn and unhappy after that encounter with Victor. I felt used, why on earth will Victor sleep with me without protection or even caring to tell me about his new HIV status. In few weeks, I became a shadow of myself, I wasn't able to take care of my daughter. I had to put her in Tolani's care, I was happy that I had stopped breastfeeding her.

As time went on, my sister noticed something was eating me up and tried to know what was wrong but I refused to voice out to her. How on earth will I tell her that Victor and I made out in her house and there was a possibility of me being infected with HIV which he contacted from God knows where.

When Tolani saw that I wasn't ready to speak out, she advised I to tell God about my fears since I couldn't tell it to any man but I was too weak in the spirit to even pray. All I do whenever I was alone was to weep till there was no more strength left in me.

God showed my sister mercy and she became pregnant two months after James' arrival. Being her first pregnancy, it took a toll on her. While she was recovering from the weakness of pregnancy, I became ill.

I took all manner of drugs but it refuses to go, my sister suggested we go to the hospital for a test and proper treatment but I refused because I knew I wasn't suffering from malaria- how would I explain to my sister that I was carrying Victor's second child and both the child and I may probably be HIV positive.

My sister got fed up with me one day and did everything possible to take me to a hospital where numerous tests were carried out on me. While awaiting the test result, I kept praying inwardly for the pregnancy test to come out negative.

Well, my prayer wasn't answered as the doctor confirmed me six weeks pregnant. Ohh! The disappointment on my sister's face was visible, at a point, I wished the ground would open her mouth and swallow me.

Tolani appreciated the doctor and drove me home. Immediately we got into the living room, she handed me a slap which made me see stars. I fell on the cushion and started crying.

Tolani: wipe that tears of yours and tell me who is responsible for the baby in your womb?

Teni: V...ic....t..or

Tolani: Victor? How? Where? When

Amidst tears, I narrated how Victor came visiting when she traveled with her husband, how we got carried away and had sex in her house. Though she was disappointed she was a bit relieved that the pregnancy belongs to my husband. In my presence, she placed a call to Victor and mandated him to come to see her the following day.

Victor came and discussed their as made to stay in my room while the discussion was on. While in my room, I lay on the bed, placed my hand on my belly, and was apologizing to my unborn child for exposing him or her to HIV. I was still talking to myself when I heard Victor walk into my room, he looks so lean and unhappy.

He sat beside me and tried to hold my hands but I snatched them from him.

Victor: My Jewel, these past years, months, weeks, and days have been hell without you. I tried to tell myself that all would be well but within me, I knew that was just I should have investigated how that video came about instead I let my anger get a better side of me. I disowned the beautiful baby God was bringing across our way, I threw you out of the house and was never there when you were trying to bring our baby into the world.

While he was talking, all I could do was cry as remembering all I ever went through brought tears to my face.

Victor: To worsen the issue, I became friends with Aunty Shade's niece and before I knew what was happening, I made out with her twice. I regretted my action and apologized to her but she wasn't sorry because she had a goal of infecting every man she come across with the virus in her.

I ran back to God for mercy, he forgave me but the scar can't remain. Buying antiretroviral has changed my financial life. My love, I am sorry for bringing this upon us, can you forgive me? I want you back, I want our children to experience the love of both father and mother

Me: (sobbing heavily) leave me alone Victor, I hate you. Get away from me

Victor: (instead of leaving me, he sat beside me drew me into his arms while weeping too) Oh no baby, you don't hate me, you love me with everything in you. You are just angry that I infected you with HIV. Give me a chance baby, I will work harder to ensure that this virus doesn't break us. Please, forgive me, my love

Oh, my husband! If there is something my husband was good at, it is refreshing words. Once he is in a good mood, he knows how to make you feel better with his words.

Me: leave me alone

Victor: (wiping my tears) I will never leave you again, I promise to love, cherish and care for you and our children

Me: please, don't leave me alone again

With that, I curled up to him and placed my head on his lap then slept off.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 14

After much pleading and pleading, I finally agreed to go back home with Victor. Luckily, he said he has relocated because he couldn't look Aunty Shade in the eyes after confessing to her that he slept with her cousin.

Aunty Shade was our neighbor in our former apartment, she happened to be a nurse and was the one who helped me overcome my morning sickness. Her kindness to us made her our family friend.

Before I went back to my husband's house, we both attend another three days program in Tolani's church where Victor went through a deliverance session. The pastor admonished us to love and trust one another, he further advised we build our home with prayer so that the enemy won't have his way in our home.

