The Wrath of a King

Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 06 May 2023, 04:01 PM

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"With the power and authority invested upon me as the King of this land, I hereby made a decree that you, Sade should be slaughtered at the Ifa shrine for making a false accusation against me, and your execution takes place today" the King thundered.

"Fine, I have agreed to die as your decree state but I leave your conscience to judge and seize your peace. I leave your spirit to become disturbed at the fact that I am going to be slaughtered with your seed in me. I leave you with the remembrance of how you came into my room to make love to me after pleading with me to give the Kingdom an heir. I will die but my spirit will torment you and your kingdom. Expect doom after my demise"

Sade's words left the whole villagers dumbfounded. They had believed their king was innocent of the allegations laid against him by a common palace maid. They all walked slowly as they watched Sade being led to the Ifa shrine to be slaughtered.

Was the King innocent?
Do you think Sade was being untruthful?

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 1

Mama Sade: Sade, my daughter, I am really happy for you oooo but I am afraid at the same time.

Sade: but maami, why are you afraid? I am not going there to do something bad and I am not a bad child either.

Mama Sade: I know my daughter, you have been a good daughter to me and I can vouch for you but I am afraid due to the activities that goes on in the Palace. Remember how Yemi shamefully left the Palace because she was impregnated by one of the Palace guard. It's a life time opportunity but I don't want you to bring shame to me, remember we have no one, your father has been on the sick bed for months, I don't want an additional burden

Sade: I understand you maami, I promise not to bring trouble to you. I will be very careful in my dealing with everyone at the Palace. Don't worry about baami, once I get my salary, I will bring it home so that we can take good care of him and after working for two years at the Palace, I will go and join broda mi in Lagos to learn a trade.

Mama Sade: that's a good plan my daughter, Eledua will protect and grant you all your heart desires.

Sade: Amin maami.

Mama Sade: one more thing my daughter

Sade: what is that Maami?

Mama Sade: don't go and fall in love in the Palace, I heard there are many handsome young men there, don't allow anyone to sleep with you, remember you are meant to keep yourself.

Sade: (chuckle) don't worry maami, I promise to keep my legs closed.

Mama Sade: thank you, my daughter, your children will also listen to you.

Sade is a young nineteen years old girl who just graduated from secondary school, she was the brightest in her class but lack of funds made it impossible for her to further her education despite all the advice her teachers gave to her. Her father who would have sponsored her through school has been on the sick bed after stepping on a charm in his farm, her elder brother had to travel to Lagos to make ends meet. Not wanting to be a burden to her mother, she decided to be a maid in the Palace just to earn a living to support her mother.

Sade resumed her duty at the Palace and was faithful to her chores, when other maids were busy running after and seducing the Palace guards, she was focused on what she wanted to achieve in the Palace. She disciplined herself and ignored all frivolities going on around her.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

Everything was going fine for Sade and just like she promised her mother, she avoided all kinds of trouble, and even when other maids try to fight her, she apologises to them even though she was right, she just didn't want to add to her mother's worries.

Luckily for her family, her brother who traveled to Lagos started doing well and told them to send their father for treatment in Lagos which help speed his recovery. Sade was happy that things were returning to normal in her family when she began to encounter challenges way bigger than her in the palace.

When she came into the Palace, she was assigned to serve the Queen. Queen Adeola happened to be the first wife of the crowned King, she had been married into the Palace for over ten years but had been without a child. She and the King had visited so many places and had invited so many Dibias to the Palace but none provided them a solution.

King Ola was becoming worried and restless, he didn't know why his wife could not give him a child and to think he was in dire need of an heir to the throne to keep the kingship in his family. Doctors all claimed they are fit to have a child. What baffles the King was his wife's nonchalant attitude towards their childlessness, he knew other barren women to be sad and worried but his queen showed none of that. When he couldn't take it again, he decided to visit the wisest men in the land to whom he poured his heart out.

That night, the queen woke up in the middle of the night and asked Sade and another maid to make coffee for her, the duo hurried with the task and went into the Chambers to give it to her. As they went back to their quarters, the King's eyes fell on Sade and he suddenly had this urge to know her more. Fortunately for him, Adeola needed to attend her friend's baby shower in the next town which allowed the King to be with Sade.

When all maid and guards had all gone to the Royal farm to work, the King went to the maid's quarters and demanded to see Sade. Sade who was the only one in the quarter came out to meet him, he asked her to take him into her room which she did with fear and trembling. Sade welcomed him and tried to know what brought him to the maid's quarters.

