
Started by StoryTeller, Saturday, 06 May 2023, 01:03 PM

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Episode 1

Mrs. Kemi looked at the wall clock the umpteenth time, her daughter wasn't back home, she didn't even come home to sleep, it was obvious she pass the night in the house of one of her sugar daddies. Mrs. Kemi was scared of her daughter's future as she doesn't want a repetition of what happened to her in her daughter's life. As she was still reminiscing about the past, Joke, her only daughter walked into the house beaming with smiles.

Joke: Good Morning momma, how are you doing this morning?

Mrs. Kemi: and what is good about the morning Joke? Where did you pass the night this time around?

Joke: (smiled mischievously) oh momma! You don't need to bother your head with that, I am a full-grown lady who is responsible for herself

Mrs. Kemi: I hope you are not losing it Joke? Why can't you settle down with one man? Why did you derive joy in being with married men? I am so sure it isn't for the money because you are doing well for yourself

Joke: momma, married men do it better than young men and you know, it's not my fault, they are running after me as in, I am the reigning babe and you can't expect me to turn them down when I am surely benefitting from it

Mrs. Kemi: and what are you benefitting? You are wreaking havoc to homes yet, you claim to be enjoying it. Don't you know that you are preventing those men from caring for their wives and children?

Joke: come on mom, I didn't stop them from caring for their wives and children, they just service me once in a while.

Mrs. Kemi: I am saying my oooo yet, you don't want to listen. Don't let the history of my life repeat itself in your life

Joke: calm down momma, you were uneducated but I am educated so, your life history isn't in any way repeating itself in mine, I am simply having fun as in FUN

Mrs. Kemi: sit down, let's talk

Joke: talk?? Mom, this is Monday and I have a court case today. My client paid me a huge amount of money and I can't afford to let him down. Let's talk some other time.

With that Joke walked into her room, have her shower, dressed beautifully, and went to court. Mrs. Kemi is a single mother who made a grave mistake while growing up and unfortunately, that mistake of hers kept dealing with her. She had received Christ which she had earlier turned down in a hard way and has been asking God for forgiveness since then but it looks like forgiveness was far from her. The painful part of it is that her daughter has taken after her.

After meeting Christ, Mrs. Kemi had decided to train her only daughter in the way of the Lord and ensure she was well educated so that her life would be better than her mothers'. Joke had been an outspoken and bold child right from her tender age hence, when she chose to study law in the tertiary institution, it wasn't new to her mother.

She was happy that her daughter was already doing well not until her third year in the university when she suddenly chose promiscuity as a lifestyle.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 2

After that morning that Joke left for work, Mrs. Kemi didn't set her eyes on her daughter for almost two weeks and she wasn't picking her calls. Mrs. Kemi became apprehensive and to think she had been having nightmares about her daughter. Sleeping at night had become impossible for her because of the nightmares. She decided to take the bull by the horn by visiting Joke at the office.

After a forty-five minutes drive, she drove into her daughter's chambers. At the age of twenty-eight, her daughter already had her chambers. Mrs Kemi walked in and was surprised that the Secretary wasn't on seat, she proceeded into her daughter's office and met the door opened, she went in only to be greeted by some soft moans coming from the toilet. Knowing fully well that the voice was Jokes', Mrs. Kemi opened the toilet door which made the duo scream in shock.

Joke was so angry when she saw her mom peep into the toilet, who the hell had asked her to come to her office in the first place was the question she kept asking herself. After helping him win the case, Andrew had asked him what else he can do to appreciate her effort and since money wasn't Joke's problem, she had asked him to service her three times and the one they had in the toilet was the third time. In the first place, Andrew had caught Joke's fancy but no matter how loose she was, she doesn't mix pleasure with work but since the opportunity presented itself, she had no choice but to play along.

Joke: (angry) and what are you doing here mom?

Mrs. Kemi: if you call me again, I would give you a deafening slap

Joke: slap?? As in you would slap me??