My husband was so happy the day I came back to his house, he was all over Jemima and I, he kept assuring me that what happened will never repeat itself.

He promised to be a good husband and father, I said amen to that but I came to the realization that if I want my husband to be loving and caring then I have work to do. As the woman of the house, I have been made the gatekeeper and i have been laced with the responsibility of ensuring my home is kept safe and guarded.

My morning sickness became severe more than it was during Jemima's time. At a point, my husband was scared of my life and advised us to go visit the doctor. After much persuasion, I agreed to go see the doctor.

The doctor gave me some drugs and advised I to take more fruits to feel better. Getting home, Victor showed me a test result. When I went through it, it was an HIV test conducted on me, it came out negative.

I was so excited, he told me that the doctor said as long as he is taking his antiretroviral drugs, i won't contact it. I was so happy that I jumped on him and plastered his face with kisses.

With the mind of making our marriage work, we read books, attend seminars, and most especially prayed like never before. We fasted and made decrees into our marriage and were determined never to give the devil a chance in our home again.

One evening, my husband and I sat at the verandah while Jemima was playing with her toy in the compound when a car drove in. My husband and I were surprised because we were not expecting any visitor. The occupant of the car came down. Lo and behold, they were the members of our former church.

The pastor, a man, his wife, and their daughter walked towards us, their daughter Joke was among the church choir.

She was made to kneel before us and confessed her evil deed. With tears in her eyes, she narrated how she had gone to visit her friend who works in the ICT department in a hotel, and on getting there, she saw her friend watching the events happening through the hotel's CCTV only to stumble on a video showing my husband and I during our stay in the hotel during the honeymoon.

She told her friend that she loved Victor but I stole him from her, she then pleaded with her friend to help her get the video where we were engaged in lovemaking. Her friend who was so gullible got the video for her and she then took it to a place where Victor's image was changed to that of another man.

She then released the video just to destroy my home. By the time, she was done with her narration, I bowed my face down and was shedding tears. How will she say I snatched Victor from her, I never really knew her till after my wedding. Victor was just so surprised where he sat.

To be continued...

 For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 15

Her confession was just so funny to me, Victor though pained told them we had nothing against them. On my part, I was happy that my name has been cleared. When I narrated the issue to Tolani's pastor, he said we should not hold the girl responsible as everything that happened was purely manipulated from the spiritual realm.

He went on to say that the young girl was just used as an instrument hence, the arrow of lust was fired into her. He admonished us to keep praying and also be spiritually alert.

Few months later, James called to inform my husband and I that Tolani was delivered of two baby boys, I was so happy for my sister. I was unable to visit her the moment she put to bed as I was also heavy too. My husband and I traveled for the naming ceremony of my nephew where I received another shocking relevation.

Getting to Tolani's residence, I met my mom. How she was able to locate Tolani was something I couldn't comprehend. Immediately I saw her, I became angry.

I went into Tolani's room to ask where she met the woman who called herself our mother. Seeing my angry state, Tolani calmed me down first then went on to narrate how she had went into labour at the dead of the night and had to be rushed to a hospital which wasn't their family's because of distance.

After she gave birth, she discovered that the woman who came to clean up her ward was her mother. Immediately they recognized themselves, our mother went on her knees apologizing for her past misdeeds. She explained to Tolani that she had been searching for us for the past eight years not until she met Tolani in the hospital.

Tolani's side of the story didn't even move me. Throughout the naming ceremony, I tried my best to avoid my mother and immediately the ceremony was brought to an end, I forced my husband to drive us home because I wanted nothing to do with her.

Tolani kept on pestering me to let go but I ignored it till the Holy Spirit mandated me to let sleeping dogs lie plus I knew the cause of my parents's marital crisis hence, there was no reason for me refusing to let go.

I had no choice but to let go, I forgave my mother and opened the door of my house to her. Though she was not a mother to my sister and I, she decided to be a great mother to my children and that of Tolani's.

Sadly enough, my Dad passed away so there was no way we could reunite. I had another baby girl few months after forgiving my mother and I can tell you that motherhood with the presence of one's husband is fantastic. Both my baby and I are HIV negative.

I have come to realize that Christ alone is the bedrock of a great marriage also, the couples have work to do. Happy marriage don't just happen, it requires prayer and much effort.

My name is Teniola, I am the wife of Adeyinka Victor and that is my story. I hope you grabbed one or two lessons.


For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.