In Love with my Rapist

Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 06 May 2023, 02:03 PM

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Episode 1

Ada had woken up very early that morning to do the house chores to be able to go to the farm with Father. Her Father named Mazi Kanu was popularly called Father by everyone in her extended family. Ada's family has always been a poor one right from when she was young, her father was a peasant farmer, and all the proceeds from his farm were used to feed the family hence, there was always little or nothing for her mother to sell in the village market.

Madam Kanu as she was popularly called was the only wife of Father, even though they were poor, they were so much in love with each other. Madam Kanu was betrothed to a wealthy merchant but along the line, she fell in love with Father and absconded with him to a faraway land. After a few years of being together, Father went back to her family to do the marital rite, by then, the wealthy merchant had gotten married to someone else and moved on with his life.

Ada rushed her house chores and went with Father to his farm. As she goes to the farm with her father every morning, one would think she was the only child of her parent. Ada is the first child of her parent, she had six younger siblings which comprises four girls and two boys.

This particular morning, Father walked slowly to the farm with his hoe hung to his neck which kept Ada in a worried state.

Ada: Father??

Father: yes, my daughter

Ada: what is wrong? You look so worried

Father: hmm, my child. You can't understand

Ada: make me understand, Father

Father: my creditor is coming for you

Ada: how? Who are they, Father?

Father: your mom and I borrowed money from him sixteen years ago to pay your mother's bride price. Sixteen years after, I have been unable to pay and he wants to take you in exchange for the money

Ada: this is saddening Father, what should we do? Should I run away?

Father: I wish you could, I have thought of sending you far away to your mother's land but he threatened to take all your siblings if you are no where to be found.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

Ada: (weeping bitterly as her siblings carry her luggage into an expensive car that was parked outside their house) Father, Mother, please don't let them take me away. Promise them to pay the money very soon

Madam Kanu: (weeping) I am sorry Ada, I know I have failed you but please, go with them, we will come for you very soon

Father: My only Adanna, I have failed you too but please, forgive me. I tried my best to stop this from happening but I just couldn't. Just like your mother said, we are coming for you soon.

Chief Eke: (clears his throat) enough of the emotional outbursts, it's time to leave.

Ada: Father, they are taking me away

Ikemefuna: Ada, we are sorry, please forgive us.

Chinwe: Ada, we will miss you

Chief Eke ordered his bodyguards to drag Ada into the car if she refuses to go with. Father, not wanting his daughter to be disgraced urge her to go with them. Ada obeyed and with a heavy heart, the car drove away leaving Ada's family in huge pain.

Getting to the city where Chief Eke lives with his wife and only child, Ada was taken into the house where she had a long meeting with Mrs. Eke. Mrs. Eke, a tall and no-nonsense woman had been in dire need of a housemaid, those she employed all left her due to her wicked and inconsiderate attitude, she would always beat them and deprive them of their wages. When some of the workers couldn't stand her attitude, they left. The last one left not without a fight and since then, she has been looking for a housemaid but no one was willing to work for her.

Suddenly, she remembered that a family far away was owing her husband a huge amount of money, she then convinced her husband to bring in their first daughter to serve as a maid in place of their debt. At first, Chief Eke was against her request but with her constant disturbance, he had no option but to do her bidding.

Mrs. Eke: Listen, girl, I don't ever want to see you eating with my plates because they are not meant for people like you.

Ada: okay ma

Mrs. Eke: I also don't want to see you anywhere near my son because you are not in the same class

Ada: okay ma

Mrs. Eke: one last thing, you must rise from sleep at 2 am to begin your daily duty.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

Ada woke up one morning looking so depressed, it was 2 am, her usual waking period, she walked to the window and looked outside, everywhere was looking so dark. She missed home, she missed the warmth of her family, and even though they were poor, there was so much love in her family. Yes, she now lives in a big house with a big room to herself and well-cooked food even if it is only once she eats a day. There was just nothing she could compare with her happy life in the village.

A hard knock on her down brought her back to consciousness, she suddenly remembered that she was to clean up the messed sitting room before the arrival of her boss and his wife. Chief Eke and his wife traveled out of the country for a friend's wedding ceremony, they left their son behind because he needed to attend tutorials for his upcoming SSCE.

After his parent traveled out of the country, Jeff practically turned his parent's house into a brothel. He and his friends brought their girlfriends to the house, partied all night, and made out in the sitting room. It was a disgusting situation for Ada as she came from a family where her parent emphasize being sexually pure. She and her sisters were always warned from having illicit affairs with the men in the village. Her brothers were also warned from having indecent relationships with young girls to avoid having unachieved dreams.

Jeff had brought his friends and their girlfriends to the house the previous day, they drank all sorts of drinks and ate chicken which Jeff ordered the cook to prepare for them. In the midst of their partying, Jeff received a call that his parent would be returning the next day. Not wanting his parent to know all he did in their absence, he asked Ada to wake up very early to do the cleaning of the house.

Ada muttered a word of prayer to God before stepping out of her room to begin the cleaning, she prayed that all Jeff's friends would have left the house as she doesn't want a repetition of what happened the last time. The previous week, Ada had been so thirsty and to go get water from the kitchen.

At first, she was reluctant since Jeff and his friends were in a sitting room dancing with their girlfriends to a song being played, she wished there was a way to get to the kitchen without having to pass through the sitting room but it wasn't possible.

Feeling so dehydrated, she has to go get a bottle of water, on her way to the kitchen, she bumped into one of Jeff's friends making out on the stairs. She quickly walked into the kitchen only to meet Ken, Jeff's best friend who on seeing her, tried to have his way with her but she was delivered by Jeff who walked into the kitchen at that time.

Not wanting to waste more time which would infuriate Jeff, Ada went out and began cleaning. As she was cleaning, she noticed that everyone was gone except Ken who was discussing with Jeff.

Ken: Jeff, let me have this babe na?

Jeff: Guy, forget it. You are too polished to have a local girl like her

Ken: I don't care, I want to know how it feels to go into a local girl

Jeff: forget her Ken. More so, Sheila warned me not to touch her.

Ken: What's Sheila's own now? If you are truly a man, sleep with her

Jeff: stop this Ken, don't box me

Ken: this is not me boxing you. If you are a real man, sleep with Ada. I am betting with two hundred thousand naira.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Jeff: you know money isn't my problem, what other option is available for me?

Ken: if you can't sleep with Ada then I would sleep with Laura your girlfriend

Jeff: what the hell! I will pay you five hundred thousand naira for not sleeping with Ada

Ken: it's a no for me. What's your conclusion?

Jeff: you know I love Laura so much and I can't afford to lose her. Fine! I will sleep with Ada but how will I go about it?

Ken: don't worry, I will get you the latest sleeping tablet, it will make the victim sleep for hours and even when she wakes up, she won't remember anything that happened to her

Jeff: hmmm, I just hope this won't backfire

Ken: trust me on this. That was what I used on Stephanie

Jeff: what a bad boy you have become!