Mrs. Kemi: try me, ohh you think because you are all grown up, I can't discipline you, I am your mother and I have the right to discipline you any time and anyhow. Sit down there and let's talk

Joke: mom??

Mrs. Kemi: sit down my friend

Joke: (sat down reluctantly) fine!!

Mrs. Kemi: since you have refused to heed my warning, I think I should tell you the story of my life maybe that would make you learn and stop the nonsense you are doing

Joke: point of correction mom, it's having fun and no-nonsense

Mrs. Kemi: one word from you will earn you a slap.

Mrs. Kemi's point of view.

I was the only daughter of a wealthy merchant back in my village, I was born into a family of six, I had five elder brothers. My mother won't stop giving birth until she had a girl child that was what we ended up becoming six which was initially against my father's plan. As the only daughter, I was showered with so much love and care, my mother doted on me, my father showed me with much care and my brothers adored me.

At a very young age of six, I was already conscious of myself as my mother was always singing praises of me every morning so, I grew up being proud of myself. Knowing how my family adored me so much, I began to misbehave, I became saucy and mannerless. I spoke to our workers anyhow, I even made my parent to fire anyone who went against my order.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 3

I grew up becoming worse, you know I had everything at my disposal, I was nicknamed peacock by my peers. I was always at the center of attraction. My pride increased when my dad was made the chief of our town, my family became so popular that everyone wanted to associate with us.

Ladies were always fighting themselves for my brothers while chiefs of other towns couldn't stop asking my hand in marriage for their sons. My Dad made them realize that I was too young for marriage, he promised some to let me come off age before such was tabled before him. That statement of his angered me a lot because I love the attention and gifts I was receiving from my supposed suitors then, at that time, I was just sixteen.

Dad called me into his chambers one evening and spoke to me about the need to go to school, he said he wanted me to be a beautiful and intellectual lady, I didn't obstruct that idea because I had the feeling that I would be given much attention in school. I went to the elementary school in our town and of truth, I was treated like a queen. I was adored and cared for as no one wants to incur the wrath of my parent by treating me with disdain.

I had always wanted to dominate people everywhere I went but in school, there was this girl named Jessica, also a chief's daughter, she wasn't just given special treatment, she was loved by both students and teachers because of her excellent academic performance. I suddenly grew envious of her and one day, my envy resulted in a serious fight between both of us. I fought her so hard that she sustained serious injuries. The teachers intervened and I was found guilty, for the very first time in my life, I was beaten severely. I reported the issue to my parent and the teacher got arrested and the school closed down for one week. As a result of that, I was relocated to another school where I was negatively influenced.

Queen Elizabeth high school was the school I was taken to, their students were free to do as they want, in this school, I was treated with love, care, and respect. Things began to go smoothly until I got to my first year in senior secondary school. I met Laila and Jumai who introduced me to the lifestyle that marred my life forever.

Being beautiful daughters of wealthy chiefs, we were well sorted after by both male students and teachers, of course, we went for male teachers as they had money and could help influence our grades. We would pass the night in their lodge in exchange for high grades and some money, anyone who goes against us in the school would be dealt with by those male teachers. I thought I was having fun, I never knew I was damning my future.

During the vacation, my parent noticed a change in me but they couldn't place what it was, mother tried to find out what was happening but didn't get the truth from me. My brothers just warned me to be careful so that my bright future won't get ruined, well, all that were mere stories to me. To them, I was just trying to do something that wasn't right but to me, I had gone very far I couldn't even do without being with a guy in a day, yes, it was that worse. Father was happy with my good grades and then decided to send me to the university which further destroyed me.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 4

Tertiary institution was a different life on its own, I was very free as in, I could do anything without anyone monitoring or questioning me. Life was so sweet coupled with the kinds of friends I met, they were friends who rolled with big men and women not minding what they do to make money.

I also lived big on campus not minding who get affected by my lifestyle. I wasn't a good girl but I tried my best to attend lectures, in the course of attending lectures, I fell in love with one of my lecturers. At that period, a lot of guys were asking me out but they didn't matter to me, all I wanted was this handsome lecturer, he was the youngest of the lecturers, he had a good sense of dressing and has this cute smile.