King: I know you are surprised to see me in the maid's quarters when I would have just invited you over to the throne room

Sade: ye..yes..yes your highness

King: I saw you when you came into my chambers last night to give my wife coffee and I suddenly wanted to know you more and ask you a favor

Sade: (with her head bowed to the ground) what favor your highness?

King: look at me, please

Sade: si...sirrrrrr

King: look at me

Sade: (lift her head to meet his gaze) yes your highness

King: you are a very beautiful maiden

Sade: (became restless) thank you, your highness

King: can you give me an heir to the throne? I am in desperate need of an heir

Sande haaa, I can't do that your highness, I will be killed

King: nobody will kill you, I will protect you and also make you my second wife

Sade: I...I am very sorry your highness but I am not interested, I don't want trouble. I just want to make it in life

King: I promise you this won't be trouble.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

The King tried to cajole Sade to give him an heir but she kept resisting him, he used the authority of a King to prevail on her and slept with her without her consent. Sade broke down in tears as she watched the King dress up, she never planned to lose her dignity in such a way, she had mapped out her life plan and believed she would be happily married but here was she in a situation where she couldn't help herself.

King: Sade.....

Sade: please, leave my room, leave me alone to mend my bleeding heart

King: don't talk like that my dear, I am so sorry for rushing things, I just...

Sade: please, leave my room before I scream, at least, you have gotten what you wanted

King: I am deeply sorry Sade, I will keep my promise. You are already my second wife

Sade: (with a raised voice) leave my room, I don't want to see you again.

King: I......

Sade: Leave now and never come back

King Ola walked slowly into his chambers with mixed feelings, he was happy because he was able to have his way with her while on the other hand, he was sas because she wasn't happy. He had thought she would have jumped at the offer without a second thought. Later that night, while his wife was asleep, the King sneaked into Sade's room to see how she was doing. This time around, he went with toiletries and beverages but was so shocked to still see her crying. She was curled up in one corner of the room weeping sorrowfully. His heart broke at the sight of that, he sat beside her and drew her into his arms.

King: will you ever forgive me?

Sade: (sniffs) I had great plans for myself, you just came and spoiled all for me. Fine, you told me about your interest but you didn't wait to hear my take before you pounced on me like a sexually starved man. Is that who a King is? A man who doesn't consider other people's feelings before taking decisions.

King: I am very sorry, I know I did the wrong thing, I should have listened to your take. Forget the fact that I am a king, I don't mind postrating before you if that will earn me your forgiveness

Sade: will that bring back my virginity which I have managed to keep for almost twenty years?

King: forgive me, my queen. I brought you some beverages

Sade: I don't need them, I will just go to sleep.

The king watch Sade walk slowly to her bed, she was clothed with unhappiness, and her eyes were clothed with so much gloom. At that moment, all the King felt was deep unhappiness, he knew he had hurt the young girl deeply and the wise one must not get wind of what he had done. After watching her fall asleep, he went back to his chambers.

Some weeks later, Sade was working with other maids in the royal kitchen when she suddenly slumped. Before this, she discovered that she was pregnant but was afraid to tell anyone not even her friend and confidant. She was planning on how to run away from the Palace to a faraway land in order not to incur the wrath of the queen because anyone who finds out will say she seduce the King.

The news of Sade's loss of consciousness got to the King and at once, he sent for the royal nurse who confirmed Sade pregnant, the King's joy was beyond comprehension as he was going to be a father for the first time. There and then, he decided to go to Sade's parents and pay her bride price so that she would be his legal wife. The King waited for his wife to fall asleep before going to Sade's room and luckily for him, he met her in the room.

Sade: what are you doing in my room, I thought I warned you not to come here again

King: For almost two months you have avoided me, do you have to avoid me now that you are carrying my child?

Sade: please go away, I don't want any problem

King: my unborn child and I are no problem okay? I will be going to see your parent tomorrow to pay your bride price and make you my wife

Sade: I am not interested

King: you've got no choice my dear, my child must experience the love of both mother and father

Sade: you just came to complicate my life

King: (carried her and place her on his lap) enough of dwelling in the past and let's plan the future of our child.

Immediately he placed Sade on his lap, Adeola swung the door opened and walked in.

Adeola: so, it is true Ola and you swine, what are you doing on my husband's laps?

Sade: (quickly stood up) I am sorry your highness, I...

Adeola: you are a very wicked person, Ola. You had the gut to cheat on me with a common maid, you have chewed more than you can swallow, the battle line is drawn between us.

King: you can do nothing, you are just bragging.

Adeola: that child will not come to life, mark my words

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Adeola: Father, can you see what you've caused now? First, I was in love with Ade, you asked me to break off the relationship and get married to the King. I did your bidding as an obedient daughter and got married to him, you came again and said I should not get pregnant for him and when I mistakenly did, you made me abort it. I have aborted three pregnancies and now, my husband has impregnated a common Palace maid

Balogun: shut up there!!! What do you know? I am working out a great future for you and instead of you being grateful for all my labor, you are here running your mouth.