Ken: you and I know that we are both bad boys

Chief Eke and his wife were out on a function and Ada used the opportunity to go to bed so early to rest. As her body hit her bed, she slept so deep without knowing what was happening around her. Oblivious of their plan for her, Ada slept without clothes on due to her tired nature and the effect of the drug Jeff put inside her drinking water.

A few minutes after she entered her room, Jeff went in with her only to see her deep asleep with her bare body staring at him. He touched her hoping she would wake up but she didn't then, he realized that she must have drank the water which he dropped the tablet Ken gave him the previous day.

Not wanting his parent to return and meet him in Ada's room, he got himself busy with the activities that brought him into Ada's room and left for his room to inform Ken that the deed has been done and to collect his money. Ken smiled mischievously and called him a real man.

Ada woke up the following day to do her house chores, she noticed something was wrong with her but she couldn't understand what it was. She tried to stand only to see bloodstain all over her body. She hissed thinking it was her monthly flow which came with severe pain.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

Mrs. Eke: I said it, from the onset, I knew you are a whore, and to think she is good at wearing an innocent face. See, if you don't confess who impregnated you, I will beat you and still throw you out of my house

Ada: (kneeling and crying before Mrs. Eke) Madam, please have mercy on me. I can't be pregnant, no man has ever slept with me before maybe there is a mistake somewhere

Mrs. Eke: ohh! So, you are another Virgin Mary abi? Ohh! You think I don't know that you have been sneaking into Luqman's quarters to go and have sex with him

Ada: (weeping profusely) haaa! No ma! I have never for once entered Luqman's room. I am not pregnant ma

Infuriated by her plea, Mrs. Eke got hold of Ada and beat her till there was no longer strength in her again, she made sure Ada sustained serious injuries before she let her be. Sheila, Jeff's cousin walked into the house only to see Ada in tears with several injuries on her face while her aunt was fuming.

Sheila: Good afternoon aunt, what is wrong? You are looking so disturbed

Mrs. Eke: welcome my sweetheart, can you believe that this idiot is pregnant?

Sheila: what? Pregnant? How? When?

Mrs. Eke: the painful aspect is that she has refused to tell who impregnated her. What will I tell her parent?

Sheila: This is serious. Ada, I see you as one decent girl, what came over you? Aunt, leave her for me to handle. By the time I am done with her, she would confess to me

Mrs. Eke: she should better confess oooo, I can't have a bastard in my house.

With that, Sheila took Ada to her room where she first attended to her injuries before asking her who was responsible for her pregnancy. Ada appreciated Sheila and then walk to the window which has become her friend and consolation.

Ada: hmmm life! Isn't this life so funny? I woke up one morning to discover I am pregnant, who would believe that I had never slept with any man before? I had always seen myself becoming a rich woman just to liberate my family from abject poverty but here am I leaving the opposite of my dreams.

Sheila: hmmm! Do you mean you didn't sleep with anyone?

Ada: You are the closest to me Sheila and I will never hide anything from you. I don't understand what is happening anyone

Sheila: Okay, give me a minute, I will be right back.

Sheila knowing the rough life her cousin was living suspected that Jeff could be responsible. Jeff was just approaching twenty but his immoral life is older than him.

She was sure that Ada hardly leaves the house so whoever slept with her was an insider then, she decided to question both Jeff and Luqman the gateman but she doubt if Luqman can be involved in such, he has been working for the family for over fifteen years and he has never been involved in any scandal. Sheila walked into Jeff's room unannounced which infuriated him.

Jeff: And why can't you knock? What if I am naked?

Sheila: oops sorry dear cousin, I thought there was nothing to hide since more than half of the girls you have come across have seen your nakedness even Ada

Jeff: Sheila!!! What the fuck are you talking about?

Sheila: I put it to you that you are the one responsible for Ada's pregnancy

Jeff: are you out of your mind Sheila? How on earth will I stoop so low to sleep with that village pig when I am being surrounded by sophisticated girls?

Sheila: if you are truly responsible and you fail to take responsibility, you will suffer for this.

Jeff: get out of my room, Sheila

Sheila: I am leaving already, dearest playboy...

Jeff became sacred after Sheila left, he wished he had not slept with Ada but he couldn't afford to appear as a weakling to his friends. He is seen as the king of their group, a position Ken envies so much and he wasn't ready to lose that position to him. He dialed Ken's contact and informed him about the situation on the ground.

Jeff: Guy, I am scared, Sheila thinks I am responsible for Ada's pregnancy. I don't want my parent to suspect me.

Ken: don't worry, we would drop an abortion pill in her water, and in no time, the pregnancy will come down.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

When Ada couldn't provide who impregnated her, Mrs. Eke told her husband that Ada should be thrown out of their house but when Sheila heard of it, she pleaded with her mom to speak with Chief Eke to retain Ada in his house. Since Chief Eke couldn't refuse his sister's plea, he let Ada stay, something which angered his wife so much. Since Ada remained in her house, Mrs. Eke decided to maltreat and frustrate her.

Chief Eke decided it would be best that Ada's parents were informed of their daughter's condition. When Ada's parents heard of what had befallen their daughter, there became sorrowful.

Madam Kanu: (looked into her husband's eyes in anger) Kanu! Kanu!! Kanu!!! How many times did I call you? Go, get my daughter for me.

Mazi Kanu: how dare you call me by my name, woman?

Madam Kanu: I will call you by your name again and again till my daughter is brought back to me. I told you to let us sell our land to pay Chief Eke's money but you refused to with the claim that the land is our family's heritage. Now, look at what has befallen my precious daughter?

Mazi Kanu: is she only your daughter? Do you think I am not pained? Is she only precious to you?

Madam Kanu: all you are asking me is rubbish, go to that house and bring my daughter for me. My daughter isn't wayward, something happened to her over there. If you don't bring her back, there will be trouble for you.

Days turn into weeks and weeks into months, and Ada's pregnancy became visible for all to see. As the days go by, Ada tries to know who did this to her but she just couldn't remember. Ken gave Jeff the abortion pill as promised and Jeff put it in her water bottle but Ada mistakenly kicked the bottle making the content in it spill on the floor. Jeff who ace his SSCE examinations was sent out of the country to study Petrochemical Engineering so that he would be able to take over his father's business after his education. So, he traveled out of the country with the mind that Ada's pregnancy has been aborted.

As Ada's pregnancy grew, Chief Eke's family doctor discovered that Ada won't be able to have a natural birth, he then informed Chief Eke and advised them to prepare her for a caesarian section. Mrs. Eke was mad when she heard, that she vowed never to allow her husband to spend such a huge amount of money on Ada but again, Sheila's mother prevailed on him. Seeing this, Mrs. Eke increased the rate at which she maltreated Ada, she would starve her and make sure she does almost all the house chores and when she fails to finish it up, she would beat the hell out of her.