Everything about Mr. Lawal appealed to me, I wanted to be the only woman in his life. Most times, whenever he was lecturing us, I was always lost in the world of daydreaming. I would always fantasize to be in his arms, to be the only woman he cared for.

I suddenly became distracted and moody and friends noticed it, they asked what was going on with me and I didn't hesitate to tell them that I had fallen in love with Mr. Lawal, Dora, one of my roommates and friends told me I can get him off I to determine to

Kemi: I don't understand you, Dora

Dora: see, as I am, I can get any man I want as long as I want, it depends on my determination

Kemi: but how can I get him? He is a married man, what do I do?

Dora: do whatever it takes to get who your heart yearn for

Kemi: I understand you but how can I go about it?

Dora: there are several means, my dear, you can go diabolical

Kemi: Diabolical?? That's way too much

Dora: my dear, there is a saying which goes thus "Heaven helps those who help themselves" see, men no plenty for this world, fight for the one you want

Kemi: you are right. I know you are more experienced than I am, how can you help me?

Dora: I will take you to one baba, he will give you a love portion

Kemi: how will I use the love portion when he won't eat my food, I am not even close to him

Dora: this won't be put in the food, this would be poured on your answer sheet, after that is done, he will be the one to start disturbing you for a relationship

Kemi: you don't mean it?

Dora: trust me on this one. I was also in love with Professor Yemi in time past and that was what I did. Immediately he set his eyes on my script, he started looking for me. Well, I decided to break up with him because he couldn't satisfy my sexual desire. He is still begging me to come back but my dear, I have moved on

Kemi: wow! That's just what I want, when will you take me to meet the person

Dora: let's go there by the weekend

Kemi: wow, I can't wait.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 5

Adeleke buried his head in his mother's lap and couldn't stop crying, they had remembered the situation surrounding their father's death and couldn't help but shed tears despite the fact that it is over twenty years. Adeleke was barely twelve years when evil visited his home while his younger sister was just nine years old.

Things was going so well for his family, his parent were so much in love. There had been so much happiness in the home and everyone was always looking forward to come home. All of a sudden, things began to go wrong, it all started with just a little argument between his parent which was caused by his father's new habit of coming home late.

Being a child who had been taught how to pray when things go wrong, he started praying for his parent but the more he prayed, the more things grew worse. His parents' fight became constant and one certain morning, his father beat his mother till she lost consciousness. The neighbors had helped revive his mother and when she became conscious, their mother went away with them to her parent's place.

It took the intervention of both families to settle the dispute and bring the couple back but that didn't put an end to their constant fight and disagreement. One evening, his father had come in very late which his mother ignored but all of a sudden, he began to request for pounded yam which made his wife explode, it led to a fight. In the course of the fight, Adeleke's father threw a stool which landed on Adesewa's head. The fight stopped immediately the realization of what they had done dawned on them.

Adesewa was rushed to the hospital but died on the way, it was a very sad moment for the family. While they were still mourning their daughter's death, Adeleke and his mother received the news that their father had died in a hotel room. His mother almost ran mad, she was so angry, she has suspected that her husband was cheating on her but she had never expected him to continue cheating after the death of thier daughter.

In fury, she went to a herbalist who revealed all that was hidden to her. She was given a charm which she used to curse the woman who had wreak their home but that didn't bring solution to her problem. As if the ordeal she had gone through wasn't enough, her husband's family collected everything she and her husband laboured for leaving them homeless and penniless.

Mrs. Kemi point of view

I went with Dora to the herbalist and he gave me a love portion which I sprinkled on my answer sheet after writing one of Mr. Lawal's numerous test. Just as Dora predicted, Mr. Lawal invited me into his office and profess love to me, it was as if I was daydreaming, he was ready to divorce his wife and get married to me but I couldn't let that happen because of my parent's reputation. Dora was of the opinion that I let him divorce his wife but I couldn't just let that happen. Mr. Lawal spoiled me silly, he was always taking me out, as in, he was just so much in love with me.

