Love Languages

Started by Mercy Oyekemisola, Saturday, 20 May 2023, 10:05 PM

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You should read my previous post, if you have missed it😊. Alright! Let's continue from where we stopped. [Link to Previous Post]

GIFTS: Receiving gift as a love language is a way of feeling loved by receiving gifts from your partner. Either the gift is big or not, expensive or not expensive.

To someone whose love language is receiving gifts, the size or quantity of the gift doesn't really matters to them. The reason and thought behind the gift, is what that matters to them. In as much, the gift is communicating "I LOVE YOU" to them, then, they are good to go. They feel loved and appreciated. People whose love language is receiving gifts love receiving gifts and they treasure whatever gift given to them.

There is this misconception that, anyone whose love language is receiving gifts is materialistic. This is necessarily not true. The fact that your love language is receiving gifts doesn't mean, you are materialistic.

Of course, there are some people who are only materialistic but claim that there love language is receiving gifts. If your love language is receiving gift, the truth is that, the prize or size of the gift doesn't really matters to you. What matters to you is that "does the gift communicate love & care to me. Do I feel loved, appreciated and cared for"

I heard this story from a preacher. There was this couple that has been married for years. The woman said to the pastor "pastor, my husband does not love me. How could he go on a long trip and returning home, without bothering to buy anything for me, not even a flower". The pastor was surprised and said, mama, eyin na(you too), smiles.

The message is so easy to decode. Mama's love language is simply receiving gift and that's the major way she could feel loved. Is mama materilistic? Oh no, what she even requested her husband get for her was affordable. She only wanted to be loved rightly

ACTS OF SERVICE: This is an act of performing activities that make your partner feel loved and make life easier for them, whether they ask for your help or not. Acts of service is a love language you speak to your partner that communicate "I LOVE YOU" to them, through your service without saying it verbally.

Have you seen a wife, whose love language is acts of service? She would always feel unloved if her husband doesn't help her with any house chores, without her asking him. Even though, the husband might be showering her with gifts, giving her words of affirmation and the likes. She would still not feel well loved because the husband hasn't been communicating her love language.

Showing acts of service is not slavery. She might even not requesting that he does something big or huge. It might be as simple as switching on the pumping machine whenever there is power supply or helping in getting the kids ready for school or anything.

Anyone whose love language is not acts of service wouldn't even bother but trust me, anyone whose love language is acts of service sees it as a big deal, if you render any help to them. It speaks volume to them.

A husband whose love language is acts of service is likely not to feel well loved, if his wife never for once helped him in paying any of the bills, no matter how little it is or help in some other things.

Anyone whose love language is acts of service feel most loved, if you render a help or perform an activities, that will make life easier and enjoyable for them.

Now that we've talked about the five love languages, do you know your love languages now? Have you discovered your partner's love languages?

Do you know you and your partner have a PRIMARY LOVE LANGUAGE? I will talk about THE PRIMARY LOVE LANGUAGE in my next post

Stay tuned!

© Mercy Oyekemisola