Ada kept suffering in silence, Lola, the cook advised her to run away but she knew no one in the city and she didn't know her way back to her parent's house. If she had known her way back, she would have left the house, she kept encouraging herself with the fact that one day, all her suffering will come to an end.

Ada's delivery date finally came and she went into labor that day, the doctor had earlier called her to start preparing since the scan revealed that she would be having her baby that day. She appreciated him and went about doing her chores even though she was already having contractions. When she couldn't take the pain anymore, she ran to Lola and explained how she was feeling to her. Lola called Mrs. Eke to inform her of Ada's situation but she sounded indifferent.

Luckily for Ada, the family driver was around so Lola told him to drive them to the family hospital which he did. Getting to the hospital, Lola went in search of Doctor Alli to inform him that Ada was already having contractions, Doctor Alli instructed some nurses to wheel her to the theater for a cesarean section and after an hour in the theater, Ada was delivered a baby boy.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

Ada thought she would hate the baby once he was born but immediately she set her eyes on him, she fell in love with him. She couldn't stop weeping as he was placed in her arms, she promised to love and protect him even though she didn't know how he got into her. Everyone fell in love with the baby immediately they set their eyes on him as he was such an adorable baby, Lola wasn't left out, she wished she was the one with such an adorable baby. To worsen the situation, Chief Eke suddenly fell in love with him without a reason, he always longed to have him in his arms without knowing why, something that infuriated his wife so much.

Ada was discharged after spending a week in the hospital, on the eighth day, she named him Obinna. Sheila asked her mother to ask her brother to send Ada to them so that they would be able to give her and the baby the proper care they needed but his wife kicked against it. The presence of the baby made her angrier and she began to look for ways to condemn everything Ada does. There were times that she would call the baby horrible names just to make Ada feel bad. The height of it was the day she called Ada into her room and advised that she give up the baby for adoption for a huge sum of money but Ada refused bluntly, something which earned her a serious beating from Mrs. Eke.

After Ada refused to give up her baby for adoption, Mrs. Eke's maltreatment increased, Ada was to wake up two hours earlier than her normal waking time, and she was not to eat till she was done with all her house chores. Despite all these, Ada kept surviving. Most times, Lola would give her food to Ada so that she can have milk flowing in her breast.

One afternoon, Ada lay her baby on the cushion in the sitting room while she went about her chores. While working in the kitchen, everyone's attention was brought to the sitting room by Mrs. Eke's screaming. Getting to the sitting room, they met her looking disgustingly at Obinna, Ada quickly run to carry her child only to receive a deafening slap from Mrs. Eke. Unknown to her, Obinna had urinated on the cushion, Ada who had no money to buy diapers just wore Obinna pants with the mind to ask Chief Eke who had been nice to her for some money when he comes back. Forgetting that Obinna had no diaper on, she laid him on the cushion.

Ada apologized to Mrs. Eke but she refused to listen. Before anyone could say anything, she threw Ada and her baby out of the house without caring to listen to Lola and Luqman's plea for mercy. She instructed Lola to go to Ada's room, pack all her things, and give them to her while Luqman was to ensure that Ada left the vicinity immediately as she doesn't want her husband to meet her at the gate.

Lola did as she was told but quickly went to her room, open her safe box, and brought out her savings. She went to the gate and gave Ada her bag and the savings for her to survive with. Ada appreciated Lola greatly and left for an unknown place.

With her baby strapped to her back, Ada carried her things and took a bus without a destination in mind, she just wanted to go far away from the Ekes', she wanted to forget the hurt and agony she had gone through in the last three years. She alighted at the last bus stop and kept roaming the environment looking for a suitable place to stay but she couldn't get any, she tried to explain her predicament to a few people but none was ready to listen to her. When it became dark, she had to sleep under someone's shade with her baby on her chest hoping that nothing bad will happen to them.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

Ada slept for only two hours when she felt a rough tap on her shoulder. Afraid, she quickly stood up and held her baby so close to her, before her was a young girl who wouldnt be more than nineteen years.

Girl: what are you doing in my territory?

Ada: good evening ma, I mean good morning ma, I was sent out of the house and I have nowhere to go that was why I slept here. Please forgive me

Girl: you were sent out of the house with a baby? That's wickedness, well, this is where I come to sleep after hustling during the day. If you won't put me in trouble, you are free to stay but I won't be the one to feed you oo.

Ada: no problem ma, I will work and fend for myself, and I won't bring any trouble to you

Girl: By the way, my name is Lara. I was sent out of the house by my Uncle and his family after my parent's death

Ada: ohh, I am sorry for that. God will surely see us through

Within a short while, Ada and Lara became bosom friends, Lara introduced Ada to selling sachet water on the highway, and by that, Ada was able to keep her body and soul together, and also buy the needed things for her baby.

Seeing how Ada prospered, Lara suggest that they begin a contribution and the money was kept in Lara's custody. Ada's plan was for her to get a one-room apartment so that her son can get a comfortable life. Lara, on her part, decided that she would open a small shop where she would be selling provisions and also be living in the shop. Their plan looks so good that Ada couldn't wait to have her money.

Ada came back one evening looking so exhausted after the sales of that day, business looked so slow so she had to hawk for a longer period. Getting to the shop acting as their apartment, Ada sat down on the floor to rest a little when she saw a letter. Curiosity got the better part of her and she opened it, what she saw almost broke her.

Dear Ada,

I am sorry we have to part this way. I am off to a better place to start life afresh. Thanks for your money, it will help me greatly.


Ada was so heartbroken, the money was almost complete and she was looking forward to collecting it the following week to go pay for the room she saw some days ago, she and Lara went to price the room, it wasn't expensive, just the amount Ada budgeted for a house not knowing that Lara had other plans.

For the first time in her life, Ada cried so much, she cried more than she did when she discovered that she was pregnant, and the fact that the person she trusted treated her unjustly broke her heart. That night she cried to sleep and end up waking up late and for the first time she had been sleeping in that shop, the owner of the shop met her there, when she opened her eyes, she discovered that it was already day.

Shop Owner: wonders shall never end, so, it is you that has been bringing me bad luck. I have been looking for those sleeping in my shop but I didn't see them, ohh! Thank You, Jesus. Today, I will show you pepper

Ada: (fell on her knees) ma, please forgive me, I will never come here again

Shop Owner: forgive ke? Can forgiving you stop all the bad luck you brought to me?

Ada: I am sorry ma, it will never happen again

In anger, the shop owner went into her shop, brought out a bowl of water, and poured it on Ada and her baby, Ada started crying where she knelt. A woman among the onlookers took pity on Ada and came to her rescue. She brought out some money from her purse, gave it to the shop owner, and took Ada away from the scene.