I started doing well in all my tests and examinations even without reading, I know it was Mr. Lawal's handiwork. That single act made me love him more. All of a sudden, his wife began to frustrate him at home which made him rent an apartment for me outside school so that he would be able to pass the night there just to avoid his wife's trouble. Everything was going well between us until tragedy struck.

It was my birthday and to celebrate it for me, Mr. Lawal organized a small party for me at the beach after which we lodged in an expensive hotel. We had fun all through the night as in, another kind of fun I had never experienced, we rested after that only for Mr. Lawal to start struggling to breath, before I could say jack, he breathe his last breath. It was like a dream, my scream attracted the hotel management and I got arrested after they discovered that Mr. Laws was dead.

His wife was so heartbroken when she heard the news. His family and friends took up the case and I was charged for murder, my parent were so disappointed but they wouldn't let me go to jail. They requested that an autopsy test be done, the result showed that he had consumed a drink to help enhance his sexual performance. His family lost the case due to the autopsy result and my parent's influence.

I was asked to withdraw from the school after the incident. My parent couldn't take me in because of their reputation, I had to use the money Mr. Lawal had given me to set up a business for myself.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 6

Joke: wow! What a story!!! This is somehow, so, Late Mr. Lawal is my father, right?

Mrs. Kemi: not at all

Joke: then who?

Mrs. Kemi: forgive me, my daughter, I have made so many mistakes in the past which I don't want you to do the same

Joke: I know you have. Can you please tell me who my father is?

Mrs. Kemi: when the love portion started working on Mr. Lawal, I went to baba to appreciate him for his good work. On getting to him, I gave him money as compensation but he refused and ask for my body

Joke: and you gave in to his request?

Mrs. Kemi: I refused at first because I couldn't imagine a herbalist sleeping with me but he said if I didn't give in to his request, I will run mad after three days hence, I had to give him what he wanted

Joke: and???

Mrs. Kemi: I became pregnant a few weeks later and when I tried to abort it, Dora advised that I give it to Mr. Lawal which I did but deep down within me, I knew the pregnancy belonged to baba

Joke: (scoff) are you trying to tell me that the godforsaken old man happens to be my dad?

Mrs. Kemi: yes my daughter, please forgive me. Everything happening to us is a result of my past actions that is why I want you to accept Christ into your life and let Him give you a life different from mine

Joke: oh! Please, spare me that mom. What about your parent?

Mrs. Kemi: hmmm, my mother developed a heart attack and died shortly after my court case while my father was dethroned. He also died some years later, I don't know the where about of my brothers

Joke: mother, can you see how heartless you are? Your action killed your parent and ripped them off their position, it also cost you the life of your daughter. Do you know what I have gone through? Now, you are asking me to give my life to Christ, please leave my office and don't ever search for me again

Mrs. Kemi: no my daughter, please, don't do this to me. Everything happened in the past, I am a new creature

Joke: please, spare me those teachings. Will you leave or I ask the security to push you out

Mrs. Kemi: I will leave but I will never stop praying for you.

Adeleke left his mother's house for his cousins' where he was squatting, he was just tired of life, everything he lay his hands on don't seem to prosper. He lived with his cousin Bayo, he can't even tell whose life was better, his or bayo's

Bayo: how far like, this one you are looking moody, wetin happen.

Leke: it is well joor, I just dey think about my life. No money, no job. I do business, e crumble

Bayo: no be only you. I meet one pastor today for road

Leke: ehn ehn, wetin e talk?

Bayo: the thing shock me oooo, he says if I no find the girl wey I rape, make I apologize to am and con marry am, I no go make am in life. He say me and the person wey plan the rape no go make am

Leke: Yeee! We don enter one chance. Wetin you dey wait for? Make we go look for her na, shebi na me and you plan am

Bayo: where we go see her? This matter don pass five years ooooo

Leke: make we ask people, especially her coursemates

Bayo: that fit work?