Adeola: I don't mean to offend you father but I can't lose my husband to a common maid. I have grown to love Ola and I can't afford to lose him

Balogun: you can't lose your husband. Calm down, watch your husband suddenly hate the common maid. The maid who dared to eat what my daughter is eating will suffer greatly. Go to your house and leave the rest with me.

Adeola left for the palace and even stopped fighting her husband, she ignored his going to meet Sade to spend the night in her room. She even took over cooking his meals and suddenly, she began to see her father's handiwork. The King took great care of Sade, he even brought her into one of his royal bedrooms to show her that she meant a lot to him, other maids in the palace began to envy Sade but Sade didn't even see such kind of life and being a great one, a life where you have to share your man with another woman.

All of a sudden, the King forgot all about Sade, he doesn't come to see how she and the unborn baby were faring. He had gone to see Adeola's parents and was supposed to return with the dowry items but that didn't happen. Even though Sade didn't like her relationship with the King, she had to go see him because she was carrying his child and nothing can be done to reverse it.

On getting to the throne room, she made obeisance to the King and asked him why he hasn't been coming to check on her. The King's reply was so shocking to her.

King: Who are you? Who allowed you into my throne room?

Sade: (shocked) this is Sade, my king, the woman carrying your unborn baby

King: you must be mad for that nonsense coming out of your mouth. The only woman in my life is Queen Adeola, how can you say you are carrying my unborn child? When did I impregnate you?

Sade: (put her hands on her head) Yee! I am done for. I was on my own when you came into my room to take advantage of me. Now, see what you are doing to me

King: watch your mouth, young lady, or I will have you flogged and thrown into my prison for saying awful things against me, when did I take advantage of you?

Sade: I don't care about what else you can do to me, you have already shattered my future, what else is there to live for?

King: guards!!! Give this lady seven strokes and after that lock her up in the inner prison, she should be without food or water till I am ready to punish her for her blasphemous words against me.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

Sade was given seven strokes as instructed by the King and then thrown into the palace prison where she was given no food or water. Bimpe, her only friend and confidant in the palace was so sorry for her. No one was allowed to see Sade but Bimpe had to bribe her way into the prison since her boyfriend was one of the palace guards. Getting into the palace prison, she met her friend in a bad shape. She looked so sick and lean with marks of whip all over her body even though her face was disfigured by the whip.

Bimpe: ohhh my! Sade!!!

Sade: (smiled weakly) you came???

Bimpe: I am sorry I couldn't come before now, you know the King gave a warning that no one should be allowed to see you but Ayuba helped me here

Sade: it's okay. I need your help, please

Bimpe: I brought you food and water

Sade: that's not necessary, I need the herb for terminating a pregnancy. I can't keep this child

Bimpe: Abomination!!! You can't abort the heir to the throne. Sade, you have a great future before you that's why you are going through all this. You and I know the King isn't in his right frame of mind, if he is, he won't have let all these happen to you. I plead with you to be strong, the child in you will surely become the next King no matter the plan of the evil ones. Please eat this and take this drug so that you can be strong

Sade: right frame of mind indeed. If you can't grant my request, please leave with your food. I rather die than give birth to this child, I can't have a child for a wicked and heartless king

Bimpe: Sade, please

Sade: enough with your wise word, I know what to do

Bimpe left the food at one corner of the prison where no one will see it and hurriedly left so that her absence won't be discovered. After Bimpe left, Sade ponder on her friend's words and decided to keep the child. It was truly an abomination to abort a royal child, anyone who does that will be hunted severely.

After spending a week in the prison, Sade was brought to trial before the King and elders of the land. She was asked if the King was truly responsible for the pregnancy she was carrying which she affirmed without a waste of time. The King got angry and ordered that she be executed at the ifa shrine for her blasphemous words against him.

Since the King's words must be obeyed, the guards took Sade by the hand and led her to the Ifa shrine. Immediately her parent got wind of what was going to befall their only daughter, they ran to the King to plead for forgiveness but all their pleas fell on deaf ears.

As Sade got to the shrine, the slaughterer was already prepared to carry out the King's instruction. She was made to kneel before the shrine and her head covered in a white cloth, immediately the slaughterer raised his cutlass, and the messenger of the wisest man in the land stopped him.

Slaughterer: why are you here?

Messenger: the wise one sent me, he said the lady must not be killed for it is an abomination for a woman to be slaughtered with the royal seed in her

Slaughterer: what?? Royal seed?