After calming Ada, she asked her what made her sleep in the woman's shop and Ada wasted no time in narrating her ordeal to the woman. The woman who felt pained called one of her friends who owns a restaurant to please employ Ada as a cleaner in her restaurant.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 9

Ada was employed and given a room in the restaurant, she was to manage in the storeroom, Ada was so happy and grateful, she appreciated the woman whom she calls a good Samaritan and her friend who employed her without thinking twice. Ada worked diligently just to appreciate her boss and in turn, she was paid thirty thousand naira, an amount which looked like a million naira to her.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, Obinna was growing into a cute young boy who loved his mother dearly, when you want to see the bad side of Obinna, fight his mother. Ada on her part was still working in the restaurant, she had gotten an apartment and was saving up to start a palm oil business. Another thing she so much wished for is how to return home, someday, she hoped to trace Chief Eke to get directions to her home in the village.

One sunny afternoon, Ada looked so sick but she didn't want to take a sick leave, she continued working even though she needed to rest. Obinna whose school was currently on vacation render a helping hand to his mother. After cleaning the restaurant, he helped his mother drag the waste to the entrance of the restaurant where it would be picked up by the waste company.

As he was dragging the waste which was very heavy for him, a car suddenly appeared which almost knocked him down, Ada, who saw the car on time, jumped in to save her son. Luckily for them, the driver applied brakes on time and came out to see if Ada and her son were not injured. Immediately he sets his eyes on Obinna, he felt a strange connection and a look at his mother made him realize that she was Ada.

Jeff: (bent low to help both mother and son) I am sorry ma'am, I don't mean to hurt you, and your so......n

Ada: it's okay, thank you very much, my son was the one who wasn't looking

Jeff: Why do you look so familiar? It seems like I had known this face

Ada: ehn ehn, haa, I don't know you

Jeff: I said it! I know you, are you not Ada?

Ada: yes, I am

Jeff: I am Jeff, Chief Eke's son.

Ada: (remembered) ohh! Good afternoon young master, how are you doing?

Jeff: I am fine and please, call me Jeff. I came back to Nigeria six months ago and I asked mom about you but she said you left when you couldn't cope with the work again, hope you are doing fine?

Ada: sure, God has been faithful

Jeff: Is this your son? Don't tell me you are married

Ada: (chuckle) yes, this is my son and I am not married. This is the child from the pregnancy I got while in your father's house but, he has been a blessing to me, I don't regret being his mother.

Jeff: (froze) ohhh! Nice one.

Jeff became uneasy hearing that the boy standing in front of him was the child from the pregnancy she had in his father's house which means the child is his. He brought out a bundle of money and gave it to Obinna before driving off, he had nowhere in mind, she just needed to drive somewhere to cool off. It looks like his past has come back to haunt him.

All through the night, Jeff couldn't sleep, he kept turning on the bed, if Obinna was truly his child, that explains the connection he felt immediately he touched him. Luckily for him, he had been able to pull a strand of the boy's hair without the duo suspecting, that he had pretended to remove something from Obinna's hair. Very early the following morning, he drove to their family hospital to conduct a DNA test to ascertain if Obinna was truly his and two days later, the result came out showing that Obinna was his flesh and blood.

At that point, he went into his car and wept, he wished he could undo all his wrong deeds, he wished he had not met Ken who introduced him to all the evil things he ever did, and finally, he wished he hadn't hurt Ada, the only prayer that came to his heart was that God should make Ada forgive him.

Jeff: hey Sheila, where are you? I need to talk to you about something right now

Sheila: hey chill cousin brother, can't it wait?

Jeff: no, it can't. I am driving to your place right now

Sheila: Okay, I wanted to hang out with my friends but I will wait for you.

On getting to Sheila's place, Jeff walked in looking very sad. Sheila offered him food and water but he rejected it which was unlike him then he broke the bombshell.

Jeff: I saw Ada today

Sheila: Ada? Which Ada?

Jeff: the one that once worked with us who got pregnant

Sheila: Holy Christ! Where is she? Is she doing fine?

Jeff: I guess so, I saw her son

Sheila: seriously? He should be approaching six

Jeff: I am the father of the boy

Sheila: what??

Jeff: I raped her back then just to prove to my friends that I am not a weakling. Look, Sheila, I am very sorry, please forgive me. I am ready to amend my wrongs.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 10

Sheila: hmmm, my instincts kept on telling me you were responsible for her pregnancy. Well, for the mighty Jeff of the Eke's holdings to say he is ready to amend his ways then, a positive change has occurred in him. The issue is how will you go about it?

Jeff: It will be so hard, you know, I was always calling her names back then, I will try to be a friend, provide for her needs, and hopes she forgives me when I drop the bombshell

Sheila: And what if you fall in love with her in the process of being a friend?

Jeff: Nah! I can't fall in love with her, I just want to do things the right way and take proper care of my son

Sheila: hmm and you think you can separate a son from his mother. Ada is such a sweet soul, you know, you will make a good wife. I think you start preparing to settle down

Jeff: I can't marry her

Sheila: why??

Jeff: she isn't my ideal kind of woman

Sheila: but she is the ideal one for rape

Jeff: come on Sheila, that happened in the past and I am sorry

Sheila: fine! Just take me along with you when next you are going to see her

Two weeks later, Jeff went with Sheila to the restaurant Ada works, he had wanted to go the following day to see her but he had to caution himself, it was like there was an unknown force pushing him to go see his son again. Ada was working when the security came to inform her that a man and a woman are looking for her, she couldn't stop wondering who they were. She stopped what she was doing and went to see them.

She was surprised to see Jeff and from all indications, the lady with him was Sheila. Sheila screamed the moment she saw Ada, she drew Ada into a warm embrace not wanting to let her go. Ada had to take permission from the manager and then, took the duo to where she lives with Obinna. Ada offered them the two plastic chairs in her room and then went to get them drinks.

Jeff: Oh my! How does she cope? My dog house is finer and better than this house, how do people cope, as in, the street looks so unkempt, I can't believe people are living in such an environment

Sheila: I can't stop asking myself the same question. This environment should be an animal care center. Remember, you pushed her to this state hence, be ready to make her life comfortable

Jeff: I know what to do, can you stop reminding me of my past?

Sheila: I don't mean to, I can't just stop imagining the hell Ada went through.

Ada came in and the trio discussed at length, she told them all she went through after she left the Eke's residence, Jeff couldn't stop his heart from shattering as he listened to all she went through just because of his evil act. After all, was said and done, Jeff told Ada to come with them as he wanted to show her something. Jeff drove to his estate was given to him by his Father upon his graduation from the University, he drove to one of the flats there and told Ada it was hers.

Ada: (shocked and short of words) young master! I...i...

Jeff: it's okay, you don't need to appreciate me

Ada: (fell on her knees weeping) thank you very much, sir, God bless you, sir. Everything you lay your hands on will prosper.

Jeff: amen and amen, can we go and pick Obinna up and also help move your things into your new house then, I will take you and Obinna shopping, you need decent wears

Ada: it's okay sir, you have done enough.