Leke: make we try am

Bayo and Leke's mothers were siblings, when Leke got admission into the same school as Bayo, his mother decided to see Leke through school. Since Bayo was from a wealthy home, the duo lived largely on campus. Since they were big boys, girls were always seen fighting themselves over the guys, especially Bayo.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 7

Joke burst into tears the moment her mother left her office, life hadn't been so sweet as she portrayed it to be. It might look as if she was enjoying life but deep down in her, she knew she wasn't, and to think this was caused by her mother was just so heartbreaking. She was simply suffering from a crime she knew nothing about.

Joke had been a good girl who had the mind to make her mother proud, that she kept doing until something went wrong. She had been the serious one even though she was in the Art department, she was always representing her school in competition and was bringing different awards home which made her mother proud. She had gotten admission into the university of her choice without stress. Getting to the university, she made a lot of friends but didn't stop being serious with her studies.

Being a very beautiful girl, guys were always running after her yet she wasn't dissuaded. She kept turning them down but a particular guy refused to take no for an answer, he was bent on making her his girlfriend just to prove to his fellow guys that he got what they couldn't get. Unfortunately, Joke refused to give him a yes which wounded his ego.

He became unhappy and depressed as a result of that which attracted the attention of his cousin and roommate. He narrated his ordeal to his cousin and together they planned to teach Joke a lesson. Joke was coming back home from night class that particular night when she was double-crossed by two guys on masks, she was bundled and carried to an uncompleted building where she was raped by one of them while the other one helped to pin her to the ground. She cried and winced in pain but there was no one to deliver from their hands. As if that wasn't enough, the video of the rape went viral.

That incident had broken her, she almost dropped out of school but for the encouragement and help of her friends. People had mocked her for months but she learned to live with it. After the rape, she suddenly had the desire to sleep with men which she did without shame, her friends tried to call her to order but there was nothing they could do to stop her from the act. In a twinkle of an eye, she became one of the promiscuous girls in the school. All these she hid from her mother just because she wanted to remain the perfect daughter.

After leaving her daughter's office, Mrs. Kemi had cried to her Pastor to help her pray to God to restore her daughter but he advised her to go to the mountain to cry to God on Joke's behalf, an instruction she obeyed.

She prayed and prayed till she had no strength in her, all she wanted was for her daughter's life to be meaningful even if hers can't make sense again. She kept asking God for forgiveness. While praying, she fell into trance, and then, she saw a woman who told her to go and look for Mr. Lawal's wife, apologize to her and get her to reverse all the curses she made out of anger. Mrs. Kemi came out of the trance and became so confused, apologizing to Mr. Lawal's wife wasn't the problem but locating her was the confusing part.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 8

Adeleke and Bayo searched everywhere they felt Joke can be found but couldn't locate her, at a point they felt frustrated but the fact that they were tired of leaving a meaningless life made them to keep searching. They asked their coursemates and everyone they know attended the same school with them.

Joke couldn't go to her chambers as she was very sick, she had been down for days which was caused by the thought that she had been suffering from an unknown crime. Instead of getting drugs, all she did was cry, she was tired of life, and all she wanted was to die.

She took her cell phone, switched on her data, and went online to see what was going on just to lift her spirit. While surfing the net, she came across a photograph that was attached to a post. She read through and discovered that an incident had happened which led to the death of a 23-year old university student named Barbara. Barbara had gone with her friends to the club the previous night, on getting to the club, each girl rapidly hook up with guys and went different ways not without wishing themselves good luck.

The other girls were coming back the next day when they saw a little crowd gathered around a lifeless body beside their hostel, they went to see what was happening only to discover that the person lying lifeless happens to be Barbara their friend and roommate, she was already dead when they got there. They asked the eyewitness what happened to her and what they could gather was that she was dropped from a Lexus jeep, immediately she was dropped, the jeep zoomed off. Those who noticed she was lying on the ground came closer only to discover that she was bleeding. They tried to ask her what happened to her and all she could mutter was "they used me" after which she gave up the ghost.