Messenger: the King is currently under strong manipulation and he gave his verdict in that condition. If he gets to know that you slaughtered the woman carrying his child, your blood will be spilled on this shrine

Slaughter: Abomination!!! What do you have me do now?

Messenger: the wise one asked me to come with the maiden, she is the property of the royal family and no harm must come her way.

The Slaughterer remove the cloth covering Sade's head and immediately released her to the messenger who quickly covered her with a cloth and placed her before him on his horse and rode away to meet his master. On getting to his master, he led Sade to him who then instructed him to take good care of her and ensure she lacks nothing.

A few weeks after Sade's supposed execution, Adeola went to her husband with the news of being pregnant. The king was so excited, he was grateful that he won't die childless, he drew his wife into an emotional embrace and began to make promises to her. All of a sudden, he came to his senses.

Adeola: what is wrong my king? Are you not happy that I am now carrying your child after years of being married to you?

King: where is Sade? She is pregnant with my child

Adeola: (disgusted) Sade?? Who is she?? I am just hearing that name for the first time

King: cut off the pretense, I remember you caught us amid a heated romance. What have you people done to her?

Adeola: which people?? You were the one who ordered her execution for her blasphemous words against you, you claimed you weren't the owner of her pregnancy

King: no!!! This can't be!!! The child in her is mine, she was almost my wife

Adeola: shut up, you shameless man. So, you are not ashamed of your adulterous lifestyle.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

King:(weeping profusely) forgive me, father, I know I have transgressed, I am so sorry

Wise one: I am so disappointed in you, I told you a secret and all you can do is run ahead of time. You are not worthy to be a king. I was to mentor you into becoming a better person because of the throne but you ran away because you felt my teachings were too hard now, see what you have done? You ordered the death of a woman carrying your child. Why on earth do you have to sleep with her?

King: I am so sorry father

Wise one: you came to me with a problem and I revealed the solution. Yes, your wife and her father are up to something, yes, Sade is meant to be your wife later when Karma visits your wife and her father but why can't you let life take its course? Do you think you can Fastrack life?

King: I am so sorry father

Wise one: you only expose her to the evil ones

King: I am ready to protect her father, please, give me a chance to see her.

Wise one: you can't see her till the times be completed.

King: Father, what have you done???

Wise one: I have sent her to where she will be safe till all the battle in the palace dies down. Go back and fight the battle, show Adeola true love so that everything hidden will be revealed.

Upon hearing that Sade has been sent where she will well cared for, the King stood up and walked slowly to the palace. He decided to show true love to his wife so that the evil she and her father are planning against the kingdom can be revealed.

Olamide was the only son of the late King, his mother had died when he was barely ten. His father who never had the opportunity to have a western education made up his mind that his son would be educated hence he sent Olamide to the city to live with his brother so that he would have access to education. Olamide excelled in all his affairs and when proceeded to the University for a degree. On the day of his graduation, his father organized a big feast to celebrate his success, the villagers were all there to celebrate with him.

Right at the celebration, the King revealed that Olamide is the heir to the throne which raised some dust. The following day, the King was found dead in his Chambers, the autopsy showed that he was poisoned to death. Since he had revealed that his son was his successor, Olamide was installed King after the mourning days of his father.

The chief fighter popularly called Balogun gave him his daughter to be his wife since it is against the law of the land for a King to be installed without a wife.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

Nike: Madam, please, leave my house. Leave my husband alone, at least, he has tried for you. Didn't you say your husband is a king? Go back to him or have you been lying to us?

That was the shouting and ranting of Nike, Sade's brother's wife. She was tired of accommodating Sade and her three month old son under her roof, the fact was that she was jealous of the care her husband bestowed on his younger sister.

After Sade became strong, the Wise one told her to leave the village and not return until the time be completed. She asked him what time it would be and the answer he gave her was that when the time comes, she would know.

Sade was escorted to the bus part where she took a bus to Lagos and with the help of her Dad, she was able to locate her elder brother in Lagos, He was so happy to see that she escaped the death sentence of the King although he was angry with the fact that the King took advantage of his kid sister. He would have gone to fight him but no one goes to fight the King and comes back alive.

Without hesitation, he took his sister in and began to care for her. He pleaded with his wife to join him in caring for her since she was expecting a baby. Nike, his wife agreed to that with the thought that she won't stay with them for long since she was married to the King. At that time, Nike and Dele had been married for three years but had no child, three months after Sade moved in with them, Nike became pregnant. Since she had gotten what she was looking for, Nike began to feel threatened and then started maltreating Sade.

Dele who thought it was as a result of her pregnancy was always overlooking her misbehavior and will sometimes even blame Sade.