Sheila: let him do it, Ada, you deserve more

Ada couldn't believe her eyes, in a twinkle of an eye, her life was taking a positive turn. She took them to Obinna's school. The condition of the school gave Jeff so much concern. Jeff had to transfer a particular amount to the school owner to put the necessary things in order after which, he now took Ada, Sheila, and Obinna for shopping.

After buying some beautiful clothes for Ada, he suggested she tried them on to see if they fit perfectly. Ada came out to show them one of the dresses, Jeff and Sheila couldn't believe what they saw, it was like Ada had suddenly been transformed. Jeff was tongue-tied, he couldn't believe that Ada was this beautiful. That particular image of Ada got stuck in his head.

Sheila: oh my God, you look so beautiful

Ada: (became shy) thank you

Obinna also tried his wears and they all fitted him. They left the boutique and helped Ada pack all their belonging into the new house. Ada ordered Obinna to prostrate before Jeff to appreciate him. Ada quickly went to the nearby market, bought some things, and made something delicious for everyone to eat.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 11

Sheila: she is a wife material, you know? Her food taste so delicious

Jeff: her meal truly tastes so delicious but does that makes a woman's a wife material?

Sheila: (look at him annoyingly) so being a good cook has stopped being part of what makes a woman a wife material right?

Jeff: I didn't say that. I just can't marry Ada, please, understand me

Sheila: oh fine! When are you telling her the truth?

Jeff: pretty soon, I am taking things one step at a time.

Sheila: hmmm, God will help you

That was the discussion between Jeff and Sheila on their way back home after leaving Ada's new residence. Jeff dropped Sheila at her parent's place before driving home. Getting home, he met his mother who couldn't stop looking at him with disdain.

Mrs. Eke: and where are you coming from?

Jeff: oh mother! Not again, I need to rest

Mrs. Eke: if you move an inch, you won't like what I will do to you

Jeff: fine! What is it this time?

Mrs. Eke: have you forgotten that you are meant to take Clara on a date today?

Jeff: ohh! I am so sorry, it skipped my mind. I had some important meeting I needed to attend today, I am sorry. And is that her name?

Mrs. Eke: gosh! Are you telling me that you don't know her name? How will you get to fall in love with her if you don't get to know her?

Jeff: can you please stop this mom? I don't want her for a wife, we can only be friends. Please, I need to rest

Mrs. Eke: don't try me Jeff the son of Eke. As long as I am still breathing, you will marry Clara, take it or you leave it.

Jeff ignored his mother's threat and walked into his room. He just couldn't understand why she won't let him choose a wife for himself. If he was to marry the child of his father or mother's friends, it definitely won't be Clara. They went to the same school and he had known her by the name "Cindy". She got laid by Ken three times when they were in secondary school, she had fallen deeply in love with Ken and had professed her love for him. Ken didn't love her but she saw that as an opportunity to have her on his bed.

Jeff had to travel the following day to attend a conference and while he was there, he couldn't stop thinking of Ada, he couldn't get the picture of her in that beautiful dress away from his head. He was tempted to check up on her but he prevented himself from doing so. Immediately he came back from his trip, he went to say hello to her.

Ada was in the kitchen making lunch when she heard the doorbell ring, Obinna who was watching a cartoon ran to open the door.

Obinna: Uncle Jeff!!! I missed you

Jeff: (carried him lovingly) I miss you too boy, where is your mommy?

Obinna: she is making dinner, come, let me take you to her

Obinna took Jeff to the kitchen to see his mother. Earlier that day, Ada had decided to wear one of the beautiful gowns Jeff got for her. Getting into the kitchen, Jeff was stunned at what he saw, Ada's back view looked so beautiful and her skin was radiating, it was obvious that she has been taking good care of her skin.

Ada: (suddenly turned around) ohh, Young Master!!!

Jeff: (suddenly brought back to consciousness) Hi, how are you doing?

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 12

Days turned into weeks and months, Jeff and Ada became very close, Jeff noticed he couldn't do without talking to her or even seeing her, Ada on the other side was also developing feelings for him but she was afraid to let it grow fearing that his parent would never accept her for their son.

Jeff on his part tried his best to kill the feeling but it wasn't possible as he was already very close to Obinna and Obinna is the kind of child who you must be close to his mother if you want to a very close to him.

When Jeff couldn't hide the feeling again, he had to confide in Sheila to know what his next line of action would be as he was yet to confess his crime to Ada.

Sheila: and why is my cousin's brother calling me at this time of the night? I hope you won't be doing this when I finally get married to Micheal

Jeff: you ehn, I just want to confess something to you

Sheila: what is that?

Jeff: I have fallen so much in love with Ada and I can't help it. She keeps looking beautiful day by day.

Sheila: hmm, didn't I tell you? From the day you told me that you were responsible for the rape, I knew she is your wife but, I hope you are not trying to take advantage of the fact that you changed her life

Jeff: not at all, let me be realistic, what I feel for her is so strong, as in, I have felt like this for any lady before

Sheila: wow! That's nice, go get your girl then, but don't you think you should tell her the truth now?

Jeff: if I do, she won't accept me at all. I will tell her very soon

Sheila: all right then, be fine.

Jeff: thanks for always giving me a listening ear

Sheila: you don't need to thank me, there is this latest human hair I admire so much, it's just #250,000

Jeff: so, why are you now telling me?

Sheila: to buy for me now as my dearest and sweet cousin brother

Jeff: tell Micheal now

Sheila: please now

Jeff: I will see what I can do about it tomorrow

Sheila: ohh thank you so much and my regards to our wife.

As Jeff dropped his phone, his mother who had been eavesdropping on his conversation walked into his room. Her son was over thirty but was yet to introduce a woman to them which was disturbing her, she couldn't wait to be a grandmother. Every night, she decided to always go to eavesdrop on his conversation just to know if he has any woman in his life since he refused to accept Clara.

Mrs. Eke: hmm, it seems someone is in love

Jeff: mom!!! Don't tell me you were eavesdropping on my conversation?

Mrs. Eke: come on son, I couldn't help it, I need grandchildren

Jeff: grandchildren will come at the right time

Mrs. Eke: so, who is the Ada that you have fallen in love with, is she someone I know?

Jeff: can I please be allowed to go to sleep?

Mrs. Eke: not until you give answers to my questions

Jeff: the situation is a complicated one mom

Mrs. Eke: I will surely understand, is she someone I know?

Jeff: hmmm, yes

Mrs. Eke: wow! Who??

Jeff: she was once our house help

Mrs. Eke: Holy Christ!!! What has come over you? That slut, have you forgotten that she got pregnant to someone we don't know his identity? That relationship won't work and if you prove stubborn, I will find her and kill her

Jeff: (became very angry) you won't dare it mom or you will have me to contend with

Mrs. Eke: you know me Jeff, don't step on the cobra's tail

Jeff: most times, I just can't stop regretting coming into this world through you, you refuse to train me in the right way. Do you know that I was introduced to sex, smoking, and drinking at the age of fourteen

Mrs. Eke: what??