Her friends broke down heavily, they couldn't believe that their friend was gone had discussed the previous day and had shared ideas on how they would do some things unfortunately, Barbara didn't live to see the fulfillment of her ideas.

Joke broke down in tears after reading the article, she told herself that she could have been in Barbara's shoes. She wept as she remembered how she kept jumping from one man's bed to another thinking she was having fun, she had gone to numerous clubs, get drunk, and ended up on a strange men's bed yet, she didn't fall victim of those who would use her. As she kept ruminating and weeping, she suddenly heard a voice.

Voice: yes, it could have been you but God chose to protect you because of your mother's prayer

Joke: (looked around to confirm if anyone else was in the room) my mother's prayers?

The voice spoke so much to her that at the end, she found herself kneeling beside her bed and asking God to forgive her and come into her heart. After the prayer, she felt a deep peace and happiness which could not be explained passed through her. The same voice urged her to drive to the mainland the following day which happens to be a Sunday to attend a church service.

The following day found her on a particular street on the mainland which was very far from where she lived on the island. After driving for almost an hour, the voice asked her to go into a particular church which she did. It was in the Church that she learned that the voice speaking to her is the Holy Spirit which is the believer's guide. After the service, Joke came out feeling happier and renewed, as she walked to her car, two young men ran to her calling her name.

First guy: Joke, please, forgive us. We have offended you greatly

Joke: excuse me?

The second guy: yes oooo, we have offended you greatly and we are so sorry, please, forgive us.

When it looks like their presence was attracting people, Joke gave them her office card and asked them to come to see her in her chambers so that they would clarify what looks hidden.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 9

Joke drove into the compound, parked her car, and went into the house only to meet her mother lying on the sofa.

Joke: good afternoon mom, how are you doing? You left the house without a notice

Mrs. Kemi: (shocked at her daughter's came nature) oh! I am so sorry for that, I went for a prayer program. So, where are you coming from?

Joke: oh! I went to church

Mrs. Kemi: church? As in church?

Joke: yes, God saved me last night. Not only that, He gave me peace

Mrs. Kemi: (fell on her knees) thank You, Jesus. I am so grateful for this one miracle.

Joke: I will be upstairs mom, I need to rest

Mrs. Kemi: alright my love, I will join you soon

Joke: what?? Do you mean you are the heartless guys that raped me? They never do well guys that destroyed me

Adeleke: (prostrate before her) please forgive us, it was a time of ignorance

Joke: forgive you?? A time of ignorance? Leave me office before I call the security to bundle you two out

Bayo: haha! Please, we are deeply sorry. I didn't know what came over me

Joke: (raise her voice) I said leave my office now

The two looked at each other and ran out of Joke's office. They didn't stop running till they were out of the complex.

Bayo: wetin we go do now? This babe must forgive us oooo, I don tire to dey suffer

Adeleke: we go come back oooo, make we give am time. I no still understand why we rape that girl, na devil enter me that time

Bayo: seriously, na devil enter us. Even if she no go marry me, make she just forgive me.

Adeleke: she fine die

Bayo: foolish boy, no pray make she forgive you.

Two days after Joke gave those guys her complimentary card, they came to see her. She was working on her laptop when they were ushered in by her Secretary. At first, she asked them to sit down so that she could round up her woke. Done with what she was doing, she gave them an audience only for Bayo to eventually speak up after a moment of hesitation that he was the guy that raped her back in the university.

Joke had gone mad when she heard that, the event of that day played in the head immediately, she remembered how they double-crossed and carried her into an uncompleted building. She remembered pleading with them to let her go but they remained adamant, they tore her clothes, lay her on the ground and one of them defiled her.

Joke couldn't do anything in the office again after the guys left, she packed her stuff and went home not without telling her Secretary to take care of things in her absence.