Sade had her child through a Caeseran section which made Dele spend a huge amount of money, something that angered his wife as all their savings was emptied just to ensure that both mother and child were alive and healthy. Nike felt if she didn't do anything sooner, her husband may never be able to have a life investment hence, she decided to come up with a plan to send Sade and her son out of her home.

When baby Doyin was three months, Nike pushed Sade to the wall by laying the baby on the floor with the claim that the little boy would stain her cushion. Sade hurriedly carried her son from the cold floor and gave Nike a deafening slap. With that, she pushed Sade and her baby out of her house and also throw out their belongings.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

Sade strapped her baby to the back and placed her belongings on her head, she decided not to plead with her brother's wife as she had had all her troubles to the fill. She remembers the days Nike would lock the kitchen and starve her forgetting the fact that she was breastfeeding, there were days Nike would make Sade do all the whole house chores.

As Sade walked on the road with her belongings on her head with her baby strapped to her back, she was lost in thought. She remembered all the great plans she had for herself, she remembered how she had to say no to Akin's marriage proposal even though she was in love with him just because she wanted to become a better person in society, and when she thought her dreams were beginning to come to pass, an inconsiderate King came from nowhere to destroy it.

Sade was brought back to consciousness by a slap on her face. It was then she realized that she had been surrounded by people and her baby had been crying. The little boy had been crying for food but Sade who was lost in thought didn't hear his cry. Onlookers who felt the baby wasn't hers because she didn't answer him quickly stopped and surrounded her. They claimed she had kidnapped someone's child and when she tried to deny it, someone from the crowd gave her a deafening slap. Someone collected the baby from her back while another person dragged her along and together, they all went to the nearest police station to report the issue.

When she explained why she was lost in thought, everyone took pity on her, and those who slapped her began to apologize profusely. They explained that a woman kidnapped a child some days ago which had made them be on the lookout. The police apologize to Sade and they let her go. Sade came out of the police station and continued roaming about.

She saw a supermarket and went in to plead with the owner to employ her in exchange for accommodation. The woman screamed at her, she called Sade all sorts of names, she called her a thief and husband snatcher. A young man who was shopping had compassion for Sade and decided to take her to his house. The owner of the supermarket tried to dissuade him but his mind was made up.

Tobi took Sade to his apartment and on getting there, he ensure she was comfortable. He quickly prepared food and prepared his spare room for her, all this while, Sade couldn't stop thinking she was dreaming as she didn't expect a stranger to be so nice to her. Done with freshening up, she came into the living room to meet Tobi singing a lullaby for her son. As she made to collect her baby from her son, a lady barged into the room and started screaming, she launched at Sade and began to beat her up.

Lady: so, it is true Tobi? You are indeed cheating on me ehn

Tobi: are you crazy?

Lady: (launched at Sade) you foolish husband catcher, I will so much deal with you today

Tobi had to quickly lay the baby in his arms on the chair to go rescue Sade who was being beaten by his fiancee. In the course of the struggle, an old woman who lived next door ran to Tobi's apartment to see what was going on. She thought Tobi was the one beating his fiancee. She was surprised to see Joy beating a young girl whose nose was bleeding. By the time the old woman got inside, Tobi had been able to release Sade from Joy's grip. He explained the situation to the woman and pleaded with her to help him accommodate Sade and her baby. After listening to Sade's tale, she had compassion for her and decided to accommodate her, Joy on her part began to feel bad.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 9

Sade wiped the tears off her face, she was looking at the event going on the street as she stood beside the window of the guest room of Mama. Mrs. Odewale a widow and a mother of three children with six grandchildren was popularly called Mama. After listening to her story, Mama who was so touched decided to accommodate till she was ready to leave for her kingdom. An act Tobi was truly grateful for.

As Sade watched everything going on the street, tears began to drop from her eyes, she wiped her face and turned to her baby who was sleeping peacefully.

Sade: oh my cute little boy, you get handsome day by day. I never had plans to have a child at this age but now that you are in my life, I will protect you with everything in me. I don't know the battle your father is fighting but I assure you that it won't get to you.

Two weeks later, Sade was washing in the kitchen when Mama called her that she had a guest, getting to the sitting, she saw Joy in tears begging her to come apologize to Tobi on her behalf. Sade was stunned to see the tigress on her knee, she told her to stand up as she doesn't need to kneel before her but Joy didn't answer. The only thing she wanted was for Sade to follow her to Tobi's apartment to plead with him not to break up with her.