Jeff: and that rough life made me rape Ada, yes, I am the father of her child. You know, I was so deep into the evil that I did it so well that she can't even know who raped her

Mrs. Eke: but we can just collect the child and pay her off, you don't have to marry her.

Jeff: if you know the other part of me that I can't tell people, you won't be saying this

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 13

Jeff: Ada, I have fallen so much in love with you, please, give me a place in your heart and I promise never to hurt you

Ada: hmmm, it can't work

Jeff: why? Is it that you don't love me?

Ada: your parent would never accept me and......

Jeff: and what dear, I know I have lived a very rough life but I am a changed man, see, I have not touched any lady for the past five years. As for my parents, I have informed my mom and there is nothing she can do about it

Ada: I don't think I want to do this

Jeff: (went on his knees) Ada, please, don't turn me down

Ada: hmm, give me time to think it through

Jeff: wow! Thank you

When Jeff couldn't take it again, he had no option but to ask Ada out. That day, he had gone over to her house before Obinna returned from school. Ada was in the shop located in front of her house when Jeff drove in, Jeff had erected it for her and stocked it with goods since he doesn't want her to work as a cleaner again.

Ada couldn't stop wondering why Jeff came to see her that particular time as he only come in the evening and at weekends. She took him into the house and entertained him before listening to what he had to say. Hearing Jeff says he had fallen in love with her surprised her greatly, she had thought nothing of such could happen between them. Not that she didn't love him too but she was scared of what his parent would say.

Two weeks later, Ada called Jeff and gave him a yes, Jeff was so happy that he couldn't stop screaming in the office, he couldn't stop appreciating Ada for giving him a chance. As time went on, Ada and Jeff became madly in love with each other, Jeff treated Ada like the apple of his eyes which she was, and Ada in turn, reverenced and treat him like a king.

Things were going smoothly between them until an incident occurred. Obinna fell from the stairs in the school and before he was rushed to the hospital, he had lost a lot of blood. Ada and Jeff ran to the hospital where he was admitted, on getting there, the doctor explained to them that there was no blood in their blood bank so, they needed to get a donor as soon as possible to save Obinna's life.

Without wasting time, Jeff told the doctor that he would do the blood donation. The doctor tested their blood and discovered that it match, something Ada didn't understand. Obinna was treated and discharged after two weeks but Ada was in a state of confusion, when she couldn't take it again, she had to speak to Jeff about it.

Ada: I seem not to understand something

Jeff: what is that my love?

Ada: why did your blood match with Obinnas'

Jeff: (caught unaware) eerm eerm, you see....i....

Ada: why are stammering? I spoke to the doctor and he said you and Obinna seem to be related, please I need answers, I am losing my mind

Jeff: hmmm, I can't hide this anymore

Ada: you are making me more confused, hide what??

Jeff: (went on his knees) Ada, please find a place in your heart to forgive me.

Ada: what is happening here?

Jeff: I am the father of Obinna, I raped you to prove to my friends that I am a man, I dropped a pill in your water bottle which made you sleep off and stop you from remembering anything afterward

Ada: (shocked) what?? You mean you are responsible for all the pain and agony I went through? And to think your mother never stopped maltreating me, Get out of my house and never come back here

Jeff: I am sorry, all that happened in the time of ignorance

Ada: if you don't leave here, I will stab you to death.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 14

Sheila: Hey babe, how are you doing?

Ada: shut that gutter you call a mouth, so, you know from the onset that Jeff was the one behind my predicament yet, you chose to act as if you knew nothing. You both decided to deceive me just because you felt I am a nobody right?

Sheila: no, not that Ada, he revealed it to me recently and I told him to tell you, I don't know that he hasn't informed me

Ada: I cease to be your friend, don't ever try to call me again.

Sheila was so shocked, she didn't believe Ada could act like that but then, her cousin was to be blamed. No one would go through all that Ada went through and will still want to be with a man who raped her and to think the family of her rapist were her worst nightmare. After Ada ended the call, Sheila tried calling Jeff but his number didn't go through, she tried it for a couple of days yet, he remained unreachable.

Since Ada now knew her way around Jeff's company, she went to see Chief Eke, she introduced herself to him and then asked for directions to her village. Chief Eke who was so happy to see her again gave her some money and then instructed one of his drivers to drive her to her village.

Very early the following day, Ada and her Son left for the village, it was a tiring journey which lasted for almost eight hours but the joy of seeing her people after several years made her elated. After hours of driving, the driver stopped in front of a small building, the building looked so familiar to Ada and after trying to recollect, she remembered that it was her parent's house.

She held Obinna by the hand and ran inside screaming her parent's name. Father who was sharpening his cutlass in the backyard stopped what he was doing and went out to see who was shouting. He stopped walking when he came face to face with a young lady and a little boy, he gave the lady a close look and then saw that she was his lost but found daughter.

Ada: (ran to him) Father!!!! I missed you

Father: (shedding tears) my daughter is back home, I finally get to see my daughter again

Madam Madu who had gone for evening service was returning home when she began to hear some noise coming out of her home, she walked briskly into the house only to see her husband in an emotional embrace with Ada.

Madam Madu: Ewo! My daughter has returned oooo, everybody, Ada has come back to us ooooo

Ada: (ran to her mother) Mama!!! I missed you so much

Madam Madu: I missed you more, I cried every night for you, I pray to God every night to protect you from every evil.

By evening, all of Ada's siblings were back to the house, they couldn't stop touching and talking to her, it was like a dream as they never thought they would see her again. When Ada was asked about Obinna, she didn't hesitate to narrate to them how she got pregnant without knowing how it happened and how Jeff showed up years later acting as a good Samaritan and later confessing that he had raped her when she was in their house.

Madam Madu: I said it, I knew something went wrong because my daughter isn't a whore. Don't worry your head my daughter, he will pay for it, I knew what I did against who put you in that condition

Father: what?? Agnes, you mean you still went ahead with your plan after I pleaded with you not to do so?

Madam Madu: leave me alone biko

Ada: but mom, what did you do to him?.

Madam Madu: don't worry your head, my child, welcome back home, we are happy to see you.

Afraid that something bad must have happened to Jeff, Sheila decided to visit him. She met her aunt who told her that Jeff had refused to come out of his room just because that foolish girl broke his heart, she wished she could strangle Ada for making my son go through this. Sheila ignored her ranting aunt and went to her cousin's room, immediately Jeff heard Sheila's voice, he opened the door.

Sheila: jeez! Why are you looking like this, Jeff?

Jeff: what is the usefulness of looking good when my heart is shattered?

Sheila: hmmm, have you tried pleading with her?

Jeff: her lines have been unreachable and she has not been in the house for three days now

Sheila: hmmm, she warned me never to call her again too. Are you giving moving on a thought?