Mrs. Kemi who was selling things to her customers was surprised to see her daughter's car stop in front of her shop, Joke rarely comes to her shop, the highest she did was to give her mother money to restock her shop. Mrs. Kemi quickly dismiss her customers and ushered her daughter in, she was more surprised to see her daughter looking so moody.

Mrs. Kemi: what's wrong my dear?

Joke: I saw them today, they came into my office and all they could say is that I should forgive them

Mrs. Kemi: forgive them? Who?

Joke: they raped me during my second year at the university

Mrs. Kemi: yeah!!! Raped? How? But you never told me

Joke: (sobbing) because I wanted to keep being your perfect daughter, I thought telling you will make you despise me

Mrs. Kemi: not at all daughter, I can never despise you, it wasn't your fault. It is okay my dear, you will overcome this, where are they?

Joke: I sent them out of my office but the next time they come, I will get them arrested and sue them to court, they will pay for what they did to me. I will use my connection to ensure they get a life sentence, they had bitten more than they can chew.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 10

Leke's mom: mama Bayo, did you hear what these boys are saying? I don't understand at all

Bayo's mom: my sister, na so I see am oo. Bayo informed me last night that he and leke offended a lady and they want us to go with them to apologize to the lady in question

Leke's mon: exactly, Leke claimed a man prophesied that they won't make it in life if they don't make amends

Bayo's mom: and to think Bayo has refused to tell me what offense they committed that would cost them their greatness

Leke's mom: Bayo, what exactly is your offense? At least if Bayo refuse to talk, Leke should

Bayo's mom: abi na, help me talk to them ooooo

Leke's mom: Leke, if you are certain I am your mother and you sucked my two breasts, start confessing

Leke: but mom!!!

Leke's mom: don't mom me, tell me what I need to know

Leke: Bayo, I guess we have to say the truth at this point. While we were in the University, Bayo raped a girl which I was the architect of the event as in, I helped him plan the rape

Bayo's mom: Jesus!!! Rape someone's daughter? Haaaa, I am done for

Leke's mom: I am so much disappointed in you, what happened to your girlfriends that you had to go as far as molesting someone's daughter. Now, you want us to go and apologize to the girl abi?

Bayo's mom: we have no option but to go with them. They truly offend the girl and if care isn't taken, this may forever affect they're going forward in life.

Leke's mom: you are very right.

Both mothers went with their sons to Joke's residence. Before this, the duo had gone back to Joke's Chambers to speak to her again but they weren't let in under Joke's order. While they were hanging around, they watch Joke drove out of the complex, they got a can which they use to trace where she lived.

They all went to Joke's house one Saturday evening and luckily for them, both Joke and her mother were at home. They were preparing lunch when they had the doorbell ring. Mrs. Kemi went to get the door and ushered the strange faces in. She gave them sit and invited Joke to join them since they said they came because of her. Immediately Joke set her eyes on them, she became angry.

Joke: what the hell are you two doing here?

Bayo's mom: (went on her knees) my daughter, please forgive us, it was two days ago they confessed their atrocities. We are here to plead with you to let go

Joke: (smiled wickedly) let go?? Do you just hear yourself, madam? I should let go, it's so easy to say, if your daughter was in my shoes, is this what would have come out of your mouth?

Bayo's mom: I am sorry, please forgive me

Mrs. Kemi: Joke dear, I know you were greatly offended but I think you should consider the plea of a kneeling mother

Joke: mom???

Mrs. Kemi: let it go my daughter, God has blessed you so there is no need to hold anyone in your heart

Joke: (sobbing) it's not easy mom,

Mrs. Kemi: God is willing to help you do it

With tears running down her eyes, Joke released the two guys from the prison of her heart while in her mother's embrace. As Bayo's mom was appreciating Joke and her mother for their forgiveness, Leke's mom spoke out in anger.

Leke's mom: and why are you appreciating this evil woman, Tinuke?

Bayo's mom: what do you mean by that Folake?

Leke's mom: since we arrived here, I have been trying to figure out where I knew her from. Can you believe that she is the woman that stole my husband from me, she is the same woman caught with my husband's dead body in the hotel room. There is no need to apologize to her daughter, what went around simply came around.