Sade went with her to plead with Tobi but he was adamant, he claimed he can't marry a woman who is a fighter and can't trust him. Sade tried all her best to speak to him but his mind was made up, when Sade saw that he wasn't going to change his mind, she consoled Joy and left. Tobi was so much in love with Joy that the breakup took a toll on him but he couldn't just end up with her. Two of his friends once told him that she can't be a good wife, his mom also didn't approve of her but the fact that he was so much in love with her clouded his sense of reasoning. Tobi encouraged himself and moved on.

Mama whose children were all outside the country relocated to go be with her children, she left behind a supermarket that Sade was helping her with. At the end of the month, Sade was to change the profit to dollars and send it to Mama, something which she did with all honesty of heart. With this, Sade was able to renew the rent and take good care of herself and Adedoyin.

When Adedoyin clocked two, she enrolled him in a school and ensured he was doing well academically. Few months after his sixth birthday, Adedoyin was solving his arithmetic assignment when he suddenly asked his mother a question.

Doyin: mommy, what of my daddy?

Sade: huh?? Why do you ask?

Doyin: Peace in my class have both daddy and mummy likewise Jeff but I don't have a daddy, why I am different?

Sade: shut up your mouth and go into your room now

Doyin: fine!!!

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 10

Two weeks after Doyin asked about his father, he suddenly became sick, Sade bought all kinds of drugs yet, he didn't recover. Despite all the drugs he was using, Doyin began to get weaker and weaker, when she couldn't bear seeing her son in that condition, Sade had no choice but to take him to the hospital. Upon Doyin's admission to the hospital, the doctor conducted all manner of tests but he found nothing wrong with him, something that scared Sade so much.

The doctor decided to discharge Doyin since what was wrong with him wasn't medical but Sade pleaded with him not to do so. She sat beside his bed weeping and then slept off, in her dream, the wise one was telling her that it was time to go home most especially to take Doyin to his father. As that was the only way Doyin will be well.

Having received that instruction, Sade had no choice but to go back to the village. She called Mama, appreciated her, and explained everything to her. Mama prayed for her and encouraged her not to give up on life. A week later, Sade traveled home and the first place she went to was the palace. It was so surprising that no one recognized her, she demanded to see the King urgently but it was the chiefs she saw as the King was seriously ill.

The Chiefs tried to know who she was but she refused to reveal her identity as she didn't know the state of things in the kingdom hence, she didn't want to complicate things for herself. When the Chiefs saw how adamant she was, they decided to let her into the King's chambers. On getting to the King's Chambers with one of the Chiefs, Sade broke down in tears, the condition of the King was worse. She laid Doyin very close to the King and immediately, the King felt a lightness in him, it was as if something left him.

King: who..who..who is that?

Chief: you have a visitor, your highness, she said she needed to see you urgently

King: who..who are you, young lady?

Sade:(knelt beside his bed) Long live the King

King: that voice sounds familiar, who are you please, and who is this child lying beside me?

Sade: (wiped the tears away from her face) this is Sade and the boy lying beside you is the product of the pregnancy I left with

King: Eledua! Elida!! Eledua!! Ese!!! My child has come back to me. Otun, please help me up, let me see the face of my son and his mother

The amazed Chief helped the King up and immediately he came face to face with Doyin, a sudden strength entered into him. He carried the sleeping boy into his hands and wept for Joy, he then invited Sade to sit beside him.

King: Sade!!! Thank you for raising my son, I had thought I would die without an heir. I am sorry for putting your life on hold, I am sorry for taking advantage of you. Please, forgive me. Look, he is such a cute boy and he looks so much like me. Finally, I am a proud father.

Sade: sure, he is. What of your wife?

King: Hmmm! Adeola and her father died a year ago, they died the same day. She was impregnated by one of the Palace guards. Don't worry, I will tell you everything you need to know but you need to freshen up and rest. I don't mind cooking for you and my son

Sade: cook for us? You need rest and I need to be with my parent, I will come back tomorrow to check on him

King: I thought you will pass the night in my Chambers

Sade: I am not your wife, we only had a moment which produced Adedoyin. I am no longer that naive Sade, if you want me to be your wife, do the needful.

King: hmmm, I will do the needful just as you said. Won't he start crying and asking after you when he wakes?

Sade: tell him you are his daddy and mummy will soon be back or better still, send a guard to come to call me.

King: Sade!!!

Sade: I need to go, I can't pass the night here. I need to give my parent that honor.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 11

Sade was serving breakfast in her parent's home when she heard a knock on the door. She stopped what she was doing to go see who was at the door only to see one of the Palace guards bringing in the present into her parent's house. Then, the King walked in with Doyin who was dressed in the same attire as his father. Sade looked deeply at her son and she saw happiness and satisfaction hovering around him.