Jeff: moving on? I have no hope with any other woman

Sheila: how do you mean?

Jeff: because I am impotent, I lost my potency two months after I got to the US meaning I can't impregnate a lady so Obinna is my only hope.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 15

Sheila: Oh my God! This is so terrible, how did it happen? Were you involved in an accident?

Jeff: on getting to the States, I just discovered I could no longer perform which made my then-girlfriend leave me and since then, no girl could stay with me because of my impotency

Sheila: hmm, have you informed your parent?

Jeff: not at all

Sheila: you have to man up and report the situation to your Dad, I trust him to help you apologize to Ada, tell him everything

Jeff: it's not easy, you know

Sheila: I know but I feel that is the way out

Jeff encouraged himself and went to see his father, he decided that the discussion should be at his father's office because he doesn't want his mother's interference. Getting to his father's office that day, Jeff appreciated him for the good life his father provided him with then, he confessed all of his crimes to his father leaving no stone unturned.

Chief Eke became enraged after listening to all his son had to say, he couldn't believe that his son was responsible for all what poor Ada went through in the hands of his wife, he remembered the day his wife slapped the girl just because she stopped what she was doing to breastfeed her baby, their grandchild. Now after the atrocities Jeff committed, he wants him to go with him to apologize to Ada. He was confused as to how he would manage to convince Ada to forgive his son.

Chief Eke: if I say I am happy with you, I am simply telling lies, the fact that you are impotent is heartbreaking. And to think I had the belief that my son will give me grandchildren, you have also joined the trend of just a child

Jeff: (with his head bowed) I am sorry Daddy, please forgive me.

Ikemefuna and Ada sat down at the Veranda trying to catch up with old times, they were so close before Ada left to work for the Eke's, they were engrossed in a deep conversation when Ikemefuna suddenly asked his sister an emotional question.

Ikem: you love him right?

Ada: who?

Ikem: Obinna's father

Ada: hmmm

Ikem: I notice you are always sad whenever you are alone, is it because of him? Can't you let this slide and be with who loves and make you happy?

Ada: yes, I love him and he does make me happy but, how do I erase the fact that he raped me from my mind?

Ikem: it is possible, you just have to forgive and forget. More so, don't you think Obinna needs the love of both father and mother?

Ada was about to answer the question when a black Lexus jeep drove into their compound. Ada stood up to see who the visitor was when Chief Eke came out of the Jeep with Jeff. Ada went to Chief Eke and greeted him respectfully acting like Jeff wasn't existing. She took the duo into the house while Ikemefuna went to call his parent who was sitted in the backyard.

Chief Eke started by apologizing for his son's inhuman attitude to Ada and all of a sudden both father and son laid flat before Ada who was standing somewhere in the sitting room. A shocked Ada quickly lifted Chief Eke up telling him not to prostrate before her as he was like a father to her and she would never allow her father to prostrate before her.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 16

After some moments of laying flat on the ground, Mazi Madu was able to lift Chief Eke from the ground while Jeff remained there. Chief Eke began to apologize all over again to Ada's family.

Father: we have heard you Chief and I am sure Ada has heard your plea but, what do you want us to do for you?

Chief Eke: thank you. Jeff, my son wants to marry Ada

Father: hmmm, this isn't a small matter. Ada, what do you have to say?

Mrs. Madu: and what did you want her to say? She was maltreated and misused, she was beaten and tortured. Have you seen the several marks on her back? Chief Eke, are you not the man of the house? You watched your wife maltreat someone's child and you did nothing about it. Ohh, you want to marry her into your family and start maltreating her again abi?

Father: watch your tongue woman

Mrs. Madu: bikonu leave me oooo, let me say what is in my mind.

Chief Eke: let her talk please, she has every right to be angry. But the truth is that I wasn't aware of most of these happenings, it was last week, that my son came to confess to me and pleaded that I come here with him to apologize to you all.

Father: hmmm, Ada, what do you have to say to this?

Ada: meet me outside, Jeff.

While Jeff went outside with Ada, the remaining people in the house continue to talk. Chief Eke asked Mazi Madu how much he would need to rebuild his house and also asked Mrs. Madu how much she needed to start a good business. They both made the estimation and gave it to Chief Eke who in no time transferred the money to Mazi Madu's account. All of a sudden, Mrs. Madu who had been angry with Chief Eke became nice and even went to prepare food for him. Chief Eke promised to send all Ada's siblings to school but one thing he needed from them was Ada's forgiveness.

Ada: what exactly do you want from me?

Jeff: Ada, I missed you so much, I missed how we play and crack jokes, I missed how you always advise me to spend wisely. Please, forgive me, the queen of my heart

Ada: that is not an answer to my question, what exactly do you want from me?

Jeff: marriage, I want you, my son, and I to live together as one happy family

Ada: you are such a joker

Jeff: (knowing that his words were having an impact on her suddenly held her waist) I won't let you go, baby, my heart belongs to you. I am sorry for everything, I was so foolish when I did all that, I was afraid you would leave me if I tell you the truth. Please, forgive all my sins

Ada: I....i...

Jeff: it's okay dear, I know you are hurt, I promise to make you happy

Ada: I missed you too and Obinna missed you too

Jeff: Is that a yes to my marriage proposal?

Ada: (chuckle) no, I am still thinking about it

Jeff: come on babe, your eyes are saying something else. I know you love me

Ada: let's go inside

On getting into the house, Ada told everyone she would marry Jeff. The joy in the face of Chief Eke couldn't be explained, he stood up and embrace her then, he promised that no one would mess up with her. There, a date was fixed for Ada and Jeff's traditional marriage.

When Jeff and his Dad returned home, they narrated everything to Mrs. Eke and told her the chosen date for Jeff and Ada's traditional marriage.

Mrs. Eke: this will not happen, my son will not marry a girl from the slum

Jeff: don't annoy me mother, if you are a cobra, I am more dangerous than you are.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 17

Chief Eke: shut up there, Jeff, you have no right to speak rudely to your mother. No matter what the situation, she will always remain your mother

Jeff: but Dad, why will she always want to deprive me of my happiness?

Mrs. Eke: thank you, my darling husband, your son has gone mad. The only woman I support is Clara

Jeff: Clara? The one that slept with Ken?

Chief Eke: Jeff is getting married to Ada in a month and nothing can change it except you don't want to be a grandmother because your son here is impotent.

Mrs. Eke: impotent? How?

Chief Eke: my dear wife, I know what you can do, don't try to play a fast one because if you do, I won't hesitate to give you a divorce letter

Mrs. Eke: a divorce letter?

Chief Eke: one more thing, the day you maltreat Ada is the day I will strip you of every property I have given to you.

Mrs. Eke: aren't you going too far?

Chief Eke: I watched you do a lot of bad things but this time around, I won't let you continue with it.

Jeff's happiness was unexplainable the moment he heard his father give his mother strict warnings. His father could be very cool but when he is pushed to the wall, His reaction won't be funny.