To be continued...

For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Episode 11

Bayo's mom: hmmm, I think God planned this meeting, what do you think Folake?

Leke's mom: I am not thinking of anything, all I want is for us to leave here

Mrs. Kemi: (knelt before leke's mom and started asking for her forgiveness) I am very sorry for all the atrocities I committed those years, I was simply ignorant of the results of my actions. I have paid dearly for my sins, my innocent daughter also paid for a crime she knew nothing about just because her mother lived a life without care. I know it is not easy to let go because what I did back then deserves no forgiveness but today, I am asking you to please forgive me, I know I don't worth your forgiveness but because of my daughter so that her life can be meaningful

Bayo's mom: Folake, please forgive and forget. Yes, I know it is not easy, I watched you struggle and suffer for many years just because your husband was taken away from you, I watched you weep in secret. Yes, the hurt will ever remain fresh in your heart but I tell you, forgiveness will lessen the burden. Please, forgive and forget

Everyone in the room including the guys knelt before Leke's mom who was already in tears and began to seek her forgiveness. It was a very solemn moment as the event of the past kept coming back to their memories. Leke's mom remembered how her husband suddenly hated her, beat her up, and even maltreated the children just because of a little girl he was going out with. The death of her daughter was the most painful part, her daughter was so full of life but her life was cut short because of her father's promiscuous lifestyle.

Mrs. Kemi was weeping and also reflecting on all her past actions, she wished she had lived a different life, she regret ever putting her family to shame and being the cause of her parent's death. Leke wasn't left out, he remembered how their once loving and peaceful family became one without love and joy, he remembered how his father suddenly turned to a beast and how his little sister was killed.

Bayo's mom: truly what goes around will surely come around. No action will go unpunished no matter how long the punishment might take. Our innocent children are all caught in the web of one evil action.

Leke's mom: (still weeping) yes, I laid a curse on you but I didn't know it will backfire

Bayo's mom: hmmm, the curse came back to where it came from. Folake, you just have to let go so that all these can come to an end and our children can make it in life

In a twinkle of an eye, Folake forgave Mrs. Kemi and prayed for she and daughter. Joke and Mrs. Kemi also prayed for Leke and Bayo. Everyone exchanged hugs before they left for their various homes.

Five days later, Bayo and Leke began to receive employment letters from the companies they had applied to, they chose the ones they deemed best and resumed work. Mrs. Kemi and Joke went to Church one day and while ministering, the pastor asked Joke about her husband, she replied that she was unmarried only for the minister to tell her that her husband was very close to her. He further told her to stop snubbing him.

Getting home, Joke sat down and started asking herself who the person she was snubbing was suddenly, she remembered Bayo had requested for her contact and she had given him after much plea but she refused to pick up his call or give replies to his WhatsApp and text messages. The realization was too much that she couldn't believe he was meant to be her husband.

She decided to seek God's face before concluding he is the man meant for her, God gave her some revelations which aligned with the minister's statement then, she decided to give Bayo a listening ear. She opened her WhatsApp messages only to be surprised that he had sent her over a hundred messages but one which had been sent months ago sent shocked her.

"Dear Joke,
After receiving your forgiveness that day, I suddenly decided to be serious with God, and today, I am happy to tell you that I am now in a relationship with Him. Guess what? The Holy Spirit told me you are my wife, you may not believe it but I will keep waiting and praying to God to open your eyes.

Joke was so surprised, she called him as regards the message and schedule a meeting with him. Gradually, they became friends, and all of a sudden, the tough Joke fell deeply in love with Bayo. It was not easy for Bayo's mom to accept her as her daughter-in-law but since God was involved, there was nothing she could do.

The wedding date they picked is in a few days away, simply come to my house to get the address of the venue and the date.


For more stories, kindly follow Deborah Olowojesiku on Facebook.

Whatever seed you sow today will surely bear fruits. So mind what you sow.