Doyin: (ran to his mother) mummy!!!!

Sade: (carried him) oh my sweet boy, how are you doing?

Doyin: mummy, have you seen my daddy? He said he is my daddy

Sade: yes, he is, I brought you to him

Doyin: thank you, mummy

Sade: hope he took good care of you?

Doyin: yes mummy, he treated me like a baby

Sade: how?

Doyin: he put me on his back and cooked a delicious meal for me after which he fed me and sang a lullaby for me

Sade: wow! That's awesome, thank you, my King

King: do you have to thank me? I am simply taking care of my son

Sade: the part that you put him on your back while cooking is funny

King: oh! I didn't want him to be away from me or perhaps, I was afraid that he would disappear

Sade: (burst into laughter) that is hilarious

All this while, Sade's parents were already in the sitting room and were witnessing the little drama among the trio. The moment the King saw them, he prostrated before them

They tried to stop him from prostrating but that didn't deter him, he appreciated them for their support from the onset and asked for permission to get married to Sade which they gave without hesitating, he asked for the dowry list which they provided immediately.

After speaking in private with the King, Sade decided to go see the wise one when the King told her that the wise one passed away a few months ago but his son had taken over his position. Sade felt pained but still, she went. On getting to his house, she was greeted by his son who made her understand that the wise one had passed away.

Wise one: welcome back the Queen of our land, we have been waiting for your return, where is he, the heir to the throne?

Sade: huh? Queen of the land?? He is with his father

Wise one: yes, you have been chosen to be the Queen of our land but the wicked ones tried to manipulate things. You know, destiny may be delayed but can't be denied

Sade: hmmm

Wise one: welcome back once again, don't delay your marriage to the King so that the evil ones won't strike. Love and take good care of the King and ensure you still great virtues into the heir to the throne because we can't afford to have an immature King

Sade: hmmm

Wise one: the heir to the throne will be a powerful King and from now, he will start saying some things you won't understand. Don't shun him, just write them in a book because they will surely come to pass.

Sade: this is confusing

Wise one: the moment you laid him on his father's bed, he has been made powerful. Guide him well and don't spare the rod. Once, he is fifteen years, send him to me for some mentorship.

Sade: alright wise one, thank you very much.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 12

Sade got married to the King two weeks after she got back to the village, it was a great moment for everyone in the kingdom as there was heavy rainfall immediately after She got into the Palace. The ceremony was held in her parent's house and after the whole ceremony, the King went to the Palace with his son while Sade was escorted to the Palace by some young ladies the following day.

The King watched the activity happening in the compound of his palace, his newly wedded wife was being brought in by some young ladies. As custom demands, he was to be in his room till his bride is brought to him. He had this smile and feeling of admiration as he watched Sade dance beautifully, of truth, she was a very beautiful young lady with a great body that doesn't look like she had had a child.

The King had already ordered that a room be prepared for his son so that he will be able to spend time with his wife. Earlier that day, he had ensured that his room was given a perfect touch in anticipation of the coming of his wife.

A knock on the door brought him back to consciousness, he took a look at the mirror to ensure he was looking good before going to open the door as he couldn't afford to look unkempt before his wife. As he opened the door, he was faced with a beautiful version of Sade, he welcomed her with a kiss and led her into the room.

The King kept showering her with praises which made her blush ceaselessly, it was in the period of blushing that they got entangled amid heated romance and the rest was history.

Sade: dear, you haven't told me what happened to Adeola and her father

King: my dear wife, it's something I don't want to remember

Sade: what is it that bad?

King: hmmm, Adeola came to meet me a few months after you left the village to inform me that she was pregnant. Oh! I was so excited, I thought I was finally going to be a father. After nine months, a male child was born and everything was going on smoothly until the baby clocked three years. He was always falling sick which made us take him to the city for tests and after numerous tests, it was discovered that he was a sick cell patient.

I was so shocked because both Adeola was AA while I was AS so there was no how we could father a child with an SS genotype. Further tests were conducted and it was discovered that Adeola was the true mother while I wasn't the father. I almost went mad at that discovery of that, I questioned Adeola severally but she refused to confess then, I ordered that she should be thrown into the Palace cell and tortured. When she heard that she was to be tortured, she confessed that she pleaded with one of the Palace guards to impregnate her so that she could give me a child.

Sade: what??? What happened to the child?

King: I will tell you everything, it's a long story.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 13

King: I was so angry and heartbroken, I commanded her to be thrown into the palace prison till I clear my head. A few hours after she was thrown into the prison, her father came into the Palace and ordered me to release his daughter but I refused to. He threatened to kill me if I refuse to release his daughter which I dared him to. At that instant, the Wise one walked into the Palace which made Adeola's father angrier.