Hands were on deck as regards the preparation of Jeff and Ada's traditional ceremony. Sheila was so happy that her cousin was finally getting married, she had always known that Ada was meant for Jeff the moment Jeff confessed he had raped Ada as Ada had once told her of her family's tradition. As the traditional day drew closer, Jeff became scared, he hadn't told Ada about his impotency. He was afraid that Ada would leave him once she get to know and on the other hand, he feared what she would do when she found out herself.

Not wanting to cause more havoc, Jeff invited her over to his apartment which he had bought for them to live in after their wedding ceremony. He had wanted to take her to a calm place to break the news to her but he wasn't sure of what her reactions would be, he didn't want a situation where he won't be able to drive back home peradventure she decided to break up with him.

Ada: How are you doing dear? You look pale, what's wrong? Have you eaten today?

Jeff: (trying to force a smile) I am fine

Ada: stop faking your smile, I know you too well

Jeff: Hmm, alright. I am not fine

Ada: what's the matter?

Jeff: I have been hiding something from you

Ada: again? Okay, what is it?

Jeff: (quickly knelt before him) Ada, please promise not to leave me

Ada: let me hear you first na

Jeff: I...imp..potent

Ada: this one you are stammering, I don't understand you

Jeff: please na, I said I am impotent as in, I can't perform

Ada: (bursts into laughter) ohhhh

Jeff: and why are you laughing, this isn't a joking matter, please.

Ada: I don't mean to laugh. Well, the reason you are impotent is that you raped me

Jeff: seriously? But I am sorry. What else can I do to regain my potency?

Ada: there is a tradition in our family that every female child must be legally married before a man lay with them. Anyone who fails to do the right thing will be dealt with.

Jeff: haaaa

Ada: I am not my mother's first child, she had three stillbirths because she eloped with my Dad, it was until my Dad went back to pay her bride price before they were able to have children

Jeff: hmmm

Ada: Another piece of advice I will give you is that on the day of our traditional marriage, go meet my mother and prostrate before her, tell her to forgive you and pray for you

Jeff: will that work?

Ada: just do as I said.

Jeff: hmmm, okay. Does that mean you won't leave me?

Ada: Gosh! You just can't stop acting like a baby, did ever talk about leaving you? The truth is that so far you once slept with me, and you can never be happily married to another woman

Jeff: I don't want another woman, it is you I want

Ada: see his mouth, mummy's boy.

Jeff felt so relieved after speaking with Ada, he was so blessed to have such a wonderful lady in his life, he was so happy that she wasn't a spoilt rich kid if not, he would have been forever stuck with an untrained woman.

The day of their traditional wedding came, the ceremony was a great one, the only son of Chief Eke was getting married so, it has to be a great one. Jeff did as Ada advised him and from the bottom of her heart, Mrs. Madu forgave and prayed for him. The ceremony went well, it was a day of happiness for the two families, Mrs. Eke still wasn't satisfied with her son getting married to Ada but she had no choice but to give her consent as she didn't want to be on the losing end.

Before coming into Chief Eke's life, she had been with two other men but was unable to have a child for them, she was tagged barren, maltreated, and eventually thrown out of the men's life. One evening, she met Chief Eke who had just lost his wife, the pain of losing his wife turned him into a drunkard. That day, Chief Eke had drunk himself to a stupor and fell into a gutter, Mrs. Eke took pity on him and brought him out of the gutter. She saw his complimentary card in his breast pocket and then placed a call to his driver who came in no time to drive him home. From that day, the duo became very close and later got married, after three years of marriage, Mrs. Eke became pregnant for the first time in her life.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 18

Jeff sat on the king-sized bed pressing his phone but what he was doing was staring at Ada who was trying to undress but wasn't finding it funny. He wanted to go help her with the zip she was struggling with but he realized that she had been acting shy since they left the village after their traditional marriage and he didn't want to increase her tenseness.

When he saw that she couldn't get through with it, he stood up to help. Immediately his hand touched her, and Ada froze.

Jeff: why have you suddenly become shy? I am not going to bite you

Ada: eerm eerm

Jeff: it's okay, I am not going to hurt you and if you don't want me to do anything tonight, I will wait

Ada: (shocked) do anything? Like what??

Jeff: (burst into laughter) ohhh, you should know na

Ada: I don't understand, the last time I checked, you were impotent

Jeff: and the last time I checked, I am no longer impotent so, I am going to do something tonight except you say no

Ada: come on, I don't understand

Jeff: when we kneeled before your parent for prayers, immediately they laid their hands on me, I had a bulge in my trouser. Babe, I became potent while they were praying for us, I am now a man

Ada: wow, congratulations

Jeff: congratulations to us, permission to do something?

Ada: permission granted

Jeff: Oh my! I just can't wait

Jeff helped Ada undress, coming face to face with her bare body made him almost lose his mind, ever since he bought her that beautiful dress at the boutique, he had always known she had a beautiful body but he didn't know her body was this beautiful. A cough from Ada brought him back to consciousness, and he began to confess his feelings to her again while plastering her face with kisses, he led her to the bed and the rest was history.


Jeff returned home early that day because he was very sick, Ada had made sure he left the office before closing hours to come and rest. Ada also promised to close early and come home to take care of him. Jeff decided to take a nap before his wife would be back, he was so grateful that his daughters had gone to their maternal grandmother for hols.

He lay on the bed trying to get some sleep but he couldn't as he was being distracted by a particular sound, he stood up and decided to see what the sound was all about, he opened Obinna's room only to meet his sixteen years old son in a heated romance with a girl which couldn't be more than fifteen. In anger, he locked the door and went to get a horsewhip which he had bought some days ago with the mind of using it on Obinna anytime he misbehaved since it was obvious that he was ready to take the wrong path his father went during his youthful days.

Jeff went back to the room, he whipped the girl thrice and asked her to leave his house and never to return. He threatened to get her arrested if he ever sees her with Obinna again then, he descended on Obinna, he ensured there were visible marks on his body and buttocks before he let him be then, he locked the room again so that Obinna won't be able to go out.

At midnight, Jeff went back to Obinna's room and woke him up from sleep. He made his son realize that he treated him that way because he wanted the best for him after which he told him the story of his life and how mercy spoke for him. He then pleaded with his son not to follow the path he took when he was younger because he might get a second chance. After listening to his father, Obinna promised to turn a new leaf but requested that his father help him become a better person.

After the talk with Obinna, Jeff went into the room he share with his wife and laid beside her, he wrapped his hand around her and couldn't stop appreciating her sleeping figure.

Jeff: Ada, thank you for the second chance, thank you for being a good wife to me, thank you for giving me three beautiful children, and thank you for shaping my life. I promise to be a great father and husband. I love you so much, baby.

Ada: I love you too honey, can we go back to sleep?

Jeff: sure baby, dream of me.


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