Wise one: Balogun! Balogun!! Balogun!!!

Balogun: don't call my name just tell this idiot to release my daughter before I make him a dead man. His father killed my wife and I won't let him kill my daughter

King: what?? My father killed your wife?

Wise one: are you still on this matter?

Balogun: why won't I? His father and I were best of friends yet, he went ahead to order the execution of my wife just because of an allegation levied against her. My wife was a very contented woman who will never take what is not hers not to talk of stealing from the King. His father ordered the death of my wife with the claim that she stole the King's staff of authority.

Wise one: is that why you want to destroy the Kingdom? Is that why you keep aborting the pregnancies of your daughter? Why did you even give your daughter to the son of the man that killed your wife? To get back to his son?

Balogun: Stop it!!!

Wise one: are they lies? Tell me you didn't abort five pregnancies for your daughter. Tell me you haven't ordered your daughter to poison her husband to death but she just hasn't found the courage to do so

Balogun: I said, stop it.

When the Wise one refused to stop talking, Balogun tried to strike him to death but it returned to him. When Adeola heard of her father's death, she stabbed herself to death immediately. It was a very sorrowful moment, the King couldn't come to terms with what he heard, he never knew his father ordered the death of Adeola's mother. As a way of repaying his father's crime, the King decided to take care of the baby Adeola left behind but unfortunately, the child died three months later. When the King tried to ask the Wise one questions about the incident, the Wise one simply said THE WRATH OF A KING WREAKS HAVOC. He then warned The King to avoid unnecessary anger.


Sade: what a sad event, so the Balogun was simply trying to revenge on his wife's death.

King: yes, my queen

As they were talking, Doyin walked into the Chambers and began to say things they didn't understand.

King: my handsome prince is here, how have you been my son?

Doyin: I am doing fine daddy. Do you know what I just saw?

Sade: what is that son?

Doyin: I saw two baby girls in my mommy's stomach

Sade: (touched her stomach suddenly) two girls?? How? I don't understand

King: (burst into laughter) I understand you son

Sade: excuse me?

King: you still don't get it? I simply scored two goals yesterday and the result of the goals will be the birth of two baby girls

Sade: ohhh! Hmmm, I am scared for my son, I don't want any evil to come near him oooo

King: no evil can come close to him, he will be a King with a difference

Doyin: daddy, do you know who the future queen of the land will be?

King: no, tell me, son

Doyin: her name is Laila, she is the daughter of a King and her father's kingdom is ten miles away from ours

King: wow!! Dear, get a pen and write it down.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 14

The King was in the midst of a serious discussion with his chiefs when Doyin, dressed in palace regalia ran to meet him.

Doyin: Daddy! Daddy!! Daddy!!! Please, come

King: what is wrong my son? I am in the midst of a serious discussion

Doyin: it is mommy, she is holding her stomach and rolling on the floor, I don't know what is wrong with her. Hope she is not going to die.

King: Otun, please take over the discussion and give me feedback later, I need to check up on my wife

On: alright, your highness

The King ran into his Chambers and truly saw his wife rolling on the floor, screaming in pain. It was obvious her delivery was near. The King tried to help her up as the pain had engulfed her.

Three months after she became the legal wife of the King, Sade noticed she was pregnant. At first, she didn't inform the King as she didn't know how to present the issue to her husband but he later discovered and was joyful. He ensured she get enough rest and everything she needed.

Seeing the state Sade was in, the King ordered one of the guys to call the village doctor to come to see what was happening to his wife, and on his arrival, the doctor asked the King to bring her to the village hospital. Two days after she was admitted to the village hospital, Sade was delivered to two baby girls just as her son prophesied. Sade looked at her bundle of joy and smiled, she was grateful to God for giving her life sense despite the plans of the wicked ones.

The happiness that radiated all over the King gave her more reasons to be happy. Tina, her brother's wife heard about the birth of her twins and came to rejoice her. Immediately, she saw her, Tina fell to her knees asking Sade to forgive all her past misdeeds. She narrated how she lost the pregnancy she was carrying three weeks after Sade and her baby left and since then, she had been unable to conceive.

Sade lifted her from the floor and made her embrace Doyin. A month later, Tina became pregnant and was delivered with a baby boy months later.

Sade, now a mother to three children became determined to give her children the best of morals. The wrath of her late father-in-law almost cost her life and that of her son because of an action he took in anger, she decided to do everything possible to make Doyin a different King as she wasn't going to allow the repetition of the former event, she wasn't going to allow the WRATH OF ANOTHER KING DESTROY LIVES and the possibility of that lies in her hands.


For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.